Friday, May 29, 2009

Why do Muslims and Islam Honor Jesus and Mary

Many do not know that Muslims honor Jesus and Mary as part of their religious beliefs. The following highlights some of the facts regarding Muslims beliefs about Jesus and Mary.

* Muslims believe in Jesus as a prophet. They believe that God (Allah) sent many prophets to mankind and Jesus was one of them

* As the Muslim religions foundation is to believe in one God and not to associate anyone with God and His powers and attributes, Jesus was only a human being that was raised by God and will return him to this earth in this life. Jesus will then die as a regular human being.

* Muslims believe that Bible was revealed on Prophet Jesus. However, with time, as that book was changed, God (Allah) revealed His last book, the Quran on the last prophet, Prophet Muhammad.

* Quran was revealed over a period of 23 years

* Muslims believe in Mary as the Virgin mother of Prophet Jesus

* There is an entire chapter in the Quran that explains in detail the birth of Jesus, his family, etc. The chapter is called Chapter of Mary

* Muslims believe that Jesus although was put on the cross was never crucified. Instead, he was raised to the heavens by God (Allah) and another person instead was crucified in his place. These teachings and the fully story are narrated in the Quran.

* Muslims also believe that Jesus will come back to earth, unit the Christians and the Muslims and will kill the anti-Christ.

* The Quran teaches Muslims that Jesus though was a normal human being but had special powers from God (Allah) including raising the dead and curing diseases.

Waseem works for, an Islamic and Middle Eastern Portal Website.

Can One Person Make Big Changes

Are You Good All the Time? Spiritual Advice

I wonder how God would feel, if it came down to earth and walked around for a couple weeks, visiting other countries and walking in and out of peoples homes, and they never even knew he was there. What would God really think about the programs we watch on television, how we treat our children and parents, what our conversations consist of and who we really choose to love.

If God came to your home and was just another fly on the wall, you never even knew he was there, would he be proud, would you be okay with the way your living or would he be disappointed. Are you one of those people who goes to church once a week and puts the bare minimum in required, just so you can tell your friends or show your family what a wonderful person you are. But behind the scenes, you're lying, stealing, cheating or doing something else that God wouldn't be proud of.

Is the fear of going to hell enough to keep us in line for the rest of our lives? You know most people live their lives in fear of something and religion seems to be at the top of their list. If they do something morally wrong, like stealing, they start to live in a world of guilt and wonder why they did it. Is it the fear or guilt that starts to eat away at these people. If I do five good deeds, maybe it will wipe out the bad one, you might have to do more good deeds if it's a really big bad one.

Do you live your life like God is watching you all the time? Are you one of those people who does everything right, because you are afraid that the almighty omnipotent all-knowing God is watching everybody, always. In your heart and soul, are you doing everything you can, every single thing possible, that you could think of, to be a good person. Does guilt play a big part in your life? Consciously or unconsciously.

If God was to find you doing something wrong, would you try and explain your way out of it, even though you're talking to God and he knows everything about you. Or would you start apologizing, like you do with everyone you know, I'm sorry god please, please, forgive me for my sins.

What kind of person are you really? Ask yourself this question honestly and if you believe that you can do better with your life, why not put the effort in, for real, really put the effort in and try to become a better version of yourself. Your children, parents and friends are counting on you.

Some Men Aren't Treated Fairly in Christianity

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Why I Built Spiritualbooks4u

Thursday, May 28, 2009

10 Tips For Great Goal Setting

Less than 3% of people write down their goals. We are statistically more likely to spend time organising exactly what we want from the supermarket instead of working out what we want from life. Crazy but true.

The chances are that you commit most of your working day to helping your boss to achieve their goals, instead of spending time working on your own.

One way to enhance the quality of your life is to learn how to apply an effective goal setting program. These tips will help you on your way to doing this.

1. First of all why set goals?

The biggest predictor of success is direction. If you dont have something to aim for in life, the chances are you will end up achieving very little. Almost every successful person in the world started with a clearly defined goal in their mind of what it is they wanted to achieve. This provided them with a fundamental sense of purpose and direction.

The beauty of setting goals is that they help to streamline your life, adding a focal point and something tangible for you to work towards.

In some ways goals are like beacons helping you to stride through life towards something that holds special importance to you. What that special something is, is up to you.

2. Working out what you want

It amazes me how many people work towards goals that they dont really want.

Usually the motivation to achieve these goals comes from a feeling that you should want them. Fame, recognition, and a high status job, are some of the modern day desires that society conditions people to think that they want.

It is important that all goals and aspirations come only from a place of wanting and not from a place of should.

When you cut out all the noise that society deafens you with, and directly ask yourself, what is it that you want? honestly and whole heartedly, you are able to generate goals that come from a place of inspiration, and not from a place of conditioning.

It is from inspiration that all worthwhile goals are created. When you work from here your commitment to your goals is full of desire, passion, and zest.

Set goals based on your values

Working out what your goals are is often the hardest part of the goal setting procedure, and the part which requires most thought.

The first step to working out what you want is to establish what is important to you in life.

If for example you value your friends and family above anything else, then it makes sense to set a life goal of spending as much quality time with these people as possible.

If financial independence is valued highly you may chose to construct a goal that focuses on reaching a specific sum of money within a set time frame.

Ask yourself a series of incisive questions that force you to address who you are and what is important to you in your life.

Consider answering the questions below and start devising goals around the answers you produce:

What would you want to achieve if you knew you could not fail?

If you could leave one message to the world what would it be?

Who are you when you are at your best?

If you had one day to live, what would you do?

The responses to these questions should provide you with some information about what is important to you in your life and aid the goal setting process.

3. How will you know when you have reached your goal?

Your goal needs to be clear and precise so that you know exactly when you have reached it. One way to do this is to set the goal as a numerical figure. If you can produce a clear yes, or no response to whether you have reached your goal then you have successfully created a measurable objective.

For example, consider the goal of generating a financial target of ?100,000 by the end of the year. The numerical and precise nature of your goal allows you to effectively evaluate whether or not you have successfully reached your target when the end of the year arrives.

4. Does your goal make you go wow?

It is important that the goal you set is wildly ambitious.

Old schools of thought believe that goal setting should be realistic and attainable, avoiding excessive ambition. On the surface this makes perfect sense, because you want to set goals that you have a good chance of hitting. And arguably, failing to hit your goals because of aiming too high may leave you feeling little despondent.

The reason why I suggest that goals should be set as high and as ambitious as possible, is because there is no logical reason why you cannot achieve whatever it is that you want.

It is only through your negative internal belief systems that you decide what is and what isnt realistic. Years of conditioning, of being told what you can and cannot achieve have encouraged us to construct a warped view of our true potential.

This is why unrealistic and wild goals ironically are sometimes closer to what is realistically possible compared to your conditioned view on what is realistic.

If you set the ambitious goal of making ?1,000,000 in 1 year, work with dedication and drive and end up making ?600,000, I am pretty sure that you will not feel despondent at the end of the year.

It is certainly better than aiming to make ?50,000 within the year, and hitting the target easily, without having to push yourself in any way.

Aim for the stars and you will catch the moon

5. Have you written down your goal?

Once you have precisely and clearly established what it is that you want to aim for, write it down.

Your goal needs to be written down in a specific style in order to be successful.

Although goals are inherently in the future write your goal in the present tense. For example; instead of writing I will have a successful business, write I have a successful business. This will add immediate impact to the strength of your goal.

The second point is to make sure when you write down your goal it is something you want instead of something you dont want.

If you focus your energies on what you dont want unfortunately you will attract what you dont want into your life.

