Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Surviving a Break Up and Self-Help Tips

The break is supposed to happen to the best of us. More self-esteem issues are directly linked to the break that in. If you are looking for someone or a couple, we have the strain to which loves us and makes us feel like the luckiest person in the world, which unfortunately is often not always occur.

Often surviving a breakup is a big lesson and decision making time for you and her especially if there was cheating involved in the first place.

One thing that many of us try to do is determine whether the reason for their problems in their existence, first, is due to the problems between you and her, or is it due to problems that originated from the beginning.It can be exhausting trying to survive the disruption and its separate way.

It is best to try and focus your mind on something else just to clear your mind. You can see a therapist for help with the depression of a breakup.Or if you think you can work out and have a future with this person now is the time you and your spouse if you both know it's the other and help each other to survive and overcome the challenges of its disintegration.

You might be curious about self-help books and use different tricks and tips to help you feel better. If your connection is secure, there will be a special trust between the two. First, however, it is necessary to work in the construction of the relationship. Find a good marriage couple to get advice to helping your problem.

There are some things you can do to help its dissolution. Which are separated by belief, and try to talk instead of saying that it is a mistake, or where their weaknesses are trying to find common ground. Take time to discuss what each others roles in the breakup. Also discuss what you expect of others. Let your partner know what hurts, but you know what you want or need to do and try to offer the same to them.

If you are involved in a dating or marriage there are many things you can try to help position the separation. Once the two of you have worked in surviving the breakup and stop all talks of divorce, separation, rupture, or simply that the two can work together to make each other better and happier people. Its dissolution will help you help the image and help you overcome all those things you have to go back.

With this recession on the verge what are you planning to do about your financial stability?
Well, If you think you have a chance in the online game then check out my blog:
In hopes that you will make enough money to quit your day job......

Monday, September 7, 2009

6 Step Guide to R-E-A-L Change

More than three weeks into 2009 you have ambitiously begun to tackle resolutions to bring forward in your life changes to enhance your quality of living, health, relationships, and many other areas. Unfortunately, at this point you might also be feeling the beginnings of your resistance to sticking to your resolutions and asking yourself why discipline and will power seems to elude you. Research and surveys indicate that there is a 75% failure rate in first attempts at resolutions. Personally, I don't make resolutions. I, also encourage others not to. Resolutions often set people up for failure. This article outlines a guide for R.E.A.L. (realistic, empowering, aligned, likely) Change that will more effectively support you in achieving your desired goals

My personal experience and experience working with others has consistently shown that there is a failure to accept that creating change does not happen overnight. Rather, change is a process with many components that includes resistance. The best way to manage resistance is to accept that it may very well be inevitable, and plan for it.

In George Leonard's book Mastery, he brilliantly defines homeostasis, specifically, in regards to human beings and the change process. The dictionary defines homeostasis as the tendency for a system (particularly of higher animals) to maintain stability and a state of psychological equilibrium obtained when tension or a drive has been reduced or eliminated. What does this have to do with your new year's resolutions? A lot! What this means is that your physical and psychological system fights to maintain what it perceives as normal or balanced; hence, comfortable. However, in order to really change and grow you have to move beyond your comfort zone. And yes, sometimes moving beyond your comfort zone to create desired change includes sweat and tears.

There are times when I walk into the gym and there is a loud voice in my head yelling, "Oh God, do we have to workout today?!? Can't we just go home, get back in front of the computer and keep writing?" At times it seems it would be so much easier to turn around and leave than actually get through my workout, and on occasion, I have turned around and walked out. However, I also know that this is exactly the resistance that needs to be managed. I know that if I can move beyond that voice, put on my workout clothes, get on the floor and start lifting weights that the voice goes away, my energy goes up, and I am grateful I didn't leave. Also, in order to achieve the results I want from my workouts I have to push my muscles beyond their comfort zone and perceived normalcy. And you know what? It hurts! Sometimes I just don't want to keep pushing. But again, I know that it is moving beyond homeostasis; stretching beyond my comfort zone, that supports my growth on all levels. In addition, the gym is one vivid example of how consistency and discipline in the face of seeming discomfort helps produce results.

Below I've outlined a plan for you that will support you in creating R.E.A.L. Change:

1. Set Goals and Intentions, NOT resolutions

Setting goals and intentions is a more complex process than simply stating a resolution. This includes mapping the big picture and breaking your larger goal into R.E.A.L. actions. R.E.A.L. actions are realistic, empowering, aligned with your overall goal, and likely to be done. For instance, if you're beginning a new workout routine (ideally with a trainer) and have barely set foot in a gym for the past 6 months you're not going to immediately start bench pressing 200 pounds. Rather, you break the goal of 200 pounds into R.E.A.L. actions. This might include starting with 90 pounds, stretching yourself beyond your comfort zone and continuing to work your way up in weight until you eventually reach your desired target of bench pressing 200 pounds.


BYOB means bust your outdated beliefs. If your goal is to attract a new relationship and you have unconsciously held onto an old negative belief that "Men are unavailable, and uninterested in commitment," this could sabotage your success. Enlist the necessary support to uncover and update the unconscious negative patterns and beliefs that are getting in the way of you achieving your desired results.

3. Schedule Time

Perhaps you have decided that you want to release some undesired weight this year, which includes a workout routine. It does not serve you to arbitrarily throw a specific number of workouts onto your calendar. I see people do this all the time. They say, "I plan to get to the gym 5 times a week." Actually, they don't really plan anything, which sets themselves up for failure. When they do finally pull out the calendar and take a realistic look at how much time they really have, they find that they can only get to the gym 3 times per week. This is a critical element for success as it informs the goal. For instance, knowing that they can only get to the gym three times a week instead of six informs how long it will take to realistically drop the weight.

4. Implement Support Systems

Who said you have to do it alone? I strongly encourage you to enlist the support of a friend, coach, partner, etc. who you fully inform about your intention. Ask this person to help hold you accountable by checking in with you regularly. Invite them to specifically ask what you have accomplished and what your plans for future action are during the check-in. A support system can also include non-people support. For instance, meditating or keeping a journal can be very supportive tools to help get you through the challenging moments on your path to success.

5. Plan for resistance

It is quite likely that you will hit some bumps along the way. Life happens, and as previously illustrated, we have a natural inclination to maintain comfort and normalcy. However, if you know this ahead of time you can plan to manage it. Simply being aware that this is a likely phenomenon will support you in moving through it when it shows up. I even encourage you to ask yourself what some of your typical resistance patterns are (i.e. procrastination, distractions, over committing to things that will pull your attention) and set up resources to manage yourself. I now have two computers. One of them is strictly for work and I have made an agreement with myself that when I am on the "work" computer I will not engage in frivolous online surfing that encourages distraction and procrastination.

6. Celebrate Milestones

I know for me it easy to get into the mindset of always feeling like I must do more and constantly do what appears to take me closer to success. However, sometimes moving closer towards success means taking a break and acknowledging yourself for what you have accomplished. It is easy to overlook current accomplishments when we have not yet reached the goal. However, it is the little accomplishments along the way that are the true success. The goal in and of itself is just a destination. So acknowledge yourself, set up times for personal celebration and doing what you love. For me, something as simple as going to the theater can be a celebration. I love the theater. Going to the theater is a gift to me and so when I have theater tickets I am even more driven to achieve little successes. This way going to the theater is truly a gift and a way for me to acknowledge myself for what I have accomplished.

You can create change for yourself! But it doesn't happen overnight, and it doesn't occur in a vacuum. It occurs amidst the sometimes chaotic glory of our every day existence. Therefore, it is critical to intentionally set yourself up for success by implementing support systems, plans, and celebration. In addition, be good to yourself, particularly when the change you are striving for gets uncomfortable. And remember, embracing what is unfamiliar or uncomfortable can indeed result in some of your greatest breakthroughs to having the life you desire.

Jason Mannino, MA, is a Life/Career Coach, and writer. He is deeply committed to empowering people to courageous action that propels them into living lives that are inspired, balanced, and fulfilling personally and professionally.

Jason has a decade of experience in Corporate and Executive Recruiting, consulting for the Walt Disney Company, Warner Bros., TV Guide, Ascent Media, Universal Music, and University of Southern California. He is well equipped to strategically support people in their career growth and transitions as many are currently experiencing. As the recent founder of Los Angeles based A.C.T.ion Centered Transformation he helps clients transform their lives and careers through one-on-one coaching and his seminars: The Call to Self Discovery, The Call to A.C.T.ion, The Mating Call, and Beautiful Mind, Beautiful Body

Jason is featured every Friday in the Living section of Huffington Post http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jason-mannino and is a contributing author in the new Thank God I book series, which has reached #1 on amazon.com. He is an active member of International Federation of Coaches and International Association of Coaches and participates on the LA Leadership Council of Out & Equal SoCal. Jason holds a BA from Rutgers University in Psychology and is completing his MA in Spiritual Psychology at University of Santa Monica, Spring '09.

