Friday, May 15, 2009

Union Leaders - Do Some of Them Go to Hell? (Satire)

Barney, who had been a union leader most of his working life, suddenly died and when he entered the spirit world he figured since he had done so much to help the common worker, he should receive a warm welcome in heaven.

So he set off for the Holy Hill where heaven was. When he got there the gates to heaven were closed. Undaunted he knocked at the golden gates. No one answered. He knocked again and still, no one answered. Well, Barney had dealt with tough people all his life including the managers of giant corporations, so he just kept knocking and knocking and pretty soon his knocking turned into pounding.

Suddenly the Golden Gates opened and there stood St. Peter.

St. Peter asked: Why are you pounding on these Golden Gates?

Barney said: Because I want to go to heaven.

St. Peter: You can't go to heaven.

Barney: Why not?

St. Peter: Because as a union organizer and union leader, you caused several companies to go broke, getting all your members to keep making more and more demands on the companies, until they could no longer function and all those workers lost their jobs.

Barney: Workers have the right to get as much from the company as they can, just like those CEO's "pig out" with all those perks, extremely high salaries and those golden parachutes that even pay them when the company goes broke.

St Peter: I will deal with them they same as I deal with people like you. Whereupon St. Peter immediately sent Barney to hell.

Well, when Barney got to hell, he was mad as hell, to say the least. Also he was shocked to find out hell was not like the bible said it was. Here were billions of people who were sent here because of the way they had lived their lives. Instead of lakes of fire he saw that people were fenced into extremely large areas that had walls of fire to keep those people in there. He also saw that Satan's angels forced people to do the bad things they had done in life, over and over, until they got sick and tired of their bad habits.

For instance, people who gorged themselves on junk food had to eat that stuff until they got sick and threw up and Satan's angels made them keep doing that over and over until they learned their lesson.

Satan's angels would make those abortionist doctors watch movies of abortions over and over until some of them lost their minds and were sent off to insane asylums.

As Barney was watching all of this going on he was appalled at the merciless actions of all those satanic spirits and was wondering what they would do to him.

Well, Barney never was the type to just give up and accept his fate and began trying to find a way out of hell. He suddenly had an idea. He went to several of the people he had met there and ask them how many people did they figure were in hell. They all said many billions. Then he asked them how many angels did Satan have and they told him millions.

Well, "billions of people" sure out-number "millions of Satan's angels." So he got this idea, where he could put his organizing talents to work and unionize all these people in hell and at a preset time, the people would rebel against Satan and his angels and throw "them" in hell, and set themselves free.

And that is exactly what Barney did.

But St. Peter found out what Barney had done and he was furious. He told Barney that he was going to get a lawyer and sue him.

Whereupon Barney told St. Peter he was out of luck, because hell was now--out of his jurisdiction.

Conclusion: Is this what hell is really like? There are many different religions in the world today, all claiming to know what the after life is all about. Each one of these religions have their own Holy Books. All of these Holy Books were written under the inspiration of some spiritual source but only one of them was written by God Himself and that is Oahspe.

Also, every one of those Holy Books, except Oahspe, was written BEFORE there was a printing press, and therefore "none of those" can be trusted to be the original text, in existence today. The handwritten documents, by scribes, were sometimes deliberately altered, to suit their own views, and considerable mistakes were made. Even today, mistakes and typos happen, not to mention the considerable disagreement, concerning the individual interpretation of scripture, by each person on earth.

Oahspe was printed on a printing press, in 1882 and 1891.

Proof that Oahspe was written by God Himself is as follows:

1. The information in Oahspe cannot be found at any other source except in Oahspe. God says that what is in Oahspe came from the libraries in heaven.

2. There is scientific information in Oahspe that was revealed long before man on earth ever found out about it. "So called" scientific facts of today are wrong, according to Oahspe.

For instance:

A. Evolution is junk science.

Direct quote from Jehovih in Oahspe on evolution:

9. Each and every living thing created I new upon the earth, of a kind each to itself; and not one living thing created I out of another.

10. Let a sign be upon the earth, that man in his darkness may not believe that one animal changeth and becometh another.

11. Thereupon Jehovih gave permission for different animals to bring forth a new living animal, which should be unlike either its mother or father, but he caused the new product to be barren. (For instance, the Mule: Ed.)

12. Jehovih said: And this shall be testimony before all men that I created each and all the living, after their own kind only.

B. Gravity is a force pushing us down, not the opposite.

C. Heat from the sun does not come to earth like a Pot Bellied Stove in the form of radiation.

Direct Oahspe Quote On The Sun:

38. Wherein they have taught erroneously that heat cometh from the sun. As may be proved in all the earth that heat (so-called) is evolved at the expense of destroying something, which is, in general, called combustion. And there is not in all the universe anything that can give off forever without receiving a supply forever. Heat had to be stored up in the first place in anything in heaven or earth before it could be liberated.

39. Though a man burn a stick of wood, he can produce no more heat therefrom than what was stored therein.

40. Allowing the sun to be four and a half millions of miles in diameter, and to be of the best quality of a diamond. Give it even fifty percent of the burning capacity, and it would be entirely consumed in eighty thousand years! And yet the sun is not of any such quality as a diamond. Even not more so in quality than is the earth. But suppose it were even as a diamond, or as the highest conceived-of centre of heat; then that heat had to be previously given to it. Whence came it? To suppose that heat existeth of itself is folly; to suppose that heat can be produced forever without supply is not supported by any fact in heaven or earth.

D. The tides are not caused by the moon.

E. There is no such thing as the magnetic north pole.

F. Abortion is murder because each person begins their life at conception.

Direct quote from Jehovih in Oahspe, concerning when human life begins:

21. As I have quickened the seed of the first born, so will I quicken all seed to the end of the earth. And each and every man-child and woman-child born into life will I quicken with a new spirit, which shall proceed out of Me at the time of conception. Neither will I give to any spirit of the higher or lower heaven power to enter a womb, or a fetus of a womb, and be born again.

22. As the corporeal earth passeth away, so shall pass away the first race Asu; but as I pass not away, so shall not pass away the spirit of man.

G. The Big Bang Theory is just plain "bunk".

H. Oahspe says that light does not travel at all.

Man's observation's, about all of these forces, are from HIS PERSPECTIVE and not from God's. It is the same "perspective" that caused early man to look out on the ocean and think that if someone were to go too far out, they would fall off the edge.

3. Oahspe makes many predictions that are still coming true and will continue to do so for the next 3000 years to the end of the cycle we are now in and beyond even that.

4. The writing style in Oahspe is unique to God just like the writing style is unique to all authors. God says you can tell that He wrote this book by the way He frames His words.

5. The historical time-line in Oahspe matches perfectly to the time-line of history books on earth.

So, if you want to know what heaven and hell is like and just about anything else concerning what has been happening on earth and in heaven for the past 78,000 years, just read Oahspe.

To read about God's diet go here:

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