It is always more powerful to move towards something, instead of away from something.

For example wanting to make more money is much more effective than focusing on getting out of debt.

6. Is any goal better than having none at all?

Even if you do not master an effective goal setting program at your first attempt, devising a bad goal setting program is better than producing nothing.

Setting any kind of goal is better than relying on the lap of the gods to decide your fate.

Teddy Roosevelt once said, in any moment of a decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.

Even if you obtain a goal that you realise you did not actually want, at least you are one step closer to finding what it is you really want. As Tom Watson (Founder of IBM) famously said; if you want to be a success, double your rate of failure.

7. Have you fallen into the trap of setting too many goals?

An easy trap to fall into is setting too many goals. Successful people usually only set one goal at a time. This focuses their efforts on one target, speeding up the actualisation of their goal. Once the first goal is completed, you can then look to tackle your next one.

If you set too many goals in your life, the danger is that your focal powers will become so spread out that you end up achieving nothing. As the old proverb states; if you chase two rabbits both will escape.

8. Are you in the right state?

The meaning of the word goal is outlined as a clearly and well defined measurable state. The goals you aim to achieve in life-whether it is to marry and have a family, to build a multi-million pound business, or own a mansion in the middle of the country are strong motivations because of the way you envisage they will make you feel once you have obtained them.

If you believe that having a multi-million pound business will make you feel secure, powerful, and liberated, then these desired states are the driving force behind obtaining the goal..

Physical experiences are a bit like vehicles that are designed to take you from your current state to your desired state.

Before setting out to make your dream become a reality it is important that you associate with the internal state that you will experience once you have obtained your goal.

For example if building a multi-million pound business will make you feel secure and liberated, it is important that you generate these emotional states before you begin building your empire.

This will optimise and speed up the process of actualising your goal.

9. Have you taken action?

Unaccompanied, all the ideas in the world are worth nothing. However if you couple ideas with productive action, then your innovations can begin to take form.

It is common for people to spend a significant amount of time constructing worthwhile goals, but if you are not prepared to act on these intentions then nothing will ever be achieved.

All successful people have one thing in common; they get more done in the time given to them, than most people.

Whatever lofty idea you have in mind, you must begin working towards it the moment that your goal has been set.

It is important to develop a sense of accountability and commitment towards taking action, otherwise you may find that you talk yourself out of making your goals a reality.

10. Do you have a deadline?

Remember to give yourself a deadline to achieve your goal, otherwise you could end up spending a lifetime working towards it. Without setting a deadline you run the risk of becoming a procrastinator, always putting off the things you need to do. By constructing a concise time plan you streamline your focus, making sure that every second of your time up to this date is dedicated and organised to achieving your aim.

Remember: A goal is a dream with a deadline


If you are going to be successful, you need to make sure that you live your life with a real sense of purpose and direction. Creating goals is one of the most effective ways to do this.

Sam Kotadia is the managing director of Mindsport ltd. The company delivers extensive free resources to help a global audience get an edge in the realms of sport, business and life. All resources can be found at

Living With What If In Your Life

The Importance Of Goal Setting

You get into personal development, and all it seems since the beginning, is that everyone tells you to set goal. We have heard about goal setting, once, twice, perhaps even hundreds of time! So, why do these motivators, life coaches, and self help books keep trying to get you to set goals?

You may have or may not have heard the term 'Without a vision people perish'. How true! Studies have found that more deaths occur after important public occasions. This is due, not because of an outbreak of violence! The deaths occur because of that vision. At least from looking at the facts, this is a belief I hold. Again it may or may not be true, however putting 1 and 1 together, you get 2. And this looks like the most likely cause of this phenomenon.

Another interesting research has found that more people have heart attacks on Mondays. More specifically Monday mornings! I don't need to say, the very likely cause is that people don't like the work they do! Here is why goal setting is so crucial in our lives.

I wonder how many of those people were so concerned about getting to work early to not have to have another long talk with the boss, that it ended on Monday morning! Goal setting can help us with such a simple thing has getting to work on time, however, goal setting is not just for time keeping.

Knowing how to effectively set goals is the key ingredient here. Effective goal setting allows you to transform your life, if you choose to. If you take a look around where you are, you will see what goal setting has done for man.

While many people go to work, can't wait for the paycheck, and spend life in front of a TV, goals do not mean much. And simply using goal setting strategies for getting to work in time is not doing goal setting its full justice. The house, the room, the building you are sitting in right now, is there because of a person's goal setting ability; and of course translating that into action.

The reason many personal development coaches stress the importance of setting goals is that of being mindful. We are born to the world and find a pretty much straight path through life. First learn, then earn, then get married, have kids and retire. Though we all generally follow the same pattern, life offers us much more to it.

If you really want to live life on your terms, goal setting is the first step. I have to stress the first step, as all too often, people will make the goal setting, and planning phase last from step one to step 10, and take no action!

Are you sick and tired of what you do for work? Are you working in a dead end job? Now we have passed the new millennium, and this millennium is showing us that, yes man and woman, and all can do what they want.

After all, if everyone does what they love, we would have a better world. Films such as the Secret, and several others are helping people see that vision. This may seem like a utopian view, and you may think to go back to work and function as you have. But, realize that people in the main are like ships without rudders, without a goal they don't have a destination, and no daydreaming is not goal setting.

Goal setting needs action, and now more and more people are awakening to the possibility that yes it is possible. I am excited at seeing a world where more people set goals and take action.

From goal setting to goal achievement, Kozan Huseyin has helped many people find there own success story. Learn the true success secrets to setting goals and seeing those goals materialize in reality!

How To Goal Set

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Wandering Or Lost Souls

Hope in Religion - Is There Something You're Seeking in Religion?

I was reading a book on advertising when the author mentioned, "All Advertising Is about Hope."

This got me thinking about other people's dreams and aspirations, most of this is wrapped around them hoping to accomplish something or do something. I never gave it much thought but hope is one of the most important things in our lives. Some people go around hoping that they will keep their job, when the economy is in bad shape. Others go around hoping for forgiveness for their sins or other bad deeds they have done in the past.

What is it you're hoping for? There's got to be something. Are you hoping to become a multimillionaire or even the world's first trillionaire. Are your dreams big or small? Are you the kind of person who is happy living a simple life with very little possessions like a Buddhist monk or are you one who is seeking the lifestyle of the King.

Hope supplies us with the will to continue through hopeless obstacles during our lifetime.

Most people seeking hope are looking for a way out of something or a way toward a better life. These people often fall easy prey to large religious organizations, as they take them under their wing and slowly start to brainwash them. They seek the weak minded, helpless, poor and trusting people and build their organizations using them. I once believed in Christianity, but it no longer offers me true hope, the more I study Christianity and other organized religions, I noticed certain similarities based on inspiration.

I hope I live the good life, so I can go to heaven, the promised land, our ultimate enlightenment.

I hope I am living the true will according to God, Buddha, Krishna or other supreme beings.

I hope that the Bible is wrong about the 144,000 people from the 12 tribes.

I hope I'm living a life that is pleasing to the Lord.

If you're part of an organized religion, ask your religious leaders, any questions that you have about your religion. If they can't answer these questions, try to find them on your own. Books, videos, and the Internet are great sources for information. If you're living your life for the sole purpose of going to heaven one day, you could be disappointed, when that day arrives.