You can learn more about Jason and A.C.T.ion Centered Transformation by going to http://www.jmannino.com

How to Carry Out Your Self-Help Affiliate Training Without the Stress

It's not entirely easy to get effective affiliate training on your own. Like any other business, it's true that a huge chunk of affiliate marketing depends on luck. However, jumping into the shark lagoon of online entrepreneurs without ample knowledge about the industry will also cause you to fall apart. Here are ways to help you familiarize yourself with the industry without spending a penny.

Join public forums about affiliate marketing

Believe it or not, getting basic affiliate training can be as easy as signing up on forums. This is, of course, provided that you're good at conversations. There are online communities that offer to pass on valuable nuggets of information to starting affiliates. You need to use your head, though, because some of these tips need to be taken with a grain of salt. This means that you can't simply take free advice and tips from strangers without testing them out first. After gathering enough basic data, you can either choose to experiment by using your own choice of affiliate marketing tools. Most people prefer to surf the internet, though, and gather reviews instead. In other words, you can choose to get your affiliate marketing training on your own, for free, but you need to make a lot of effort doing so.

Be involved in one affiliate marketing strategy at a time

Unless you have money to spare, it's highly risky to test out a dozen affiliate marketing tools at the same time. This will also make "learning about the industry" a bit harder simply because you're distracted. Stick to one strategy at a time, and try to work your way through it. It's bound to be tough, because all businesses are tough when you start out. Give your strategy at least six months to progress before totally giving up on it.

Zack Lim is an internet affiliate marketer who owns http://www.MyAffiliateMarketingOnline.com/FreeEcourse He has helped hundreds of people to start their own affiliate marketing business.

He has recently developed a free e-course showing you a step by step process for starting your own affiliate marketing business easier. To learn how to start your own affiliate marketing business without wasting your time and money, visit http://www.MyAffiliateMarketingOnline.com/FreeEcourse

You Are A Diamond So Scrapbook About Yourself

As a devoted scrapper, you probably gain satisfaction from scrapbooking about others.

Oftentimes, you are the one glaring missing light in your scrapbook albums. Simply because you're so caught up with hiding behind the camera and being a fixated shutterbug. Either that or you're tied up scrapbooking about others that you missed out on scrapbooking about yourself.

Somehow, it's happening too frequently.

Ever thought about why you should take a step back and start scrapbooking about yourself? Ever wonder how scrapbooking about "you" could bring out the shine in you?

Come on, you are special, there's no way to deny it. Rare like a diamond. Just probably covered up in layers and needed some polishing to bring out the natural shine. And scrapbooking is a powerful method to reveal the rareness in you.

There's so many glowing benefits to creating scrapbooks all about you:

1) Leaving Behind an Everlasting Legacy

For the people who will never get the chance of meeting and knowing you, your scrapbooks about yourself will leave behind memories of you as a person. It's a mean of letting them discover and know about you.

I once read of a mother who was seized with terminal stage of cancer. In her final days, instead of resting, she struggled to put together scrapbook albums of herself. Why? Just so that her two very young toddlers will get to know about the mommy whom they'll never see in person again. The scrapbooks will be constant reminders to the kids of their mommy's love for them and her thoughts about them.

It's a heart-wrenching story, but it's a wake up call that you don't have an eternity. You have to take steps now to make time to leave behind a part of who you are. Like they said, "You'll never know"...

2) Showing the World of You as an Individual

Yes, besides being known as the scrapbooker who so lovingly and tenderly put together the family scrapbooks, your children and present or future grandchildren would want to know how you look like. They'll wonder "How did Granny Kate look like when she's a baby? And what did she look like when she's a young woman?"

You're likely to have the same curiosity of your ancestors too. So do showcase your changing faces or appearances throughout the years or decades. Come out from behind your camera, and ask or plead with someone else to take over the role of the photographer.

You are important and you need to be in those pages.

3) Revealing the Real You

By scrapbooking, you'll immortalize a part of yourself in a permanent way. And through reading your journaling, others will get to know you in an intimate sort of way. You are granting them permission to be privy to your inner world of thoughts, which are usually hidden by the superficialities of your daily life. Your journaling will reveal the authentic side of you that many may not have the privilege to know of otherwise.

Do consider leaving those alluring computer fonts aside for a while, and write in your own handwriting. It may not be perfect but it's much more personal. Your handwriting is undeniably a part of you.

4) Passing on Your Beliefs and Values

Worried that your values and beliefs will be lost forever to your future generations? Scrapbooking about them is a great way to ensue that they'll get passed on from one generation to the next. "Great-grandma Emily is a strong believer of filial piety. It's her strongest trait..."

Your scrapbook albums will likely become treasured family keepsakes, where your words will echo and impact on your future generations lives.

5) Pulling You Out from a Crossroad

There's probably times in your life when you feel uncertain and lost about yourself. It's like your identity has gone missing. I've been at such a crossroad before too.

At such disheartening moments, try scrapbooking on themes like "What Makes Me So Unique", "The Many Hats That I wear" and "Top 10 Things that I'm Most Proud". These themes will once again call attention to your own uniqueness. Such meaningful pages will reinforce the value in you as an individual.

If you're daring enough, try "10 Things I Like About You". This is where you'll have to get a couple of your closest kin and friends to each make a list of things they like about you. You'll have to cast away your shyness and get those lists from the people you care about.

Because someday when you feel like you're in the dumps, pull out these precious little lists, read over them and call to your mind that you are wanted and loved by others.

So instead of dwelling on your failures and imperfections, these powerful lists will push you forward and make you look at the positive traits of yourself.

6) Pump You Up with Pride

When you're done with some scrapbooks on yourself, flip through them occasionally.

You'll find yourself looking at you with a renewed sense of respect and pride. Be it as a mother, nurturer, wife, partner, daughter, sister, colleague or dreamer, your scrapbook albums will showcase you in different roles. It'll tell others that you aren't merely just a mom.

The pages will remind you that you have meaningful contributions to make in various roles.

Are you beginning to see the therapeutic wonders of scrapbooking about yourself? Doesn't it reaffirm the goodness within you and unleash the power of you being a diamond?

Aren't the above reasons compelling enough to cajole you into scrapbooking about yourself?

Each delayed moment is a moment lost forever. So take positive steps now to uncover the diamond in you to share with others.

Happy scrapping about yourself!

About the Author:
Fion Lim is the creator of http://www.everything-about-scrapbooking.com. She enjoys scrapbooking as a hobby and finds pleasure in sharing scrapbooking ideas, tips and techniques with beginner scrapbookers through her scrapbooking site.

Be the Best

So, what does it take to be the best in the world, or, to be the best in YOUR world?


The most crucial first step in achieving a goal is to get out there on the edge and make it big. In the words of Donald Trump "If you are going to think anyway, you might as well think big." When you bite off more than you can chew and declare to the world that you are going to do something amazing, this boldness motivates and excites you to tackle your challenge and invest the appropriate amount of energy into it. Anything less and you just won't care enough.

YOUR BOLDNESS motivates and excites you to tackle your challenge and invest the appropriate amount of energy into it. Anything less and you just won't care enough.

And that is exactly why being bold works. If your chances of succeeding at anything in life are directly proportional to the amount of energy you invest into it, then being Bold is really all about ramping up your commitment level regarding your goal.

When you are bold about what you have set out to accomplish, the energy you invest into achieving it will result in a motivated vision of your success and the formulation of that most crucial vision is the SECOND STEP. Your vision will keep you on track and will be your road map that will guide you on your journey. Your vision will become your reality by changing the way YOU behave toward your pursuit of your goal in the following three ways:

  1. A bold vision will prepare you for failure - even make you welcome failure as a PART of your success
  2. A bold vision will provide you with a way to deal with and conquer your fears.
  3. A bold vision will provide you with the energy you require to push yourself beyond your personal limits.

And finally, the THIRD STEP in accomplishing a goal is to be bold, and to simply BEGIN IT. Just start the journey - bite off more than you can chew, then focus on the next bite, then the next, then the next. And don't forget - you are ALWAYS STARTING your journey! EVERY step is the FIRST step in the rest of your journey.

Do you have any goals that you just don't seem to be making any progress on? Reached a kind of dead-end? That proverbial "brick wall"? Maybe a task at work, a financial goal, or a personal goal like weight loss, improving your fitness, or a challenging relationship?

What if I were to suggest that maybe the problem isn't that the challenge is too big for you' Maybe the challenge isn't big enough. Is your challenge safely within your comfort zone?

Is there a way you can nudge your challenge from INSIDE your comfort zone into the bold "think big" zone. It doesn't take much, just a bit - just enough to excite you and motivate you to tackle your challenge.

When you think about your challenge, it should get your heart pumping - that's always my test. My wife calls it the bathroom test because every time she thinks about her upcoming Ironman race, her bowels start working and she has to run to the bathroom!

Secondly, have you developed a clear VISION of your success? Do you visualize your success day and night? Do you want it so badly that you would do anything to get it?

And finally, if you can do those two things - be bold about your goal and develop a clear vision of your success, then all that is left is simply to BEGIN IT. Take your very next step toward achieving your dream. Motivational Speaker.

