Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Guides and Spirit Helpers

As group consciousness grows and the electromagnetic field of energy gains strength, people are becoming aware of their spirit guides and helpers

In the New Energy and oneness of consciousness, it is getting easier to sense the presence of spirit helpers coming around us.

These can be sensed in many ways. I have noticed them as a slight disturbance in the field of energy, in the aura of the body: a slight tingling on the surface, or the sensation of cobwebs around the skin.

On one occasion I could see the outline of the presence and noticed a breaking up of the normal space/time as the entity passed by. This was like a crack in one reality as another reality came through.

Spirit guides and helpers are usually invisible but some sensitive people can see them with clairvoyance or connect with one of the other "clairs", like clairsentience.

In our quiet moments or times of danger, we can communicate with these Spirit helpers. Sometimes one of them puts themselves forward to act as our Doorkeeper: a single channel through which communication passes to our Higher Self and the Spirit and Angelic Realms.

Spirit helpers will work with us if asked; so it is important to clearly feel what we would like to show up in our life.

We can communicate with them with our imagination, day dreaming or night dreaming. It is easiest to connect through images, symbols or pictures, using our powers of visualisation on a feeling level.

When working with the Spirit world it is good to think of the perfect outcome or creation, as the imagination is unbounded and has a field of all possibilities as its basis. There is no need to be concerned with where the resources are going to come from as the Spirit world has infinite energy at its disposal.

Evolutionary desires are loved by the Spirit world as the nature of life is to grow and expand. New ideas which have never been put forward before are appreciated by the Spirit world as they open up new channels for energy to flow in.

Things which help to bring wealth and joy into other people's lives by giving from your heart using your creative aspects in an artistic or cultural field gain a lot of support and help.

Using Spirit communication through telepathy and subtle imagination of specific connections to loved ones and family, bring the awareness of this power to the surface of one's consciousness.

Relax and know there is nothing to fear except fear itself, as on this level of awareness you see your subtle connection to everything: it all becomes you.

As you become skilled in using the more subtle levels of the conscious mind and feelings to interact with Spirit, you are also helping to bring these gifts to more of the population: as your awareness grows, so does the general awareness in group consciousness.

You will be helping the planet to evolve and grow in the New Energy and increasing the power and awareness of the Spirit kingdom and all the various levels of spirit guides and helpers in the Angelic kingdom.

There are also healing helpers psychic surgeons (surgeons in Spirit) to help improve the health of your own body and those around you.

So why not spend a few minutes each day using your spirit guides and helpers to connect with the subtle feelings, to communicate with your Higher Self, inviting them to co-create with you different aspects of your life.

Message channelled by George Lockett (C) Copyright 2006, All Rights Reserved.

* New book * "A Journey into the Self -- the multi-dimensional nature of being human": HealerGeorge Web Site and New Book

Description: What is this book going to do for YOU? For those who are seeking a complete energetic makeover, as you read it you will feel a stirring and awakening in the depths of your heart. For those who have questions about Shifts in Consciousness, Energy Balancing and Healing within the body, you will find clear answers.

Read HealerGeorges Blog: Curezone Blog or ask at question at: Ask HealerGeorge

Finding Something You Don

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