Ask a couple of questions and I hope you will get honest answers to them.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, Read This Book

Greg is currently creating articles on religion filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

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Monday, May 25, 2009

How to Avoid Conflict With Friends and Family, Or Anyone

Genesis 13:8. Abraham in Bible provides a great example of how to avoid conflict when dealing with friends and family. In Genesis 13 Abram and Lot had left Egypt and they had settled between Bethel and Hai. After a while, strife developed between Abram's herdsmen and Lot's herdsmen because there was not enough land to support both herds of cattle. When Abram became aware of the strife, he immediately addressed this issue with Lot to avoid anymore conflict (Genesis 13:8, "And Abram said unto Lot, Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee, and between my herdmen and thy herdmen; for we be brethren.").

In Genesis 13:9 Abram tells Lot "Is not the whole land before thee? separate thyself, I pray thee, from me: if thou wilt take the left hand, then I will go to the right; or if thou depart to the right hand, then I will go to the left." The manner that Abram presented his plan and the plan itself stopped strife immediately and avoided strife in the future. The steps Abram used to avoid conflict with Lot can be used by anyone to avoid conflict with friends, family, or anyone.

Conflict Avoidance Steps.

1. Identify A Reasonable Solution to Resolve the Dispute. In the dispute between Abram and Lot, Abram identified that the close proximity of the herds was creating strife. They needed to spread out the herds.

2. Have One of the Disputing Parties Identify Fair Options That Would Be Satisfactory to Both Parties. Here Abram identified two choices (one goes to the left, the other one goes to the right) that he thought would be fair options for both Lot and himself.

3. Let the Other Party Choose Which Option. In the case of the dispute between Abram and Lot, Abram let Lot choose between the two options (one goes to the left, the other one goes to the right).

This is a wonderful way to avoid conflict: have one party divide the object of contention into two satisfactory options, and then let the other party choose which option.

GENESIS 13 BIBLE SCRIPTURE Genesis 13:8, "And Abram said unto Lot, Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee, and between my herdmen and thy herdmen; for we be brethren."

Randall McClure Sr. is author and publisher of helps people learn about, love, and promote Jesus.

Stop Losing Your Car Keys

Interview with George B. Wallace, author of "Oh! God? Is That You? I Have A Question"

Chatting with us today is George Wallace, all the way from Hawaii. George recently published a controversial book that is sure to create headlines. Welcome to Reader Views, George.

Irene: Tell us the gist of your book Oh! God? Is that you? I Have a Question.

George: God is not human. Humans might say this. They do not believe this. Nearly everything they do and say and symbolize indicates that they do not believe this. This idea of a nonhuman God changes everything.

Irene: Please clarify you are saying that God is not human and people say He is not, and dont believe He is not. Are you meaning to say that people say that God is human? Im not quite following your answer above because it doesnt make sense of what you say later.

George: Simply, actions speak louder than words. Pay attention to what people do, and not what they say. In other words, watch the hands. People will agree, if not directly say, that God is not human. People will agree that He is beyond human. People will agree that He is not, cannot, be human. That He is beyond human comprehension. That is OK so far as it goes. They do not believe this in their bones.

Take a look in the materials provided to children in the indoctrination classes. Look at the picture books. Look at the pictures in books for older kids and even adults. Look at the walls in instructional areas and chapels at icons, paintings, and sculptures. Start with the Sistine Chapel ceiling. How is God portrayed?

Plus, there is the backup use of the cop out plea. Jesus was human. We can show you God as human because Jesus was human. Begin with the Nicene Creed, the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Ghost. If Jesus, Christ is God, how is he pictured? The last time I checked, this fine example of middle-eastern Semitic Hebrew manhood is often portrayed as a northern narrow faced European, fair skinned, sometimes with blue eyes and wavy red brown hair.

Irene: What inspired you to write this book?

George: The Ah Ha! moment when I suddenly realized the effects on humans of a God that was not human. Our words say one thing and all our symbols say another. This is a really mixed message. This realization continued to expand as with a layering of shells. One concept led to another, and soon I knew that I had to write in an attempt to keep things clear for my own mind. The book grew out of that writing.

Irene: Your book is challenging some belief systems. Tell us about some of the controversy that is around your writing.

George: The very idea that God is not human is quite controversial enough. The last few days of rioting in the Muslim world illustrate just how emotionally attached to such basic bed rock concepts we humans can be. Even if those concepts are irrational. The happy, fuzzy, warm idea that God is human is a fairy tale. This fairy tale is very comforting to most human beings that believe in a monotheistic God. To take it away outrages many.
Most are unwilling to even consider it. It rattles their bedrock of faith like an earthquake.

Irene: It is my understanding that its only some religions that believe in a human God. I also understand that some Christian religions believe that God and Jesus are the same. Would you please clarify this for us.

George: I did not research to discover the number and names of religions that believe in a human God. I think that in terms of numbers of believers, Christianity and Islam are about equal in numbers. Each of these is about equal in size to Hinduism, and Buddhism. In theory Christianity, Islam, the Hebrews, and possibly a few other splinter groups all worship the same God. Each exhibits different variants in this process. I am not an expert in how each of these religions shows God. Or, even if they try.

As to some Christian religions believe that God and Jesus are the same that was the argument in about 300 AD, which led Emperor Constantine to force the religious issue for political considerations (reduction of civil strife) and which brought about the Nicene Creed, the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Ghost. In my book, I left that question a bit unclear. I said that Jesus returned to God. I am unclear in my own thinking as to
Whether or not Jesus and God are the same. I simply believe that Jesus is now a part of God. Does that mean that they are the same? Can you split an eyelash finer than that?

My work was to briefly look at religions that did not think of God as human. It was the thought process that fascinated me as it is the thought process from which values for living and relating to other people are derived. I was not, and am not particularly interested in all of the perverse methods that people have found to mistreat each other over the thousands of years of human culture. I was interested in exploring basic issues. Questions like: Why would God create anything? What could possibly be the motivations that would move God to do anything? In the possible God-human relationship, where does Man really fit?

Irene: Why do you believe that many of the people are disbelieving what you write?

George: While we are early in our gathering of responses, those responses are definitely mixed.

Irene: Yes, I can image they are mixed at this point. I would image you would get different responses from different belief systems for example the Buddhists who dont believe in a God would have a different reaction than a Christian, lets say a Catholic, would. What are some of the responses you have been getting.

George: My readings about Buddhism are less clear than your statement that they do not believe in a God. There is their eternal search for enlightenment. Is enlightenment just another word for God? Ive met a few practicing Buddhists that have said to me that they pray to Buddha. Might this not reflect a drift in their belief about the nature of God?
Possibly it is a lack of clarity?

The last person to say to me that he was a Buddhist, also said that he wished that he had had my book years ago to give to his son. The implication to me was that his son was struggling with the concept of God.

Whenever dealing with the word Christian I tend to want to ask a lot of qualifying questions. What brand of Christianity? Catholic? Greek Orthodox? Russian Orthodox? Ethiopian Gnostic? Protestant? Main Stream? Sect? Who is your leader? Do you bite snakes? Do you speak "in tongues"? I have attended church services in about twelve different Christian denominations. At the moment, I have three books in the hands of friends. I await their written responses.

Irene: One of the points you cover is the effectiveness of prayer. Please give our reading audience your opinion on prayer.

George: The concept of God answering any prayer, or making some change in the real world based on the request of any human, is ridiculous. The value of prayer is entirely internal to and for the individual. God has a Plan. It is His Plan. We are a very small part of that Plan. Our limited purpose is to provide God with information. If He goes fiddling with the parameters of His Plan in the middle of the process, He gets incomplete or
inaccurate information. He would not do that because humans are simply not that
important to Him.

Irene: Why do people believe the opposite?