About Greg Kolodziejzyk:

Greg Kolodziejzyk is a Motivational Speaker , and successful software entrepreneur who holds 2 Guinness world records for the most distance travelled by human power in one day on both land and on water. Greg has also completed over a dozen Ironman triathlons including qualifying for and competing at Ironman World Championships in Hawaii.

Greg's next project is something that has never been done before. He plans on crossing the Pacific ocean from Canada to Hawaii under his own power in a custom made, 24 foot long x 3 foot wide completely encapsulated pedal powered boat.

After 3 years of speaking to school kids about his various world records, adventures, accomplishing goals and the benefits of staying active and healthy, Greg is now passionately focused on spreading his message to a wider audience by building a keynote motivational speaking career.

Greg's motivational speech titled "Bold!" is an impactful commentary about the kind of attitude that it takes to accomplish a dream. Greg has lived his life by the words of German Poet Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe "What you can do, or dream you can do, begin it, for Boldness has genius, power and magic in it." Greg's spirit is contagious and his message is vital.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Intelligence - Learning How Other People Think, Feel and Sense

By interpreting your dreams, you will understand how your psychic sphere works and how you can develop all your psychological functions and stay away from depression, craziness and suicidal thoughts. Moreover, you will also understand how other people think, feel and sense, what will help you avoid misunderstandings and other problems in your relationships.

First of all, you will have clear information about the person you love, so that you may understand if this is really the ideal person for you and what you must do to have a peaceful and happy relationship.

However, everybody is important in your life. You may never have cared about trying to understand the others, but this is a crucial matter.

In my ebook concerning craziness prevention through dream interpretation, I summarized the psychological types defined by Carl Jung in his book (2 volumes) "Psychological Types," because one cannot understand why one must develop the psychic sphere, what to learn in order to be balanced and why dream messages are so important, without knowing about the 8 existent psychological types and their defects.

This is important not only for your own development but also to help predict other people's reactions to avoid fights, misunderstandings and manipulations against you. Of course, you shall not use this knowledge to manipulate others because you can predict their reaction. Your intentions in life must always be good if you want to avoid problems.

The comprehension of the psychic sphere function in each one will give you many answers for many questions you never expected to have because you'll understand the roots of the human behaviour.

The light of wisdom will eliminate your doubts and your complaints about other people's behaviour. You'll be able to trust your friends and partners without fear and avoid relationships with psychological types based on the opposite psychological functions of your psychological type. This will save you from unnecessary conflicts and help you distinguish people who are compatible with your character.

Prevent Depression and Craziness through the scientific method of Dream Interpretation discovered by Carl Jung and simplified by Christina Sponias, a writer who continued Jung's research in the unknown region of the human psychic sphere.

Learn more at: http://www.scientificdreaminterpretation.com and http://www.booksirecommend.com

Click below to download your copy of the Free ebook
Beating Depression and Craziness

Energy and Life Work Effectiveness - What Are the Factors That Matter?

In a recent survey with working woman from all over the world I wanted tofind outhowtheyare able tomaintaina healthy levelofemotional, physical and spiritual energywhile living and working in an environmentof constant exposure toever increasing demandsfor speedand an ever increasing flow and exchange ofinformation?

The results are varied,interesting and speak for themselves.

Question 1: At what age did you experience the highest level of effectiveness both in life and work?

35 to 40

Question 2: At what age did you for the first time become aware of a lack of energy?

20 to 30

Question 3: Describe how do you recharge your energies?


2ndExercises in form of walking, swimming

3rdRelaxation, music, retreat

4thReading inspirational books, positive thinking

5thFamily and friends

Question 4: Think of the last time you felt your energy being drained. In which areas did it happen? What was the trigger?



Colleagues/friends 52%


Question 5: In which area do you possess a higher energy capacity?

Mental 73%

Physical 26.1%

Question 6: At what age did you start to practice self-care on a regular basis?

Between the age of 30 to 35

Question 7: How much time do you currently spend onwhat type of self-care/exercises, etc. on a regular basis?

Average time for self-care per day: 1-2 hours

Highest score:Walking

2ndSwimming, biking, yoga, meditation


4thPositive affirmations, reading, planning, alone time

Question 8: Imagine that at the age of 45 you have already sufficient savings for a comfortable retirement. Would you prefer to -

A) continue working full time in the same job until the retirement age of (for example) 65, or

B) work at a reduced rate in your current career and spend more quality time with your loved ones now, or

C) re-fire and change careers and do what you had always been dreaming of doing on a full-time basis, or

D) re-fire and change career and work on a part-time basis

The answers were:

A) Work full-time until retirement age 0%

B) Work at reduced rate in current job 17.4%

C) Re-fire full-time in dream career21.7%

D) Re-fire part-time in dream career 60.9%

Question 9: In which are(s) of your lifewould you love to achieve a higher degree of joy and satisfaction right now?

Highest score:Relationships

2nd Self


4th Leisure


90% of the participants selectedthree and more areas where they wish to benefit from a higher degree of joy and satisfaction!

It is also clear that there is no magic formula that works for all. You need to define and create - for yourself and nobody else - your personalformulafora well-balanced life. You are the master of your life, and it's all up to you.

Let'slook atthe three basicfactors that influenceour emotional, physical and spiritual well-being:

The Emotional factor - only the wholesome approach works

Emotional harmony is an essential element in health. Mind and body are connected, and what affects one part will eventually affect the other. Your health practices (exercises, adequate sleep, the nutrition you take), positive and negative emotions - all these influence your energy levels and your life work effectiveness.

The physical factor - make your well-being prioritynumber ONEin your life

Well-being and good health are totally personal to everyone. You will want to create a personalized self-care program that serves your needs and fits into your lifestyle. Once you have successfully integrated self-care in your daily routine, you will soon experience lower stress, higher energy and increased effectiveness in all areas of your life.

The spiritual factor - keep living in balance, purpose and joy

What resonates with your heart and inspires your soul? Focus on what works for you. You are a unique and special person and you deserve to live your best life! What leisure activity do you enjoy? Remember, in the game of life, emotional and physical health is wealth, and lifeis about thriving and not just surviving.

Thank you for reading this article. If you have any questions you are welcome to contact me.

About the Author, Ursula Goh, Life and Career Change Coach:


Providing professional coaching with a holistic approach that centers around you as a unique individual and as a whole person with your life in context, I will help you rediscover that central connection with who you really are.

I have helped my clients learn to expand their vision, take the action that resonates with their heart and create meaningful changes in life and career, so they could spend more time doing the things they are passionate about, and live and work with greater purpose, joy, and fulfillment.

Based in Switzerland, I offer one-on-one coaching to clients across the globe. Languages - English and German. For further details and to get started with a complementary introductory coaching session please visit http://www.newhorizoncoaching.net or contact me at Ursula@newhorizoncoaching.net

Making a Difference Through Organic Cleaning Products

Recently, with the advent of environmental awareness that is prevalent in the media through all forms, care for Mother Nature has been gaining grounds as a priority today. I couldn't remember a time in the past where environmental awareness was as active as it is today. Everywhere, you can see all sorts of movies, videos, songs and everything else that talks about being aware of what even the most trivial things humans do, can cause effects on the world that we live in.

So many measures have been suggested and even implemented that aim to make the world we live in a better place for us and for the next generations. Even presidential campaigns incorporate environmental awareness to their platforms and this, I guess, is a strong indication that everyone from whatever nook in the world they may come from should follow suit and begin to start caring for the world.

There are many good examples of doing even simple things that, when done on larger scale and by so many people, can create a great positive impact on the environment. One of these things is the use of organic cleaning products and putting into practice the principles of natural cleaning in general.

Natural cleaning refers to the use of natural cleaning products that help minimize the risk of environmental degradation. Commercial cleaning products available today reek of toxic chemicals that can cause harmful effects to the environment in the long run. That's why, with environmental awareness at its peak, natural cleaning is proving to be a great alternative to switch to.

Using organic cleaning products is the core of natural cleaning. Instead of commercial cleaning products, we should employ cleaning products made from organic materials that are just as effective as those products that contain toxic chemicals. These cleaning products are safe, efficient and are less expensive than those that are manufactured by capitalists. These products contain no harmful chemicals that might ruin the natural flow and balance of nature. They are all natural and go back to nature (like all things do) in a natural way.

Unlike commercial cleaning products which have been synthetically made and may contain chemicals that are either non-biodegradable and do not mix well with the environment, cleaning products made from natural ingredients are completely safe to even use in large doses as they can revert back to their natural form and be reused by nature.

Example of these cleaning products can usually be found in your very own home, right in the comfort of your kitchen. These products include vinegar, washing soda, baking soda, lemon juice, lime juice, lemon and lime peel, among others. These things are common and are most likely bought for other purposes. But they can serve multiple functions, which makes them very cost-efficient.

The products mentioned above are considered the basics - or the basic cleaning products that, when combine well, can be used to makes pastes, sprays and other formulas for other purposes. With these products, you don't have to buy a separate product for a different purpose. All you need to do is a little research and you can create a cleaning product of your own using tested recipes that are available online.

