Thursday, September 3, 2009

Turn the Tables on Stress

Is stress consuming you; why should you allow this? Stress puts tremendous stress on the body, sounds like a doubling up on words doesn't it? Well, that is what stress does to your body. It causes issue with your respiratory system, your cardio-vascular system, your central nervous system and it tends to use up all the vitamins stored up in your body as well.

The long-term health risks of stress are very serious, but not all stress is bad. That's right you heard it, not all stress is bad, in fact, some is actually very good for you; exercise stress for instance. Maybe you need to read up on all the information about stress that you can. This way you can better understand it and modify your behavior in order make stress work for you.

Okay then, let me recommend a very good book for you on stress. Personally, I have always enjoyed a fair amount of stress, it is a motivator and an enabler for me, and although I never realized all the strategies to turn the table on stress, I see that was indeed, using some of these techniques, but I just had not realized all the names of these techniques. Oh, the book I want to recommend to you? Yes, well the name of the book is:

"Making Stress Work for You; Ten Proven Principles," by Lloyd J. Ogilivie; World Books, Waco, TX, 1994.

This book will tell you the secrets to managing success and stress and how to use the Fear and anger in your favor for a good cause. It will explain the stress that we do not let out and hold inside and the difference between it and the stress we put on our bodies during competition and exercise. If you've ever thought that the stress was causing burn out, think again there are techniques and strategies for that as well.

You need to learn how to work hard, play hard and how to really relax as the author explains. And for those Biblical scholars out there, the book has a whole chapter in the back that will help you understand the stress from a religious a standpoint. Please go out and buy this book and put on your bookshelf to help you alleviate stress.

"Lance Winslow" - Lance Winslow's Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

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