George: Because it is easier and much more comfortable to believe otherwise. They lie to themselves. It is a self perpetuating falsehood. Few persons ever truly want to accept reality and responsibility to and for themselves. It is so much easier to give responsibility to someone else. Especially someone powerful, like "God". God will take care me.
Whatever He says, goes. God wants it. God did it (to me). This is not quite sane.
It is quite similar to believing in a large invisible furry rabbit with magical powers as a personal friend and companion.

Irene: You have been referred to as an anti-Christ and demon infidel. Those are some pretty strong accusations. What does this do to you?

George: It generally makes me laugh. That any humans act so, and say such drivel, tells me that we humans are not so far removed from the apes as we would like to think.

Irene: Do you think their accusations could be coming from their own fears? And why?

George: I really, really want to say simply, yes. Because they are afraid. Afraid that they are wrong. That they have made a mistake. That they have bet on the wrong horse. I have a lifetime of study and experience in dealing with all ages of people from classrooms to boardrooms. This tells me that the louder the message, the more circumspection and suspicion is required. The loudest are the least secure. The most vociferous are the least secure. The most profane are the least secure. Most such
Are torn by internal strife, and are closest to a shattering of belief. They know this instinctively to be true of themselves. This is particularly true as shown in their personal actions. This is especially true when their personal self-interest is involved.

Irene: What is your personal image and belief around God?

George: God is a timeless eternal immaterial intelligence who questioned Himself and in that process created the Universe and initiated life for His own purposes. He needs to have done this only once. That humans existence is an accidental, random chance result. A result that derived from the evolutionary process of developing life. Life which follows the rules that God first established for the Universe. However, we are here, and God is perfectly willing to use us to further His purpose. What happens to us individually, or as a race, is not particularly important to anyone but us, and certainly not God.

Irene: How does that differ from the masses?

George: As a first estimate, I'd say that it is totally at odds with the beliefs of the masses. Most people refuse to believe that God did not plan everything around the human race. They believe that we are special, in Gods favor, and that God is there for us. Many insist that God created the Universe the way that they say He did. In other words, telling God how to do His job. Why do they do this? Because a document written by humans
said so.

Irene: What do you believe is Gods purpose for Himself?

George: In my book, I say that for God to have decided to make any change in the Perfection that was Himself, He had to Doubt Himself. God had to ask, Am I Perfect? All else came after that first question. Creation of the Universe. Creation of life. And so on. Gods Purpose is to seek Perfection.

Irene: You say that what happens to us individually, or as a race, is not important to God. How important is it to ourselves to improve and live a fulfilled life?

George: That question is the ultimate question that every human must eventually answer for himself, unless he / she dies first. Very large numbers of humans never face this question. They are too young and still gripped by their internal belief in their own immortality when they die. Unfortunately, I fear that the activity we so easily call war is our own unrecognized genetic programming that could have as a purpose to force a confrontation with this very question of life fulfillment. It functions as a built in safety valve. Face death. Face it squarely. You will ask different questions. You will have different answers. You will act differently.

Irene: In your book you say if a soul is banished to Hell that Burned souls would give God indigestion. Thats a pretty strong statement against the belief of some. What do you base your belief on?

George: I believe God uses us to gather information for His Purpose. He therefore uses all humans to do this. God wants the souls of all humans. All of them then go to God. God does not need to keep some souls in a freezer for later use like leftovers in a plastic dish. Similarly, He has no reason to burn some souls. God has no need to "punish" some souls, nor burn some souls. God has no need of overdone human toast. God has no
Need of Hell. Hell is a human construct. Hell is a lie. Hell is a Big Lie, created by human beings with the purpose of seeking control of other human beings. My literary effort of language is an attempt to break through the impenetrable shell most humans have created around their minds and beliefs. It is shock value. Maybe if they are shocked a bit, they will also consider a new idea.

Irene: After Father Leo Booth published When God Becomes a Drug: Breaking the Chains of Religious Addiction & Abuse in 1991 he hired bodyguards to protect him when he went out into the public. He was threatened with the loss of his life. Have you been threatened?

George: Not yet. I expect it to happen any day. As sales start to increase, it is inevitable that some unbalanced mental case will come into possession of my book. Such brain dead defectives are always waiting "out there" to take advantage for themselves that fabulous fifteen minutes of infamy. Luckily Hawaii has a higher level of tolerance than most Holy Book thumping places.

Irene: I would imagine there are many people out there that are outraged with your comments. How do you handle their objection to your beliefs?

George: I tell them that I'm looking forward to a debate with Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, and that I expect to win. I encourage them to watch when the show finally comes on TV. Other than that, I am on a relatively large island in the middle of the largest ocean on the planet. It reduces exposure to a large continental sized variety of nut cases.

Irene: On the other hand, Im sure you have a huge following from people saying things like its about time something like this was written. How much support do you have?

George: "Huge" is an overstatement. On the other hand, we've just started to seek out responses and sales have barely begun. It takes a while to build a marketing effort. I have had positive responses so far. One friend told me that he wished that he had had this book years ago to give to his son. I really appreciated that. Beyond this, I tried to make it clear in my book that I'm not interested in starting, or leading, a movement, or
A new kind of "church". Religion is too personal to me. I think that religion is a personal and very individual responsibility, best savored largely alone, or with immediate

Irene: Thank you George for taking time from your busy schedule to chat with us. Controversy always creates a wave, and Im sure that once your book hits the crest it will create a flood. Is there anything else that you would like our reading audience to know about you or your book?

George: When I was in the early stages of writing this book, before it became a book, I was first writing for myself. Later I was writing for my children and grandchildren. A lot of me is in the book. It needs to examined as a whole. Think of reading the book as a very thorough interview process of and for a prospective major employee. Most people charged with that responsibility, choosing a high level administrator for their business,
or school, spend more time at that job than they spend thinking about and choosing their religion. Than choosing their belief system. That seems to me to be an misapplication of effort.

Irene Watson is Managing Editor of Reader Views

Radical Religious Leaders

Physical and the Non-Physical Consciousness

The junction point between different states of consciousness; i.e. waking and sleeping is a good time to notice this experience.

As your mind and body start to settle down to rest. You become aware of the more subtle nature of the body, mind and aura. For me this experience is one of first scanning my body and my feelings and becoming aware of my deeper connection.

If I become aware of any discomfort in the body, I take my attention into that region and consciously breathe, relaxing the physical body and clearing the mind of any associated thoughts.

As you continue with this process, you may become aware of a third level of awareness; a field of energy that both surrounds and permeates the mind and the body. I say field, as it is a kind of electromagnetic field of energy, similar to magnetism.

This field of energy is the aura, the energy field of the body, it has consciousness too and you may notice your awareness passing from the physical body to the non-physical aura as you settle down to sleep.

Sometimes I experience this like clouds of white light washing over the body and passing through the body. As you take your awareness from your physical body and step over and become aware on your feelings as being within the clouds of white mist of the aura. You notice a freeing of your awareness an expansion and raising slightly of ones vibration.

The human body is such a wonderful thing as we can experience it on many levels and see the connections into may different aspects or dimensions of its nature.

As we become aware of this non-physical connection to our higher Self we may also become aware of its nature. We could invite in our guides and angels to come around us. We could take a few minutes just appreciating the work they do for us.

We could start to ask them for guidance or plan what we would like to do or experience tomorrow. This is a magical time, as we start to drift off into sleep, and if you witness your sleep, you may even have the experience of your spiritual awareness going out of body and astral travelling through the Universe.

This is all apart of your higher Self, the clouds of white light that you feel, is your spiritual connection into the non-physical world. This non-physical, although it is not localised like your body, is still as much apart of who you are as the physical nature of your body, in fact I would say is more your true nature.