As you can see, these kinds of cleaning products make a very good deal. They can serve so many purposes which make you save a lot more money. They are also safe and do less damage to the balance of nature than commercial cleaning products.

Organic cleaning products are becoming the best alternatives nowadays. Read more articles online if you are still skeptical about natural cleaning products as the new way of cleaning your home in a safe and natural way.

Estate Planning - The Life Estate

The life estate is something every first year law student learns about when they study the arcane and often bizarre history of property law that harkens back to the days of English knights, lords and serfs, and the transfer of property through the ceremonial throwing of dirt clods with oaths of duty to accompany. The life estate is about as old as they come as instruments of wealth transfer go and students love it, because it is relatively easy to understand. Apart from what students love and what is easy to remember, however, the life estate still has practical value today in your estate planning and assets management schemes.

The basic idea of the life estate is that a person can be left a piece of property for life, and upon their passing, the property in question can go to whoever is designated to receive that property afterward. The individual or group who receives the property after the life-tenant passes is called the remainderman or remaindermen, which is useful only in that it helps one to remember that the person who remains gets the property. If, for example, one wants to leave a family estate that has been with the family for many generations to their spouse and then have it immediately pass on to their children or another relative who will maintain the estate for the generation to come, then a life estate might be the perfect vehicle to do so. Another example is the same family estate, left to a surviving spouse until the surviving spouse either dies or remarries. Again, the aim is to ensure that the estate stays in family, a contingency which is threatened by the remarriage because that creates a new marital joint-tenancy, absent any other provision. Often the life-estate was used to keep assets, like the family home, headed down a single line of familial ownership.

However, the life estate has other uses, for example, it can leave an asset to be owned by one person until the death of third person. If an older relative has become incapacitated, such that it is difficult for them to make decisions for themselves, then the asset can be left in the care of another for the incapacitated person's lifetime. An example might be, that Blackacre (the fictitious name for a piece of property used in law schools everywhere) is left in the care of cousin Tilly, until great aunt Nelly's death. Thus, Tilly is allowed to make Nelly comfortable at Blackacre (the family home) until Nelly passes on. In this instance, Nelly's life is what is called, the measuring life of the life estate, and Tilly's ownership ends when Nelly is gone.

On the whole, the life estate may be falling out of use for a number of reasons and being replaced by the much more fluid instrument of the trust. But, the life estate still captures, from time to time, our instincts regarding how property is to pass from one generation to another and that is why it is still relevant even for an estate planner who uses it very rarely. It helps us to ask and to get the answer to very difficult questions, which is part of the act of estate planning. Both the client and the attorney must face tough questions, and the life estate (even if it is sometimes regarded as a legal relic of the past) tells us how people used to answer questions of intra-generational wealth transfer and why. We may use different instruments to bring about our legal ends (or we may not), but even if we do, the life-estate still has relevance in helping us think about the questions that underlie the choices to be made in estate planning.

Ronald Hudkins is an advocate for consumer awareness. He has noted that more than 70% of the American public fails to make appropriate estate plans prior to death or incapacitation and as such; authored an Ebook "Asset Protection and Estate Planning for All Ages" It is available for free download at http://stores.lulu.com/rhudkins

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Why is Imagination Important?

Why is imagination important? is a question that deserves thoughtful consideration. Take a minute and consider the world you live in. Well, one thing is for sure - a hundred years ago, the world didn't resemble the world in which we live in today. Consider jet airplanes. Consider the skyscrapers in the great metropolitan cities of the world. Consider computers and the Internet. These developments just didn't appear mysteriously on the horizon one fine day. These amazing technological advancements occurred because people like you and me visualized these wondrous things in the recesses of their minds. Through the powers of their imagination, their visualizations became reality. Why is imagination important? can be answered by simply looking around our great, big wonderful world.

The answer to the question, "Why is imagination important?" is that imagination helps us to put our goals in perspective and it enhances our creativity. We must have the freedom to imagine because only through imagination can we bring our thoughts and dreams to fruition. Without imagination, we shall never come to realize our full potential, and therefore, never experience the happiness on earth we were meant to enjoy. By using our imagination to the fullest, we'll make this world a better place in which to live while improving social and economic conditions for ourselves and others.

The definition of the term "imagination," according to Funk and Wagnalls Encyclopedic College Dictionary, is "the process of forming mental images of the objects of perception or thought in the absence of concrete external stimuli; the picturing process of the mind." John Lennon, in his classic song from the 70's, Imagine, sings about people thinking of the world and imagining how the world would be without violence, hatred, war and persecution. Why is imagination important? has been illustrated over the years by such brilliant thinkers as John Lennon, John Kennedy and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Imagination is one of our greatest tools. When we use the powers of our imagination effectively, we can change our lives.

Why is imagination important? Imagination plays a major role in our everyday life. Daydreaming is not a waste of time - far from it. Daydreaming aids us in the development and fine tuning of our imagination. In order for us to achieve anything worthwhile, we must utilize imagination in order to formulate the concept, and subsequently move the concept into actual form. If we can visualize something, then we can take this vision and create reality from it. Our imaginary thoughts are the building blocks through which the productivity of our lives takes shape. We become what we dream. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that our thoughts remain positive!

If your thoughts are negative, your energy will not be sufficient to overcome these feelings, and they will eventually affect your life in a negative way. Why is imagination important? It's because the better we are able to connect with the positive thoughts of our imagination, the greater the chance that we'll be able to live a happy and productive life and experience the level of success that we dream of. If we use our imagination properly, we will be putting ourselves in a position to succeed, while providing living proof of the answer to the question, "Why is imagination important." The website www.the-warrior-within.org is an outstanding source of information, education and support in matters of this nature, and you are invited to visit the site and take advantage of all it has to offer.

Alberto Posse believes that every person has a potential for greatness, they just need guidance and some help, which is why he founded The Warrior Within, to help others succeed. Visit: http://www.the-warrior-within.org

What Happens When What You Hold on to is Gone?


Something that most of us have in common despite of our race, religion, gender, age, background, status, etc. It can be tangible or intangible. But whatever it is, it has this invisible glue that holds it well together with our identity, with or without our knowing.

What are the most obvious forms of attachments we can observe?

- Lovers who can't be torn apart.
- A strong belief to an idea.
- A sense of belonging to any material things.
- A job we have
- A status we have earned
- A reputation we have tried to build
- Etc

But what happens when it's lost? Will you lose yourself in the process of losing "it"? Or will you be liberated as nothing will hold you back any longer? Will you give up on life or will you move on and find new meanings from other things?

It was the teaching of Buddha to be detached from stuffs (including living beings) to be able to reach nirvana but for us who have been brainwashed to the concept of ownership, this habit dies hard. It's not easy. And the fact is between attachment and detachment, there lies a very fine, fine line. How do we cross over to each side depends on our own sheer will power and self control.

I used to be so detached with the hatred I have towards the riots that happened to me in 1998 (during the Asian Financial crisis). It was a horrible experience where I was in the house which windows were stoned to pieces by the natives. I carried my hatred for at least a year and every time I saw a race that resembles to those who have ruined my belongings, I detested them. I didn't know this "attachment" to the feeling of hatred had made me so weary. And what do I gain for having this attitude? NOTHING! Not only I stained one race just because of few rotten apples, I was so delusional that I thought my hallucinations were my reality.

In fact I lost more. I didn't notice the beauty of possible opportunities should I have let go earlier. Yes, the event was horrible, but it doesn't mean I have to be a horrible person because of it. I've learned to embrace the diversity of opinions and perspectives and indeed there is not one way as the right way. If there is only one right theory for everything then till now we should believe that the sun is revolving our earth. Oh, how silly will that be?

I know the example that I've given above may not be similar with what you are holding to now. You may be holding on tightly to your loved one/s in which without them you feel empty. It's time to think for yourself, if they are really gone from the surface of earth, will you really be empty? Can you feel the void again with something else? Won't you loved one/s want you to move on and be a better person rather than grieving about them for lives and actually given up life just because of their departure?

When something is lost along the way, it's very normal to grieve and cry your heart out. But don't take too long. Give your heart and soul a break. If it's not for your own sanity sake, do give your loved one/s a break too. Don't you think he/she/they/it will feel the pain knowing that you can't let go of the attachment that is of no existence? Don't you think you deserve to be happy?

When you lose something you can't live without, you should not lose yourself. You should feel liberated not in the sense that you've been imprisoned all these while and it's the time you claim your freedom. But you should feel liberated because you are a better person than before. You are liberated from the old experiences and new things will come your way.

Take your time to sob but don't forget you deserve to be on top of your life. All will be well again and remember to smile because it has happened in your life.

