Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Knowledge, Wisdom, and Truth of Socrates

Socrates, a philosopher credited with being a founder of modern philosophy and the Father of Truth(469 b.c.-399 b.c.). Before Socrates there were pre-Socratic philosophers, referred to as Sophits. They felt life was linguistically analyzed.Your words and how you arranged them was all there was. Kinda like a good lawyer who could argue either side of a case, and win.

Socrates talked to everyone and anyone he had a way of teaching by asking questions which brought one to self enlightenment. He believed ' Knowledge is Virtue.' The more You knew about yourself the better of a person you would be.

Socrates never wrote a word down.His life and philosophies are based by his students and his contemporaries. The first half of Plato's work is about Socrates,this is the most useful recording of Socrates works and life. Xenophon and Aristotle were also students of Socrates,who offered important insights on his work and life. The Cloud was a play Aristophanes wrote based on Socrates life when Socrates was still in his forty's.Unfortunately those who prosecuted and convicted him left no testament.

Socrates was a military hero known for his bravery in many battles. After their evening meal, The soldiers would drink wine and tell stories,into the night. On several occasions, after everyone passed out, Socrates ,emerged in his own thought, would keep speaking well into the night, unaware no one was listening.

Crito, a friend of Socrates went to Athens to the Oracle at Delfi. This was a sacred place where the powerful God Apollo was able to speak through a high priestess when she was in a trance. Crito wanted to know who was the wisest man in the world. When the sacred priestess came out of her trance she spoke the name Socrates.

Well, Crito was pleased and hurried to tell his friend Socrates. Socrates was shocked in disbelief. He felt that this was a paradox for him to figure out. Surely he was not the wisest man in the world, when so many people knew more than him. He finally realized that he was aware of his own ignorance. he said perhaps I am the wisest man in the world, because I know what I know and I know what I don't know.

Atman is a child of God, who is known for his great insight into religion. He has a knack for tesching through quotes and short stories, he is considered an expert writer.
He claims that God is his mentor, just because he asked God to be.

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