So next time you are going to sleep, just in an innocent way, stay a little more aware of your feelings and experiences and consciously enjoy being aware of the many aspects of who and what you are.

Message channelled by George Lockett (C) Copyright 2006, All Rights Reserved.

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Read HealerGeorges Blog: Curezone Blog or ask at question at: Ask HealerGeorge

Christianity Saved My Life

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Doreen Virtue appeared discusses the Crystal Children

Doreen Virtue appeared discusses the Crystal Children, a type of child born since 1995 that has unusual attributes such as very large eyes, telepathy, and fearlessness. Virtue had previously studie

Life of Jesus

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Henry Ford
Concetta Bertoldi

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What If You Couldn't Fail - Read This

What would your life be like, if you knew for a fact that you couldn't fail. When you seen the man or woman of your dreams, would you approach them and asked them out for a date, or would you wait for someone better. If you always wanted to climb Mount Everest, now is your chance.

If I told you, that you won't fail at everything that you do, will this inspire you to try a more things. If you knew that you weren't going to fail at everything, would climbing Mount Everest still be one of your goals. The fear of failure, keeps most people from doing things and often leads to a life of uncompleted dreams. Don't die with your music still in you or let fear control your life.

How many times has fear stopped you from doing something? Maybe you always wanted to be in the limelight, living your life as a movie actor or actress but your friends and family told you that it is impossible and would be a waste of your time. Why do we listen to and gather our inspiration from people that aren't living their dreams. It's never a waste of time to try. Just what you have,... what if you were successful, think about.

We should start listening to people that have attained the life of their dreams. These are the people that will inspire us. These people have failed and succeeded, failure to some people are looked at as lessons, an education that provides them with inspiration to try again, maybe a different way. Success brings financial rewards to some and rewards of a different kind to others.

Don't let failure stand in your way. There is a very good chance that you will fail at some of the things in your life. Look at these as lessons and keep trying. You've probably heard the old saying that Thomas Edison tried 2000 different ways to invent the lightbulb but only needed one to be successful.

Your success could be right around the corner, keep trying, keep educating yourself and never give up, never ever quit.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Would you still be reading this article, if you had no desire, for better life. Find out more by visiting habits changing skills.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Taste of India

Unity in Diversity is not just another phrase but is highly prudent to a country like India that is rich in both culture and heritage. A few quotes or statements can not describe the position that India holds in the global map because of its colourful and unique culture. Various cuisines, festivals, music, literature, art forms, dance, traditions, costumes, everything is very special in the land of Gods.

As India's rods strengthens with the establishment of the Mughal Empire that brought in fresh ideas and practices in the realm of architecture which continued for six centuries. The Red Fort, Old Fort, Bahai Temple popularly known as Lotus temple, Qutub Minar, Jantar Mantar, Humanyu's Tomb all show variations in their constructions. Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal which is a beautiful piece of vision in marble. In its entire splendor and beauty, the Taj Mahal is regarded as the greatest symbol of love and is one of the seven wonders of world.

The food habits are differentiated across regions and religions. The Hindu and Muslim cuisines have played an important role in the development of Indian cuisines and food habits. The vegetarian and non-vegetarian delicacies are prepared by using variety of spices and herbs that make them so different in taste yet so delicious. From the wide array of exotic dishes, some of the lip smacking Indian delicacies are:

1. Sarson Da Saag: It is a spicy preparation of mustard leaves with onion. This is a typical Punjabi (North Indian) dish and tastes really nice with Makki Ki Roti (maize flatbread) and a dollop of fresh butter. Hyderabadi Biryani: It is a traditional meal made using mutton and rice and is a staple of Hyderabadi cuisine.

2. Chicken Tikka: Chicken tikka is a traditional Indian dish and is prepared by marinating pieces of chicken in a blend of spices and cooking it tandoori style in charcoal fired oven.

3. Goan Fish Curry: Goan fish curry is tangy and spicy and is the staple food of Goa along with rice.

4. Kheer: Kheer is a rice pudding typically made by boiling rice with milk and sugar. It is often flavored with cardamoms, saffron and dry fruits.

5. These and other tastes can be experienced by travelling to various places in India. Every Indian state offers a different taste and style in food that is unique in itself. Each dish gives a whole new experience and a new flavor is tasted every-time. Its like a mid summer carnival is taking place in your mouth.

Indian food is divine as it satisfies not only your taste buds but also your soul. It fulfills your inner desire to experiment with something new. The local herbs and spices enhance the aroma of these delicious palettes of cuisines.

Even the various sweets give a unique taste. Each one has something different to offer and enlightens your soul, putting you in a dilemma with so many choices and so much variation. But to really understand it, you will have to experience it yourself. So come, taste it and relive magic.

Visit India travel guide to get more information on India travel, cheap flights to India and hotels in India.


Monday, May 18, 2009

Should I Believe in Reincarnation?

Reincarnation means once you pass away in this life, you will be reborn as a different person. In this way, your soul will continue to live new lives and have new experiences. In this sense, death really isn't an end but another new beginning - an opportunity for you to use what you have learned from consecutive lives in order to find further happiness and greater fulfilment in your new existence.

However, not everyone accepts reincarnation as a reality. Some believe death is the end of both our body and our soul. We simply cease to exist after only a tiny fragment of time. Others believe our bodies die while our souls transcend earth to live eternally in some type of paradise.

Regardless of your current beliefs, there are some very good reasons to believe in reincarnation.

The Long History of Reincarnation

Reincarnation is not a "new age" concept. The belief has been with us almost since the first civilizations and possibly even before. The Egyptians believed the soul (or ka, to use their terminology) left the body at death and would move to other bodies.

The respected Greek mathematician Pythagoras taught that reincarnation (or soul transmigration) was a reality. He believed the soul moved through different lives until it had become purified enough to leave the reincarnation cycle.

Some would argue that the Bible and Christianity also support a belief in reincarnation and that the many of Jesus' teachings, such as "Unless man is reborn, he cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven." This idea may suggest an agreement with Pythagoras and other Greek thinkers on the purpose of reincarnation.

Today, reincarnation is an accepted part of several major world religions, including Hinduism and Buddhism.

Other Reasons to Believe in Reincarnation

Besides the numerous examples in other religions and throughout human history, there are still other reasons to believe in reincarnation. Below is a list of some of these reasons:

  • Hypnotic Regression - Through hypnosis, many people have been able to uncover and remember actual experiences from their past lives. They have been able to describe places or events they had never read about or seen anything about before. These memories provide evidence that at least some of us have lived multiple lives.
  • Past Life Recall - Although we may not trust adults who tell us stories about their past lives, most of us are more likely to believe children who have no motivation to lie about their memories. There are numerous documented cases of spontaneous past life recall in children and this further supports the idea of reincarnation.
  • Intuition - Most of us have had the experience they we are reliving a moment of our lives or that we know a piece of information we should have no way of knowing. When we have these experiences, they stand out to us and stun us momentarily before we go back to our other occupations. However, these could very well be examples of our past lives seeping into our present memories.

Reincarnation is a serious belief with a long history among respected thinkers and world religions. Consider this when you decide whether or not to believe.

Keith Ward is the Founder and Director of the Circle of Professional Clairvoyants, which offers Psychic Readings with fully qualified Senior UK Clairvoyants and Psychics.

Power Of Positive Thinking

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Yoga Meditation - The Logical Benefits

All forms of Yoga originally contained meditation techniques. Some Hatha Yoga styles have little to no meditation time within the classroom structure. How did this happen and why? As Yoga was transplanted outside of India, many more forms took root.