Donna Daritan is a life learner and sharer. Constantly picking up lessons in life even in her own bathroom. She has a not-so-secret fetish on quotes and phrases that speak to her heart and religiously sharing it on her blog http://www.dd-discovers-quotes.blogspot.com You can find out more about her wacky side too at http://www.donnadaritan.com

Good People Get to Go to Heaven

I found a website that was recommended to me and it had the comment, is Jesus the only way to heaven at, Gotquestions, seems like your typical Christian website that replies with biblical quotes and simple to follow information. If I was lost, they will help me find a way. There's even a button at the bottom that states, I have accepted Christ today. I guess if I was to push that button, I get to go to heaven and be with Jesus. Hard to imagine, avoiding a life of burning in hell could be as simple as pushing a button and uttering a few simple words.

I found this question and began reading their comment. The first comment is from somebody answering as a nonbeliever in Christianity. It states something like, if I'm basically a good person and live a moral life, I get to go to heaven, right, only the bad people like murderers go to hell.

Now the answer that the website gives, seems to create fear if you do not belong to Christianity and provide you with hope if you join the group.

It mentioned Satan as the ruler of the world, and he can plant these thoughts into your head if you're not a Christian. He also controls your mind and let's you believe, that it would only make sense to any rational person, they get to go to heaven if they're good.

Now this is what makes sense to me but according to this information, I am doomed to rot in hell for eternity, even if I am a pretty good person. All I have to do is accept Christ as God and I get to go to heaven. That seems pretty easy and I wonder why more people don't do it. Just push the button.

I wonder if Satan is controlling, non-Christians minds and that's why there's brutality and war throughout the world. If everyone was a Christian, would our world be better.

Here's a quote from Wikipedia The Crusades were a series of religion-driven military campaigns waged by much of Christian Europe against external and internal opponents. Crusades were fought mainly against Muslims, though campaigns were also directed against pagan Slavs, Jews, Russian and Greek Orthodox Christians, Mongols, Cathars, Hussites, Waldensians, Old Prussians, and political enemies of the popes.

These Christian Crusades killed thousands of people. To give you an idea how many people were killed, all I had to do was type the word crusades into a search engine and it took me to the Christian Crusades.

I guess that rules that out, it seems like the Christians a long time ago were pretty aggressive towards their enemies, I wonder if most Christians would refer to these people as enemies today or are they just being controlled by Satan. Do these Christians from the Crusades get to go to heaven? If people like this get to go to heaven, may be hell is a better place anyway.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, Mere Christianity

Here's something to think about, go to heaven

21 Days To Creating Your Dream Life

Are you one of those people who believe that good fortune, success, blooming health and all the perks of a wealthy lifestyle comes to a select few, who somehow have managed to win life's lottery? Are you one of life's ordinary people - humdrum job, humdrum life? Do you believe the gap between where you are and where you want to be is just too big and can never be reached?

Answer yes to any of the above and you need to read this book.

You see too many of us think that success will always be just out of our grasp; that we will never have the good fortune to have a life that fits on the cover of our favorite magazine, or any publication that we hold dear. What we fail to realize is that this type of thinking is one of the barriers that are holding us back from our success. That's right - if you think that you can't succeed and live the life you want to live, you will be right - every time.

You see, the Universe is a wondrous place and whether you believe in it in a spiritual sense or not, the Universe has this way of looking out for you and giving you what you want, all the time. Unfortunately too many of us spend our time complaining about what we haven't got, and don't take the time to consider that it is our complaints that are coming true in our lives: not our dreams, our desires or our goals. But I am getting ahead of myself. Suffice to say at this point - you have a lot more power to change your life, than you can ever imagine.

You have a desire to change your life - otherwise you would not be reading this. But I am willing to bet that you don't know how to go about it. I am also willing to bet that there is a part of you that is just a bit scared of succeeding - I mean what would that do to your self-esteem; to your relationships with family, friends and co-workers and to the way you live your life? Change is always a scary prospect, but if you are in control of the change process then it doesn't have to be a negative experience. This book will show you how you can control your life to the point where you are living where you want to be, and doing what you want to do, rather than what you are doing right now.

If you have the desire to change your life and move forward now, today, take a chance, go order the book called "21 Days To Creating Your Dream Life" available exclusively at http://www.stephenmark.com

Stephen Mark is an extremely motivated Entrepreneur, turned Author and motivator to help people overcome obstacles in everyday life at work and at play.

"My mission is to achieve financial abundance while sharing my knowledge and talents with others."

Book Review - The Highly Sensitive Person's Survival Guide

The Highly Sensitive Person's Survival Guide: Essential Skills for Living Well in an Overstimulating World

By Ted Zeff, Ph. D.

Copyright 2004 Published by New Harbinger Publications

Get ready for many suggestions and alternatives to life as usual when you read this book! Liberally sprinkled with real-life examples, you get to see how other HSPs like you have adjusted factors in their lives to suit them.

So many suggestions makes this a valuable book and somewhat overwhelming at the same time. Even with the author's own words encouraging you to take it slow and adopt a few things at a time, it holds the possibility of stopping a HSP in their tracks. You might want to read this one slowly, working on chapters with their suggestions one at a time.

What's very valuable about Zeff's perspective is his no-nonsense look at what really has to happen to be a happy HSP. He deals directly with the inner journey that is so important to reshaping life. He asks you to get clear on your goals, whether living the way you are now is either helping or harming you, how the impact of low self-esteem and not loving yourself affects you and how to constructively look at your beliefs to change your habits. He even gives a healthy six-month time frame to cement a new habit -- the longest I've ever heard quoted.

Valuable topics include:

  • Coping with time pressure
  • Calming your senses
  • Finding agreeable foods
  • Sensible exercise (at about 50% of your capacity, which is great for those of us who hate sweating)
  • Getting external support while you are changing habits
  • Thinking ahead to prepare in advance
  • Learning to be more in control and other attitude adjustments
  • The importance of routine and pacing your activity
  • Nurturing your sensitive soul
  • Finding health practitioners and healers

While highly instructive, Zeff's writing 'can be somewhat annoying. He is very repetitive in his points. For example, food choices, television and yoga seem to come up in every chapter. Additionally, his choice of words can appear somewhat judgmental in how he labels society and cultural norms. Still, I find some assurance in this as I know it was written by someone who is highly sensitive.

You may have heard or read some of this advice before cracking the cover of this volume. It is still good reading because perhaps for the first time, you are getting from someone who shares your sensitivity. That slight twist of perspective shows you how to take what the rest of the world does and modify it for your own peace of mind and body. That's a valuable skill to hone!

Then, there are areas included here that you might never have considered as alternatives otherwise, like Ayurveda. Exploring these choices can lead you in new directions and benefit you at the same time.

With each chapter ending with lists that recap the valuable points, you can easily morph this book into a refresher guide that keeps you in tune with your own nature. Read a list each day and you will keep valuable choices on the top of your mind. How much easier could it be to tune up your life?

Sarah Dolliver is the Founder of InnerVantage, the online community for inner-directed individuals (those who focus inward to restore). Her vision is to remove the stigma from being introverted or highly sensitive (HSP) to allow these individuals to lead rewarding lives that bring distinct contributions to the world. She educates, inspires and empowers them to use their gifts, talents and strengths as the basis from which they approach life.

Subscribe to the Awakening Your InnerVantage newsletter or get other free resources at http://www.InnerVantage.com

Sarah holds a Bachelor of Science in Management (Bentley College, Waltham, MA) and is a graduate of Coach U and The Graduate School of Coaching from CoachVille.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Feel the Force to Unleash the Secret Multi-dimensionally

The movie "The Secret" does not lend itself to scientific analysis, because the threefold nature mind, body, spirit is too multi-dimensional for one to be able to analyze it and look at its individual aspects.

True research into The Secret is done with conscious awareness turned back on it Self, using feelings and emotions to research the nature of consciousness it Self. The tool for researching consciousness is quiet meditation and self-awareness. The process starts by consciously relaxing the physical body; by releasing tension and fatigue in the muscles; by consciously choosing to allow them to relax.

The more subtle stage begins when you start working with your breathing, quietening the mind and connecting with your energy body. You could say this is a process of transcending your physical structure. This is the interesting thing about conscious awareness. The Self, your true nature, is non-changing; like you being the same person all your life. You are not your physical body, as that is constantly changing. You are Spirit i.e. non-physical that which cannot be described because it has no qualities.

Some words that come close to describing it would be quantum field, vacuum, void, space. You are spirit, your physical body and all the layers in-between. The physical body allows you to turn your spiritual light, which shines out of your eyes, back on it Self, so you can know yourself and all the layers of matter and energy that make up your body. You do this research into your nature through your feeling and your emotions. You use your feeling to see your energy body, after relaxing your physical being and doing the conscious breathing.

You could work on your energy body by imagining roots growing out of your feet, grounding your energy field and connecting you to the Earth. You could open the chakras of the body and see all the spinning vortices of light, as you open up all the chakras. You could connect your crown chakra to the sun and moon and all the planets of our solar system. You could connect outwards to take in the Milky Way and the Universe, and realize that what is above is also below. Your body is a hologram of the universe. You see all the lines of force multi dimensionally flowing up and down the layers of your existence. You find that you are connected to the whole universe and everything else; that all human life is part of this One energy. Nothing in the universe is separate from anything else.

