Saturday, July 18, 2009

Weight Loss Spells For Those Interested in Witchcraft and Magick

Weight loss spells are becoming more and more popular. Both female and male witches alike often cast weight loss spells with hopes of obtaining their "dream bodies." A weight loss spell falls into the same category of "beauty spells" and "glamor spells." But do they really work?

Weight loss spells don't just magically work in the sense that they *poof!* make the witch thinner, but they can help the witch become more motivated to work out and to eat healthier. In order to lose weight, healthy eating and working out are always the most important things to do. But neither can be done if the witch has no willpower. Thankfully, a weight loss spell can help with that.

If you're interested in witchcraft and weight loss, here is a spell you can try:

Every Friday night for a month, light some white and pink candles (or red if you're a male witch or mage. I won't make you light pink ones.) Drink at least one full cup of water before, during, and after the spell. Have some jasmine incense burning as well, if you're not allergic to it. During the spell, while drinking the water, look in front of a full length mirror and visualize yourself shrinking and becoming thinner. Try imagining that you actually FEEL yourself getting thinner. Spend a few minutes doing this while saying this mantra:

"Extra weight go away, Venus be with me this day. Give me the strength, give me the power. I shall lose weight starting this hour."

Say this over and over again while visualizing yourself getting thinner.

After the weight loss spell is over, snuff the candles out and then set them in a private place until the next Friday. You may resume where you left off every Friday night until you begin noticing differences in your eating habits. Don't forget to thank Venus often.

If you are interested in a weight loss spell or any other type of spell, this is a great site to visit: At this site you will find tips on love spells, money spells, luck spells, justice spells, REIKI, psychic readings, and more!

You Have To Start Somewhere

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