This is not entirely a bad thing, but some of the core aspects of Hatha Yoga have been pushed aside in order to make time for more asana (posture) practice. Among the aspects, which have taken a back seat to asana, are meditation and pranayama (Yogic breathing).

The benefits of Yoga's many forms of meditation are not to be taken lightly. Improved concentration, health, and attitude are keys to a better quality life, which results in states of happiness. The inner peace within, brings about better relationships with family and friends.

A focused or trained mind is a powerful tool, when used for acquiring knowledge. With that said, meditation will enable a student or teacher to become more proficient. For a young adult, meditation is a tool for academic achievement.

At the same time, peer pressure to "go out and party" is put aside for the real priorities of learning and achieving. It is easy for a young adult to stray off the path, while in college, and away from home. It takes much discipline to pursue your goals, with so many distractions around you.

Yet, these same distractions and temptations can take place at any point in our lives. Yoga meditation is a method for bringing the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual self, into balance. As a result of steady practice, we can achieve harmony with the people, and the world, around us.

With the right mindset, we can heal ourselves better, and faster, when faced with a health crisis. The opposite effect is to become a pessimist, when faced with a life endangering health problem. Therefore, enlist the power of your mind when faced with chronic stress, distraction, or illness. Meditation is a method which trains your mind to become your best ally.

Copyright 2009 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit:

Believing In Yourself

Friday, May 15, 2009

Are Limiting Beliefs Impacting Your Success?

Limiting beliefs refers to a belief system that is self-inhibiting. This system discourages exploration of what we understand as a "wider cognitive space." The beliefs created and perpetuated in this type of system are strongly held, often due to heavy emotional attachment. (For example, a parent's faith passed onto a new generation) Interestingly, self-limiting beliefs have been observed in both human beings and animals. Of what importance, though, is the idea of "limited beliefs" to you?

The first question is where limiting beliefs come from. A person's upbringing and parental stability is an important factor in determining origins of belief. However, other factors such as a person's own self-image, and their personal perceptions of the world (based on experience and learning) also contribute. Consider some examples of self-limiting beliefs. As you read over them, you will find that these beliefs are not so scientific at all, but very relatable statements that you might hear from friends and acquaintances. (Perhaps even from your own mouth.)

"This is my destiny. I cannot escape it."
"I have to do this, because no one else can."
"It's just what people expect of me."
"I'm just like my father and I can't change that."
"If I tell someone the truth, they will take their business elsewhere."
"I've always gotten this result so anything else is unrealistic."

All of these statements allude to limiting beliefs that assign specific qualities to the person that cannot be escaped or changed. These qualities could be capabilities, roles, or traits. The person may feel burdened to continue their path (however dangerous or miserable) because of a need to follow this limiting belief. The truth of the matter is that the person is choosing their own path and they cannot fathom having to stop the cycle and think outside this predetermined life.

"I can't do it. I know I can't."
"There's no point in even trying."

These statements are alluding to limiting beliefs, in which the person decides he or she cannot succeed, and so there is no point in trying. This is not so much a quality of overall cynicism or pessimism; rather, a lack of self-confidence that doesn't allow the person to broaden their horizons or think of a scenario that involves their success for a change. Does the person's argument have validity, in that he or she claims under-qualification for a task at hand? In some cases this could be true. For example, if a person with no education or experience fantasizes about becoming a world-renowned scientist. On the other hand, if a person continually sets unrealistic goals, rather than focus on more attainable ones (or ones that could be considered a bit of a stretch), it could strongly indicate a self-limiting belief system that insists on the person's chronic unhappiness. If you keep doing something the same way you always have done it, you will continue to get the same result, or your results can even go down as time goes on - and you don't.

"I am very educated on this person. I know more about it than any of you do. This is the way to go. It's only logical."

The smarter a person is, the more he or she realizes that there are numerous perspectives and many answers to a particular problem. Unwillingness to compromise, with the assertion that a particular opinion is right, defines these types of statements. Usually, the person that teaches this self-limiting belief is not open to consider other viewpoints and may deny contradictions or stifle any objection or argument. Even if a person is not the creator of the accepted core belief, he or she may still perpetuate it. Contrary to popular belief, it's not always about maintaining control-sometimes it's just about a strong, self-limiting faith.

"This is the only logical conclusion."
"This is the way it has to be."

These statements suggest that a particular action or result is the only way to resolve a problem. Who decides this? Of course, the person who has already formed their own limited belief system and is rejecting any contradictory arguments.

In a way, those who are self-limiting in their beliefs are predestined. However, since they stand resolved to complete a course of action precisely according to their own subconscious plans, they destine themselves for success or for failure.

Of what significance is this to you? Understanding the concept of "limiting beliefs" is important, not only for leadership but also for self-improvement. In order to motivate others you must understand what inspires them, what challenges them and what basic truths form their belief systems. In order to break away from self-limiting beliefs, you must first learn about the psychology of self-inhibiting behavior and what thinking patterns to watch out for. You do have the ability to change your beliefs and your entire life-to become what you envision as a successful human being. You are not predestined. Limiting beliefs have not been proven as involuntary. You are not incapable of change. So, decide today that you are going to be even more open to change so your limiting beliefs won't impact your success any longer.

Take advantage of a Free 27-page Special Report and 8 other Free resource tools at Obtain your copy of the Excuses Don't Count; Results Rule 109-page book, and the Results Rule 220-page 34-lesson coursebook, a long with a myriad of other tools available to you so you can be even more successful - personally and professionally.

Review and utilize the success-oriented resources and tools at and subscribe to so you can receive consistent feedback on how to stay focused and productive so you can achieve your goals.

Something You Don

Leonardo's "Mona Lisa" Image Was Venerated As A Saint By Otomi Indians In Mexico

Lately the image of the Mona Lisa as occupied a preponderant position in the news around the world thanks to the recently released movie based on Dan Browns novel. But there is a small town in Mexicos province where the religious feelings of its people manifested in a strange cult that would also be excellent material for a controversial novel.

Nequeteje is a small town situated in the Mexican state of Hidalgo in the central region of the country not too far from Mexico City. It has a population of around 3000 people, most of them Otomi indians, that make a living mostly from agriculture and some small business financed by the money sent back by immigrants in the U.S to their families.

For 50 years, believe it or not, the cult to Leonardos Monalisa was widespread among these people, to the point of having the image of this world famous painting placed in the main altar of the towns church sharing space with the traditional saints of the Catholic faith. They even used to take the image of Monalisa in religious processions to other nearby towns and they attributed many miracles to the new saint.

According to the story, Mona Lisa arrived in town in the 1940s when a group of foreign researchers spent some time in town and somehow they forgot to take the reproduction with them. Some one in Nequeteje found it and suddenly Monalisa became a new saint to venerate in town.

It has to be said the the Catholic Church never approved the cult but they tolerated the worship of Mona Lisa for many years afraid of the turmoil they could provoke if they suddenly invalidated the faith and veneration of Nequetejes Virgin by its people.

It was until some 10 years ago that a brave priest removed the image from altar arguing that it needed some fixing, at the beginning people was reluctant to let their highly venerated image of the Gioconda leave but the priest kept arguing about the need of the fix and finally he took it with him. To these days he has never returned the image to its altar, but people has never forgot her and still venerates the Virgen de Nequeteje.

If you are thinking about retiring in Mexico or just want to learn more about all the great things you can find in this beautiful country, you should visit this great resource:


12 Apostles Of Jesus Christ

Union Leaders - Do Some of Them Go to Hell? (Satire)

Barney, who had been a union leader most of his working life, suddenly died and when he entered the spirit world he figured since he had done so much to help the common worker, he should receive a warm welcome in heaven.