You are already connected to everything you could ever want. It is you and you are it. Your friends and loved ones, and those who show up in your life in an "enemy" role they are you also. We Are All One. Conscious awareness is a process of evolution where you keep gaining knowledge about yourself. You are no longer your physical body; you see the connection to all that is, and see it all as part of your Self. You realize your awareness can move around by itself without your physical body through astral travelling, out-of-body experiences. You realize you do not need your mobiles any more, as your powers of telepathy have become so acute, thought is enough. Your perspective on life starts to shift. You are not your physical body; you are the universe and all it contains.

You lose all sense of time and space. You no longer come to Earth for 100 spins around the sun. You realize you are immortal, Eternal made of Energy that cannot be created or destroyed. You then realize YOU not 6 billon people working as individuals are creating it all as a whole. You are One Universal Life Force flowing through us all. You stop killing each other because you realize they are you and you are them. We Are All One. Everyone in the universe shifts their energy and focus to co-operation and sharing. Everyone just falls into line, pulling in the same direction in co-operation and harmony. Synchronicity is so strong and awareness so full that accidents just have no space in which to happen any more.

There is no need for armies, no need for war, no need for governments. National boundaries cease to be barriers, and supplies begin to move across them from areas of surplus to areas of lack. Life becomes aware of it Self and governs it Self with Universal Oneness. I feel the movie "The Secret" is just touching on the surface of the evolution of consciousness we are now experiencing, with integration and evolution taking place at a speed and on a scale we can only imagine. But Know, as you are Imagining, you are creating your Present (and within it the Past and Future).

Message channelled by George E. Lockett -- HealerGeorge(C) Copyright 2007, All Rights Reserved. Tel: +44 (0)1286 882701 George has recently published his new book, which contains many more articles and advice to bring Joy into your life. The book is titled: "A Journey into the Self -- the multi-dimensional nature of being human": HealerGeorge Web Site and New Book Description: What is this book going to do for YOU? For those who are seeking a complete energetic makeover, as you read it you will feel a stirring and awakening in the depths of your heart. For those who have questions about Shifts in Consciousness, Energy Balancing, and Healing within the body, you will find clear answers. Ask a question of HealerGeorge at: Ask HealerGeorge

Happiness & Personal Growth

You are a woman on a path of self-reflection, self-awareness and expansion. One of the things that can be really frustrating is knowing that you have a lot of personal work to do, but you are not sure where to start.

Just like trying to choose the perfect shampoo and conditioner for your hair type and budget, trying to find just the right guide for your personal growth journey can be overwhelming.

There are TOO MANY choices. You spend way too much time standing in front of the shelves. Time you could be spending doing something personal and expansive.

Here are 4 essential insights to keep in mind as you walk your personal inner journey.

1. Keep it Simple

* How many self-help books do you own?
* Have you read them all?
* Do you feel pressured to buy each new 'best-seller'?

The most basic tenet speaks for itself. Keep it Simple. You don't need to own every self-improvement book on the market. Choose one that really resonates with you and allow yourself the luxury of giving it your full attention.

2. Keep it about you

Instead of rushing out to buy the next best seller, tell yourself that you already have enough. You have all the wisdom you need today; it is waiting for you when you turn your focus within.

Clean out your bookshelf. Let go of the pressure all those unread volumes quietly exert. Give them as gifts to your friends and let them go or just acknowledge that they look great on the shelf, but you don't need to read them all.

Get your journal out. Spend your time focusing on you. Reflect on what is going on inside for you. Get to know who you are at your center.

*What is your reading other people's stuff to writing your own stuff ratio?

3. Keep it Positive

This statement doesn't mean that you can't work through your issues, pain, and unresolved places. It does mean to do so with a mind and heart-set of growth, resolution, healing and possibility.

Wallowing around in your emotional muck just for the sake of it, is counterproductive your growth.

Decide that from this day forward, your inner work will focus on your strengths, hopes, growth, possibilities and potentiality. Decide that nothing is more important than feeling good. Your personal energy will lighten.

* Look back at your old journals.
* What was the overall tone?
* Are the pages full of self-criticism or were you kind and loving to yourself?

4. Progress not perfection

There are no rules on this journey. You will never get it finished and you will never get it perfect, so let go of all that. Just keep moving forward. Do something each and every day that take you to a deeper and more loving understanding of the beautiful woman you are.

The path to enlightenment does not require a lot of external resources. You might be surprised to learn how well equipped you are to travel simply and lightly. This personal adventure will reward you with gifts and surprises aplenty.

Wishing you Peace & Abundance... Joyce Lee "Your Life Empowerment Coach"

2008 joyceleelifecoach.com

Are you ready for more opportunities to explore and reflect? Go to http://joyceleelifecoach.com/prompts.html for your special gift of "20 Profound and Provocative Journal Prompts" designed to help you focus on your life with a spirit of peace.

Joyce Lee is a certified Life Empowerment Coach, Personal Growth Facilitator and Law of Attraction Practitioner, specializes in helping women understand the Law of Attraction and deliberately creating the life they really want.

Free Me To Live - A Workbook That May Change Your Life

Let me ask you this:

Do you suffer with depression, guilt, shame or self -blame?

Do you cringe when you look in the mirror?

Do you find it difficult to forgive yourself for what you have done?

Do you feel that you are damaged goods?

Have you experienced an abortion? Were you ever abused? Raped? Did you suffer a serious violation of your self like incest or sexual molestation?

As the story goes, we get hurt deeply when choices we make or the choices someone else makes cause us to hurt (emotionally, physically or even spiritually.) Such hurts get internalized and "stuffed." The result is that the pain becomes a "hidden thing of shame." As long as something like the pain of abortion, rape, incest or abuse is hidden, it causes shame and guilt. The thing that is hidden has power to harm you. These hidden things of shame dominate our life.

This is why I call these kinds of hurts: LIFE DOMINATING PROBLEMS.

They do not go away with time. In fact, they often resurface with greater intensity later. That is the nature of post-traumatic stress.

You can not wash the feelings of guilt and shame away with soap. You can not escape the nightmares. Most commonly, people live with a scar of hidden shame that too often results in depression.

In fact, if you look just at one trigger issue that has impacted about 50 million women in the united states, the symptoms of abortion related aftermath read just like post traumatic stress. The most common expression of women of abortion is "I can't forgive myself." Those who have been violated by someone else tend to say, "I will not trust them ever again."

Untreated, these life dominating problems can cripple the person

You can not run away from your real self. You can not wish away the painful memories.

These life-dominating issues ultimately result in an emotional implosion.

Have you experienced one of these problems?

Are you are sick and tired of the pain?

Are you are ready to do what ever it takes to be free from all the guilt and shame and oppressive feelings that weigh you down.....then I want to share a secret that may change your life.

Here is the SECRET!


You do not have to hurt...Someone Cares!

There are many support groups waiting for you in almost every major city in the United States, Canada, and through out Europe.

But, if you can not attend one of those live support groups, chances are you can still find your hope in your time of great need.

Now, you can access a helpful email series combined with a 150 page web-based distance-learning course that can help you no matter where you live. The only requirement is that you have internet access.

Here is what you might expect:

1. You could gain access to 14 key object lessons that will help you to address your hurts positively with great results.

2. You could learn over about 45 days new facts about who you are, why you can be free and how you can be free from now on.

3. Participants report the experience described as "chains of bondage breaking."

4. You might discover how to break out of a self-imposed emotional prison.

5. You might experience new light flooding the darkness and the sludge within your heart of hearts.

6. It is likely you would feel loved like you have never been loved before by completing the course.

How much does it cost to take such a course?

Absolutely Nothing! It is free!

Let me invite you to visit freemetolive.com to learn more about this powerful Christian recovery course.

It may just change your life for the better!

Ken Freeman

Basing Your Career on Your Passions Will Lead to Fulfillment

If your prime motivation is the bottom line then maybe it doesn't make any difference as long as you're making money and providing for you and your family a desirable lifestyle.

But, if you long for a job or career you can love and do with a passion then it may be a little more difficult.

True, some people just fall into their lifelong passion with little or no trouble at all. Maybe they grew up in the family business, never knew anything else or cared to learn anything else and found contentment staying close to the nest. However, this is not the norm. Most of us seek to fly out of the comfortable nest and fly over the fence to see if the grass is greener.

It's never too early or too late to discover your passions and act on them but first determine what you're passionate about. When you understand your own passions (and this is not easy matter) a whole new world of possibilities opens up.

Step back and take a close look at where you are now and what brought you there. Perhaps, you're a plumber but long to travel. More than likely you'll make more money being a plumber, but if you're not happy each day and dread going to work, then the bottom line is not your motivating factor. See, you're learning about yourself already.

Look at your passions from all angles. In the case of travel, is it really the travel you love or is it exploring new lands and meeting new people. You could meet new people and make new friends in all kinds of endeavors.

Meeting lots of people as a plumber is usually limited. Maybe you enjoy making travel plans and scheduling cruises and flights which could lead to a travel or tour business. It's important to search your passions from different directions.

What you think your passions are could be just admiration of others who do what you think you would like to do. Would you like to become a writer but hate to sit down to a computer and write?

