Sunday, June 21, 2009

Free Calendar Templates - 6 Things Your Calendar is Trying to Tell You

Calendars have a life of their own sometimes. Sometimes I wish my calendar would lie, slip an extra week in the occasional month, or hand me a few free calendar templates every time I needed a time management boost. Despite what I say to it, my calendar never does that. She's rigorous about being exact and right, and never fails to point out that I couldn't live without her. Drives me nuts!

And get this. Did you know that sometimes a calendar wants to tell you something? It's true! So I thought I'd present my observations here in this article, for your perusal. So, without any further ado, here's 6 things your calendar is trying to tell you...

1. The first thing she wants to let you know is that it's super EASY to find yourself a free calendar template. Or two. Just do an online search and then print it out. (She loves it when you manage your time effectively!)

2. The second thing is that she feels much better when you actually write down what you'd really LOVE to do, had you an unlimited income (passive, automated ATM fuel-injected funds to you whenever you need), and an unlimited supply of time. She tells me this is REALLY important!

3. Thirdly, she's always reminding me to allow the ideas in your head to be free. She says 'let them run around up there, play games, climb trees, cause chaos, crank up the stereo, throw stuff around, but keep coming back to them. They will be your best friend.' She means treasure your dreams, I'm sure of it.

4. The fourth thing your calendar is telling you is that she enjoys it when you stick some ideas up on the wall in unfamiliar places like the bathroom mirror or above the toilet - somewhere where you 'look up and see it.' She suggests you use a calendar template with an affirmation or positive reminder about what life goals you want to achieve (just to keep her happy!)

5. She also says to take it easy on yourself. Give yourself a few days to get those ideas cooking. Relax... and let the ideas come to you. Then, when the ideas finally do come, hook it like a fish before it wriggles away, and get it down on paper. And oh yeah, expect miracles...

6. And lastly, she always harks at me to write these slippery little 'masterpieces' (of your life) down into your free calendar template. And then she winks at me and says 'go out there and achieve your dreams!' You can't help but to be impressed!

So what are you waiting for? :)

Martin Hurley's site allows you to create great custom made photo calendars, download original lifestyle photos free for your own desktop calendars, find the perfect calendar for your needs, and improve your life with an abundance of time saving tips. Go get your amazing free calendar templates here.

(c) Copyright Martin Hurley 2008

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