So he set off for the Holy Hill where heaven was. When he got there the gates to heaven were closed. Undaunted he knocked at the golden gates. No one answered. He knocked again and still, no one answered. Well, Barney had dealt with tough people all his life including the managers of giant corporations, so he just kept knocking and knocking and pretty soon his knocking turned into pounding.

Suddenly the Golden Gates opened and there stood St. Peter.

St. Peter asked: Why are you pounding on these Golden Gates?

Barney said: Because I want to go to heaven.

St. Peter: You can't go to heaven.

Barney: Why not?

St. Peter: Because as a union organizer and union leader, you caused several companies to go broke, getting all your members to keep making more and more demands on the companies, until they could no longer function and all those workers lost their jobs.

Barney: Workers have the right to get as much from the company as they can, just like those CEO's "pig out" with all those perks, extremely high salaries and those golden parachutes that even pay them when the company goes broke.

St Peter: I will deal with them they same as I deal with people like you. Whereupon St. Peter immediately sent Barney to hell.

Well, when Barney got to hell, he was mad as hell, to say the least. Also he was shocked to find out hell was not like the bible said it was. Here were billions of people who were sent here because of the way they had lived their lives. Instead of lakes of fire he saw that people were fenced into extremely large areas that had walls of fire to keep those people in there. He also saw that Satan's angels forced people to do the bad things they had done in life, over and over, until they got sick and tired of their bad habits.

For instance, people who gorged themselves on junk food had to eat that stuff until they got sick and threw up and Satan's angels made them keep doing that over and over until they learned their lesson.

Satan's angels would make those abortionist doctors watch movies of abortions over and over until some of them lost their minds and were sent off to insane asylums.

As Barney was watching all of this going on he was appalled at the merciless actions of all those satanic spirits and was wondering what they would do to him.

Well, Barney never was the type to just give up and accept his fate and began trying to find a way out of hell. He suddenly had an idea. He went to several of the people he had met there and ask them how many people did they figure were in hell. They all said many billions. Then he asked them how many angels did Satan have and they told him millions.

Well, "billions of people" sure out-number "millions of Satan's angels." So he got this idea, where he could put his organizing talents to work and unionize all these people in hell and at a preset time, the people would rebel against Satan and his angels and throw "them" in hell, and set themselves free.

And that is exactly what Barney did.

But St. Peter found out what Barney had done and he was furious. He told Barney that he was going to get a lawyer and sue him.

Whereupon Barney told St. Peter he was out of luck, because hell was now--out of his jurisdiction.

Conclusion: Is this what hell is really like? There are many different religions in the world today, all claiming to know what the after life is all about. Each one of these religions have their own Holy Books. All of these Holy Books were written under the inspiration of some spiritual source but only one of them was written by God Himself and that is Oahspe.

Also, every one of those Holy Books, except Oahspe, was written BEFORE there was a printing press, and therefore "none of those" can be trusted to be the original text, in existence today. The handwritten documents, by scribes, were sometimes deliberately altered, to suit their own views, and considerable mistakes were made. Even today, mistakes and typos happen, not to mention the considerable disagreement, concerning the individual interpretation of scripture, by each person on earth.

Oahspe was printed on a printing press, in 1882 and 1891.

Proof that Oahspe was written by God Himself is as follows:

1. The information in Oahspe cannot be found at any other source except in Oahspe. God says that what is in Oahspe came from the libraries in heaven.

2. There is scientific information in Oahspe that was revealed long before man on earth ever found out about it. "So called" scientific facts of today are wrong, according to Oahspe.

For instance:

A. Evolution is junk science.

Direct quote from Jehovih in Oahspe on evolution:

9. Each and every living thing created I new upon the earth, of a kind each to itself; and not one living thing created I out of another.

10. Let a sign be upon the earth, that man in his darkness may not believe that one animal changeth and becometh another.

11. Thereupon Jehovih gave permission for different animals to bring forth a new living animal, which should be unlike either its mother or father, but he caused the new product to be barren. (For instance, the Mule: Ed.)

12. Jehovih said: And this shall be testimony before all men that I created each and all the living, after their own kind only.

B. Gravity is a force pushing us down, not the opposite.

C. Heat from the sun does not come to earth like a Pot Bellied Stove in the form of radiation.

Direct Oahspe Quote On The Sun:

38. Wherein they have taught erroneously that heat cometh from the sun. As may be proved in all the earth that heat (so-called) is evolved at the expense of destroying something, which is, in general, called combustion. And there is not in all the universe anything that can give off forever without receiving a supply forever. Heat had to be stored up in the first place in anything in heaven or earth before it could be liberated.

39. Though a man burn a stick of wood, he can produce no more heat therefrom than what was stored therein.

40. Allowing the sun to be four and a half millions of miles in diameter, and to be of the best quality of a diamond. Give it even fifty percent of the burning capacity, and it would be entirely consumed in eighty thousand years! And yet the sun is not of any such quality as a diamond. Even not more so in quality than is the earth. But suppose it were even as a diamond, or as the highest conceived-of centre of heat; then that heat had to be previously given to it. Whence came it? To suppose that heat existeth of itself is folly; to suppose that heat can be produced forever without supply is not supported by any fact in heaven or earth.

D. The tides are not caused by the moon.

E. There is no such thing as the magnetic north pole.

F. Abortion is murder because each person begins their life at conception.

Direct quote from Jehovih in Oahspe, concerning when human life begins:

21. As I have quickened the seed of the first born, so will I quicken all seed to the end of the earth. And each and every man-child and woman-child born into life will I quicken with a new spirit, which shall proceed out of Me at the time of conception. Neither will I give to any spirit of the higher or lower heaven power to enter a womb, or a fetus of a womb, and be born again.

22. As the corporeal earth passeth away, so shall pass away the first race Asu; but as I pass not away, so shall not pass away the spirit of man.

G. The Big Bang Theory is just plain "bunk".

H. Oahspe says that light does not travel at all.

Man's observation's, about all of these forces, are from HIS PERSPECTIVE and not from God's. It is the same "perspective" that caused early man to look out on the ocean and think that if someone were to go too far out, they would fall off the edge.

3. Oahspe makes many predictions that are still coming true and will continue to do so for the next 3000 years to the end of the cycle we are now in and beyond even that.

4. The writing style in Oahspe is unique to God just like the writing style is unique to all authors. God says you can tell that He wrote this book by the way He frames His words.

5. The historical time-line in Oahspe matches perfectly to the time-line of history books on earth.

So, if you want to know what heaven and hell is like and just about anything else concerning what has been happening on earth and in heaven for the past 78,000 years, just read Oahspe.

To read about God's diet go here:

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Knowledge, Wisdom, and Truth of Socrates

Socrates, a philosopher credited with being a founder of modern philosophy and the Father of Truth(469 b.c.-399 b.c.). Before Socrates there were pre-Socratic philosophers, referred to as Sophits. They felt life was linguistically analyzed.Your words and how you arranged them was all there was. Kinda like a good lawyer who could argue either side of a case, and win.

Socrates talked to everyone and anyone he had a way of teaching by asking questions which brought one to self enlightenment. He believed ' Knowledge is Virtue.' The more You knew about yourself the better of a person you would be.

Socrates never wrote a word down.His life and philosophies are based by his students and his contemporaries. The first half of Plato's work is about Socrates,this is the most useful recording of Socrates works and life. Xenophon and Aristotle were also students of Socrates,who offered important insights on his work and life. The Cloud was a play Aristophanes wrote based on Socrates life when Socrates was still in his forty's.Unfortunately those who prosecuted and convicted him left no testament.