Do you admire a person who makes birdhouses for a living but you hate to be cooped up in a wood shop all day. Don't confuse your passion with admiration. And be prepared for the realization that doing what you love will not always put bread on the table.

You can bet people who are working at whatever their passion spent long hours to get where they are today. But, if it's truly your passion, getting there will be a joy. Explore your passions whether they're a love of animals, gardening or photography and take these passions to the next step.

Learn all you can about your passion. Take a class or a course, volunteer or intern in the field you love. See where the path leads. It could lead you right back to where you were in the first place but you owe it to yourself to find out. Enjoy the journey.

Zara Jones is a life coach based in San Francisco and enjoys writing articles for many journals and websites. Check out this great guide to Job Interview Techniques site which has a ton of great articles, guides and advice on improving you job interview chances.


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Turn the Tables on Stress

Is stress consuming you; why should you allow this? Stress puts tremendous stress on the body, sounds like a doubling up on words doesn't it? Well, that is what stress does to your body. It causes issue with your respiratory system, your cardio-vascular system, your central nervous system and it tends to use up all the vitamins stored up in your body as well.

The long-term health risks of stress are very serious, but not all stress is bad. That's right you heard it, not all stress is bad, in fact, some is actually very good for you; exercise stress for instance. Maybe you need to read up on all the information about stress that you can. This way you can better understand it and modify your behavior in order make stress work for you.

Okay then, let me recommend a very good book for you on stress. Personally, I have always enjoyed a fair amount of stress, it is a motivator and an enabler for me, and although I never realized all the strategies to turn the table on stress, I see that was indeed, using some of these techniques, but I just had not realized all the names of these techniques. Oh, the book I want to recommend to you? Yes, well the name of the book is:

"Making Stress Work for You; Ten Proven Principles," by Lloyd J. Ogilivie; World Books, Waco, TX, 1994.

This book will tell you the secrets to managing success and stress and how to use the Fear and anger in your favor for a good cause. It will explain the stress that we do not let out and hold inside and the difference between it and the stress we put on our bodies during competition and exercise. If you've ever thought that the stress was causing burn out, think again there are techniques and strategies for that as well.

You need to learn how to work hard, play hard and how to really relax as the author explains. And for those Biblical scholars out there, the book has a whole chapter in the back that will help you understand the stress from a religious a standpoint. Please go out and buy this book and put on your bookshelf to help you alleviate stress.

"Lance Winslow" - Lance Winslow's Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/.

Book Review: Godcountry

Godcountry by Colleen Drippe
Novel Books, Inc., 1591050022, $5.50

Eduardo Sabat was once a slave. Because he does not know the codes which will remove it, he still wears the shackle-like bracelet that once bound him to servitude in a pagan land, and which continues to remind him of his past. Though first instinct for a freed man would be to distance himself as far as possible from the place of slavery, it is not Eduardo's instinct. Now a for-hire mercenary partnered with the hardy Otto Zeller, Eduardo willingly treks back into the desolate colony called Godcountry, motivated by the job but not entirely aware of the consequences.

While the risks involved in returning to Godcountry are given, Eduardo is surprised by the attempts to foil his mission of returning the captured Hermadon Pelanot - son of the colony of Hithia's leader - to the custody of his stern aunt. His estranged wife is mysteriously murdered, and soon attempts on his own life follow. Nevertheless, Eduardo presses onward with the help of a motley party which includes the devout Christian Wolfbane and a crew of interplanetary religious known as the Star Brothers, whose faith gives Eduardo something to ponder as he discovers the threat to his life is closer than he actually realizes.

Godcountry is hard science fiction blended nicely with elements of faith and humanity. This story of a bleak future plagued by religious persecution and interplanetary greed bolstered through human slavery doesn't offer an immediate resolution to any problems, but offers the reader an intense look at how faith can exist in a hostile society and therefore offer a future of hope.

Kathryn Lively is the publisher of Phaze, romance novels in eBook and paperback. She offers book promotion advice for authors.

Is Guilt Feeding on Your Conscience, Affecting Your Subconscious Mind Negatively?

Guilt is one of the largest causes of stress in your life. Stop reading this article for a second and think about the people in your lives that often make you feel guilty.

Now did you really stop reading the article and think about the people in your life who make you feel guilty? Okay well if you did this get back to the guilty feelings so many of us have. Guilt goes all the way back to your childhood, your parents, teachers, friends and relatives have gotten to be pretty good at it over the years, often learning from the same group of people when they were children.

Guilt is definitely a big part of our society and can be found almost everywhere you turn. Have you ever turned the television on to notice a commercial about weight loss. A large majority of Americans are overweight and are targets for a guilt creating society.

I was reading a book on writing magazine articles, when they mentioned a fact that I never thought of, most women's magazines run articles on dieting in every issue. Guilt sells magazines.

Do you think weight loss, dieting or nutritional eating habits, sell magazines? If your answer is no, you should check the financial statements of these companies. They know what sells magazines and guilt or fear is one of their best friends. If you answered yes to the question, you won't have to suffer from the guilt of not knowing the answer.

Guilt seems to work on our subconscious mind in negative ways, often producing harmful thoughts that create stressful feelings in our lives. The longer these negative thoughts are held as truths, the harder it's going to be on our self esteem.

If you find yourself around people that make you feel guilty for something you do or don't do on a regular basis, I would suggest finding new people to hang around with. Gathering negative information from people you consider your friends can only create more damage to your conscience.

If you truly and sincerely do not like something about yourself, tell your friends in a nice way, that you would rather talk about your problems in a negative way. If they have constructive and helpful comments, you would love to hear them. Guilt causes stress and stress can lead to death. If you don't believe that, do some research on stress related illnesses.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, The Intuitive Way

Greg is currently working on a personal development library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion

Life is a Short Rant

Life is short, don't sell your soul, life, and time for money for too long of a period. Don't let little things get in your way of what you really want to do. Stop making excuses about why you can't do something. If you really want something, change it from a "should" and make it a "must".

Life is to be experience and enjoyed. Life is not meant to be spent doing something you don't want to do your whole life. Plan out your life so that you can soon do what you want, and work because you want to not because you have to, that is, if you even decide to work. Everyone is looking for one thing in life: Happiness. So why is it that most people want to cling to things that make them unhappy? The answer is FEAR. Fear of losing that sense of security, which for most of us, is a false sense of security.

Quit doing what the average person does or you will end up living a life that average people live. Be a kid again and dream big. Don't let the limitations of your income bring your dreams down. Plan your life in a way that will let you experience those dreams. By doing so you will inspire those around you. Don't get caught up in making a living instead of designing your life. Don't be one of those people who wake up one day when they're old and say to themselves "what happened to my life?" Letting the little things in life get in the way of big things in life is foolish.

You're probably thinking one of three things at this point (that is if you've read this far). One is "blah blah blah, easy for this guy to say, he doesn't know me, he doesn't know how complicated and hard my life is". Two: "Eh, I'm cool where I am right now, I might not being living my dreams, but I'm comfortable". Three: "I understand where he's getting at, but even if I wanted to live out my dreams, I wouldn't know where to start".

1. Whatever you're facing or going through, there are millions of people who have it worse than you. Stop complaining about circumstances. Circumstances happen to everyone, it's what you do about it that matters. If you keep complaining, you will only end up living a life worth complaining about.

2. Being in the middle is probably the worse place to be. You're not living the life you want to live but your life is not bad enough for you to do anything about it. This is where most dreams are destroyed and lives are ruined. We get comfortable. We start rationalizing "it's not that bad, I have it better than a lot of the people I know". If you want to be average, keep rationalizing. If you want to live your dreams, be honest with yourself. Don't be like the dog that whines because he's lying on a nail but doesn't do anything about it because it doesn't hurt enough. Jump on that damn nail as hard as you can so that it will wake you up and get you moving towards the life you really want to live.

3. Everything starts with you. For things to change, you must change. As long as you have strong enough reasons why you MUST live the life you dream of, the "how-to" will eventually come to you. That determination and undeniable belief that you WILL live your dreams will soon attract people into your life who can help you get to where you want to be. Start surrounding yourself with people who will encourage you and who can see you for who you can become instead of just who you are today. Negative people are energy drainers, dream stealers, life destroyers and you should get as far away from them as possible. Your life will never far exceed the expectations from your peer group. Want to know how your life will turn out, look at your friends. If you don't like what you see, get new friends.

In closing, life really is short. Tomorrow was never promised. No one ever said you will still be alive 5 years from now, or even 3 months from now. The more time you spend on doing things you don't like, the less time you will have doing the things you enjoy. What ever it is you want to do in life, start today, don't delay, make a plan and start right now!

Kevin Ngo is the creator of motivational-well-being.com - a motivational resource website that provides free tools to help people stay motivated long enough to create successful habits in order to obtain their goals. Ready to get back on track? You're one click away.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ever Thought About Self Love?

By self love I'm not talking about narcissism and lack of regard for others, but true, self love in terms of loving yourself for who you are. Do you? Despite all your weaknesses, perceived faults, parts of your body that you don't like... do you love yourself anyway?

If you can answer yes to that question - Fantastic! If you find it challenging to answer yes - don't beat yourself up over it! Many of us struggle to love ourselves - warts 'n' all. There is no blame here, just self awareness and self acceptance.

Let's look at this another way. There is an Ultimate Being, God, Buddha, Allah, Divine Spirit, Father Mother God, Creator, Holy Spirit, whatever your words for it, we know that there is an overall consciousness that inhabits everything. Is a part of everything. We can see this when we look at beautiful flowers, or landscapes, or stunning sunsets, the smell of fresh air, the taste of tasty food, the sounds of birdsong or rolling waves. Whatever you find relaxing or beautiful is infused with God consciousness. So when you look at, hear, feel, smell, taste, or touch these beautiful things it's easy to feel love for them.

Having accepted that God is in everything, we also then need to accept that God is within us. If we love God for being in everything, we also then need to love ourselves because of this. Otherwise we are rejecting God.

Now I know that these thoughts might be pushing some buttons in people because of the word "God". I make no apology for that. It's a terminology that is easy to use to get across the concept that the Ultimate Consciousness is within us all. Therefore Every Thing and Every One deserves to be loved by us - including ourselves.

Take some time to think more about yourself. Start to acknowledge more the things about yourself that you do actually like. Let go of negative thoughts about yourself that bring you down. You love other people warts and all, try doing the same for yourself. Take it gently, but take another step towards self love and self respect. Start by writing a list of 50 positive things that you love about yourself. It may take you a couple of days and that's OK. Take your time, but do make sure you complete it. Once you have your list can you make it longer? Every time you find something positive about yourself that you love or like, add it to the list and, each day.

Alun is a spirtual life coach focused on personal and spiritual evolution. You can read more about him and his work here http://www.lifesense.co.uk

Solutions to Anger

Some of us have difficulty recognizing our anger; some of us find it so troublesome to acknowledge our anger that we deny it and turn it inwards on ourselves. Hmmm. Sounds painful. It is! Anger turned inward is called depression. (I can hear some of you, maybe even health professionals, typing away at a rebuttal.) That's okay, do whatever you need to do to deal with your anger issues. It is much healthier to take some action, provided it does not harm anyone including yourself, than to turn your anger in. Writing is a very constructive outlet for anger. And don't tell me I am opposed to antidepressant medication. I am not, if it is used as part of the solution. If we take a pill, legal or not, and collude with the prescriber, (or collude with the patient if we are the prescriber), saying the pill is the solution, we do a great disservice. Medication can be an enormous help in bringing one up to a level of functioning to effectively deal with the anger, fear and depression. Still, one does have to deal with the anger, fear and depression. Sorry, there is no magic pill and my magic wands have been on backorder for years now.

And, if you believe you have a "chemical imbalance" causing your depression, start balancing it with resolving your old anger. There is no harm in trying...it just might work. It's a chicken and egg deal...think about it.

So how does that anger stuff work? In an earlier article, we talked about children, (you?) who are brought up without being taught a constructive way to deal with normal anger. Watch a toddler get frustrated (angry) with trying something new, which they do about every two and a half minutes. If they are helped through both the something new and the frustration by another person, their anger (frustration) gets resolved. What's going on here? The toddler is angry because he cannot do or get something; he is fearful he will not be able to do or get something he wants. Take away his toy. What happens? He is angry because he has lost something. If he is helped to do or get what it is he wants, his anger goes away; if he cannot have whatever it is, but is coached through his feelings, receives empathy and hugs, and has his needs met, he moves on, not needing to hang onto the anger...someone has understood and helped him feel better in spite of not getting what he wants.

As adults, we have the same emotions: we get angry because we are afraid of losing something we have, or not being able to get or do something we want. For those with a history of being abused, this is very serious; you may have lost all trust in other people, all sense of self, have no self-esteem and be angry with God, if you believe there is a God. You, too, can heal. It just takes a lot of hard work.

If we agree that anger is an expression of fear, then part of the solution is to allow oneself to identify and feel it. Becoming vulnerable enough to experience the fear then allows us to look for a solution. Here's where it gets sticky. What is the fear about? Example: if it is real time and there is real danger, protect yourself. If you are angry and afraid of being thrown out of your apartment because you owe back rent, get a job. Get two jobs, sober up, stop spending money on entertainment and pay the rent. Then you don't have to be fearful and angry at losing your place.

People who are willing to look carefully at underlying fear usually find that they need to trust. Trust the process, trust the universe, maybe even trust that there is a God who is in charge and can help. Example: big business deal depending on decision by other party...you cannot control other party, are fearful of losing deal so are generally pissy with everyone, family and friends as well as your office manager. Not cool. If you have done everything you can, acknowledge your fear, then trust. Try praying, not for everything to go your way, but for acceptance; it can't hurt.

If your anger (fear) is based in old stuff, perhaps childhood neglect or abuse, abandonment or frequent frustration, the solution to your current feelings will require some sorting out. Most of this stuff is too much for anyone to do alone...your brain is not always your friend. Therapy can help, as can support groups, but you have to really use them; writing or journaling about old stuff is therapeutic. Physical activity to discharge some of the anxiety and irritability is the best medicine I know and changes brain chemistry to actually produce internal antidepressants called endorphins.

For those of you in a recovery program, you have access to tools, called steps, to deal with old stuff. Write your fourth step! For those who are not in recovery, similar "steps" provide the solution; they include reading, writing, talking with others, especially those who have been there, listening, and praying.

Get to work. It is not useful to carry around old fear and anger to make you depressed and no fun for your family and friends!

Dr. Dawn Obrecht is the only MD addiction medicine specialist on the western slope of Colorado. She is a Fellow of the American Society of Addiction Medicine and her office is in Steamboat Springs. She does consultations and referrals anywhere in the country and can be reached at 970-846-8479 or through http://www.docdawn.com

The Power of Gratitude - Gateway to Riches

Gratitude is said to be the single most positive element to contribute to your Wellbeing, Fulfillment and Wealth

Heartmath conducted an extensive study which showed thoughts of Gratitude are the fastest way to move into your power and influence things around you with positive energy - Athlete's Performance increases, Students Test Scores improve, Executive Thinking and Creativity expand, Powers of Intention grow, no matter what he situation.

Gratitude restores confidence. Gratitude about your current situation - no matter what or how simple, will bring about a feeling of improved wellbeing. Gratitude can help to change feeling alone into appreciating being supported.

The feeling of lack and negativity are often brought on by focusing on what we don't or feel we cannot have. Expand your focus, raise your eyes, look outside your immediate surroundings. Walk around and look to see, or think, of the many things you have access to, which you have no need to own - community, sunshine, the stars, the sight or sound of children playing, a casual hello from someone you meet.

We can even be grateful for things that at first glance may not appear a blessing, such as: * Exercise you get if you cannot find a nearby parking spot
- Cleaning up the house after having friends or family around - think of the special time or what they mean to you
- The early morning alarm - moving into a new day of being needed
- Whatever your income - 2.4 billion people on the planet live on less than $1,000 per year

A large study conducted by Dr Michael McCullough and Dr Robert Edmonds involving more than 700 people separated their field of study into 3 groups of people - those that merely tracked events through their day, those that took particular note of unpleasant events that occurred to them, and lastly a group which focused on being grateful for whatever happened. The third group consistently showed High Alertness, Enthusiasm, Determination, Optimism, Better Energy, Less Depression and Stress, Better Inclination to Help Others, and Ability to Express Love to Others.

You must feel rich to become rich - when you start to feel grateful for whatever you have you will attract more. In today's world Intelligent Quotient (IQ) and Emotional Quotient (EQ) are often thought as important but these both pale when compared with the direct benefits of GQ - Gratification Quotient.

The Power of Attraction which we hear about so much today as so well described in "The Secret" is supercharged through Gratitude.

Gratitude is the fastest path to Riches. Focus on what you have and more will appear. Others will be drawn to your energetic field of gratitude. Riches are more about what you feel than just counting in money. Another Heartmath study showed when we are in a state of gratitude others can sense this up to 6 metres away. This has a direct positive affect on their heart rhythm and their brain waves change to more positive thinking.

Pay attention to what you are focusing on, don't blame or complain this will drain your gratitude. Be grateful for your challenges, create a greater peace of mind and you will open the pathways for opportunities.

Watch out for negative attitudes creeping into your life. Apathy leads to negative thinking. Look for the silver linings in all situations. Slow down, recognise what you already have - especially the simple things in your life, wherever you go. Gratitude will help you feel complete, no matter what your immediate situation.

Gratitude doesn't cost anything but it generates huge riches.

You deserve to be Rich so be grateful and share your gratitude with others. A daily practice of Gratitude will lift and advance all areas of your life rapidly.

Brian Fincham
- Life Coach and founder of Life Development Australia.
Brian has over 20 years Experience Developing and Leading Winning Teams
- a company dedicated to Personal Development and helping individuals build successful home businesses using the proven LifePath Unlimited system.