Socrates was a military hero known for his bravery in many battles. After their evening meal, The soldiers would drink wine and tell stories,into the night. On several occasions, after everyone passed out, Socrates ,emerged in his own thought, would keep speaking well into the night, unaware no one was listening.

Crito, a friend of Socrates went to Athens to the Oracle at Delfi. This was a sacred place where the powerful God Apollo was able to speak through a high priestess when she was in a trance. Crito wanted to know who was the wisest man in the world. When the sacred priestess came out of her trance she spoke the name Socrates.

Well, Crito was pleased and hurried to tell his friend Socrates. Socrates was shocked in disbelief. He felt that this was a paradox for him to figure out. Surely he was not the wisest man in the world, when so many people knew more than him. He finally realized that he was aware of his own ignorance. he said perhaps I am the wisest man in the world, because I know what I know and I know what I don't know.

Atman is a child of God, who is known for his great insight into religion. He has a knack for tesching through quotes and short stories, he is considered an expert writer.
He claims that God is his mentor, just because he asked God to be.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hope in All Religions

I was reading a book on advertising when the author mentioned, "All Advertising Is about Hope."

This got me thinking about other people's dreams and aspirations, most of this is wrapped around them hoping to accomplish something or do something. I never gave it much thought but hope is one of the most important things in our lives. Some people go around hoping that they will keep their job, when the economy is in bad shape. Others go around hoping for forgiveness for their sins or other bad deeds they have done in the past.

What is it you're hoping for? There's got to be something. Are you hoping to become a multimillionaire or even the world's first trillionaire. Are your dreams big or small? Are you the kind of person who is happy living a simple life with very little possessions like a Buddhist monk or are you one who is seeking the lifestyle of the King.

Hope supplies us with the will to continue through hopeless obstacles during our lifetime.

Most people seeking hope are looking for a way out of something or a way toward a better life. These people often fall easy prey to large religious organizations, as they take them under their wing and slowly start to brainwash them. They seek the weak minded, helpless, poor and trusting people and build their organizations using them. I once believed in Christianity, but it no longer offers me true hope, the more I study Christianity and other organized religions, I noticed certain similarities based on inspiration.

I hope I live the good life, so I can go to heaven, the promised land, our ultimate enlightenment.

I hope I am living the true will according to God, Buddha, Krishna or other supreme beings.

I hope that the Bible is wrong about the 144,000 people from the 12 tribes.

I hope I'm living a life that is pleasing to the Lord.

If you're part of an organized religion, ask your religious leaders, any questions that you have about your religion. If they can't answer these questions, try to find them on your own. Books, videos, and the Internet are great sources for information. If you're living your life for the sole purpose of going to heaven one day, you could be disappointed, when that day arrives.

Ask a couple of questions and I hope you will get honest answers to them.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, Read This Book

Greg is currently creating articles on religion filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Breaking Through Obstacles With Chop Sticks

I remember accompanying a friend of mine to a workshop and taking part in a little demonstration. We were put in teams of two. One person held a disposable wooden chopstick firmly in front of them, with one end of the chopstick in one hand, the other end in the other. Their partner took a business card and was instructed to break the chop stick with the business card.

As soon as this little game was explained I had a powerful thought. "I'm going to break that chopstick on my first try." I don't know what made me feel so confident, but I just knew I was going to do it. Now mind you, I'm not particularly strong or fast. However, I was feeling particularly powerful and wanted to prove to my friend - and myself - that I could do whatever I set my mind to do.

My partner, Andrea, chose to go first. She whacked away with her business card until it was a pulpy mush. Other people whacked and smacked and swiped to no avail. It took a while, but eventually one person broke the chopstick. Then another and another succeeded. Now it was my turn. I took the card and made a bold swipe. The stick instantly broke in two. Andrea looked at me in disbelief. I just smiled. I did exactly what I imagined I would do.

I wish I could tell you that I'm always so successful. It's not that I (and you) are not capable of these little (and big) victories in life. We are. But little nagging voices of self doubt come marching in like ants to a picnic. Those old, sad stories of how we aren't good enough, or smart enough, or talented enough tug at our self confidence and stop our efforts before we start. I have heard these nagging doubts referred to as "your evil twin" mocking any attempt at success.

You can't tell other people to shut up (not safely anyway) but you can tell your evil twin to take a hike. And you should - as often as the little creep whispers nasty nothings in your ear. As long as you believe these sad stories, they will continue to have power over you. Make it a practice to rewrite your life's script and choose to believe the winning moments of your life as your model. Our actions are the direct result of what we believe we can do.

Robert Collier once said: "Our subconscious minds have no sense of humor, play no jokes and cannot tell the difference between reality and an imagined thought or image. What we continually think about eventually will manifest in our lives."

The proof of this is illustrated as my little story continues. I went home and repeated the chopstick demonstration to my 14-year-old daughter, Brittany. I got out a pair of chopsticks and a business card and tried to replicate my earlier success. There is something a little intimidating about a teenager's disbelief and mocking smile. I took the business card and swiped it against the chopstick. It didn't break. I took a moment and thought about my plight. What was different? It only took a second. A little self doubt had crept in. I paused, took a deep breath, mustered up the power I knew I had within me WHACK!. The chopstick broke in two. Brittany was amazed. I was proud and relieved.

So what is the moral of this story? If we believe in our personal power, rather than focusing on our failures, we can be heroes in our own life story. So, don't just sit there reading. Go out there and do something amazing. Chop, chop.

Sally Marks

Coauthor of upcoming book, Erase Negativity and Embrace the Magic Within. Check out her blog at

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Creating Habits

Finding Something You Don't Like About Yourself

Finding something you don't like about yourself is usually very easy for most people. Most of the time you don't even have to ask your family or friends because you have heard them complain about the same thing for years. How many times have you heard someone mention, I need to lose weight?

Here's a list of things people don't like about themselves. If you're one of those people that has a hard time finding something wrong with yourself, you could always ask one of your friends for some suggestions. I'm sure they would like that.

1. The need to lose weight. This of course is one of the worst problems with Americans. Most people need to lose weight and let's not forget there are some people that need to gain weight.

2. The need to stop gambling. As more Indian reservations are allowed to build gambling casinos and of course as the Internet gambling gets larger, I've noticed some people with gambling problems.

3. The need to stop drinking alcohol. The abuse of alcohol has been going on for many years. These people have an excuse for why they drink and most of the time it doesn't make sense.

4. The need to stop smoking. This could be one of the most difficult things I've ever seen my friends and family deal with.

5. The need to stop excessive behaviors. For example, gossiping, cruelty, bullying, lying, cheating, stealing, partying etc. You get the idea.

6. Don't forget the dreaded shopaholic. Most shopaholic's seem to have large credit card debt and can't seem to stop this vicious circle of buying and owing money to their creditors.

7. Working long hours or the workaholic. Sometimes this is a necessity but I would suggest that you change your lifestyle if possible. Reevaluate your reasons for working so hard.

8. Religious fundamentalists. People that spend too much time at their place of worship and soon find themselves feeling guilty if they're not doing something spiritual.

9. The need to be on time. This would include people that have problems giving themselves enough time to get ready for work or school.

10. The need to stop doing drugs. I thought by now, approaching my 50s, that drugs would no longer be a problem in the United States, but it is. It's one of the most damaging things people can do to their lives.

There are plenty of things that people would like to stop doing or start doing. If you're a smoker and you seem to shop excessively near the casinos, I would advise you to start with something small and work your way up to the big stuff.

What are you going to change today about your life? Make a list of things that you're not happy with about your life and start making the changes today that you need to create the life you deserve and desire.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a personal development video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.