Monday, September 7, 2009

Be the Best

So, what does it take to be the best in the world, or, to be the best in YOUR world?


The most crucial first step in achieving a goal is to get out there on the edge and make it big. In the words of Donald Trump "If you are going to think anyway, you might as well think big." When you bite off more than you can chew and declare to the world that you are going to do something amazing, this boldness motivates and excites you to tackle your challenge and invest the appropriate amount of energy into it. Anything less and you just won't care enough.

YOUR BOLDNESS motivates and excites you to tackle your challenge and invest the appropriate amount of energy into it. Anything less and you just won't care enough.

And that is exactly why being bold works. If your chances of succeeding at anything in life are directly proportional to the amount of energy you invest into it, then being Bold is really all about ramping up your commitment level regarding your goal.

When you are bold about what you have set out to accomplish, the energy you invest into achieving it will result in a motivated vision of your success and the formulation of that most crucial vision is the SECOND STEP. Your vision will keep you on track and will be your road map that will guide you on your journey. Your vision will become your reality by changing the way YOU behave toward your pursuit of your goal in the following three ways:

  1. A bold vision will prepare you for failure - even make you welcome failure as a PART of your success
  2. A bold vision will provide you with a way to deal with and conquer your fears.
  3. A bold vision will provide you with the energy you require to push yourself beyond your personal limits.

And finally, the THIRD STEP in accomplishing a goal is to be bold, and to simply BEGIN IT. Just start the journey - bite off more than you can chew, then focus on the next bite, then the next, then the next. And don't forget - you are ALWAYS STARTING your journey! EVERY step is the FIRST step in the rest of your journey.

Do you have any goals that you just don't seem to be making any progress on? Reached a kind of dead-end? That proverbial "brick wall"? Maybe a task at work, a financial goal, or a personal goal like weight loss, improving your fitness, or a challenging relationship?

What if I were to suggest that maybe the problem isn't that the challenge is too big for you' Maybe the challenge isn't big enough. Is your challenge safely within your comfort zone?

Is there a way you can nudge your challenge from INSIDE your comfort zone into the bold "think big" zone. It doesn't take much, just a bit - just enough to excite you and motivate you to tackle your challenge.

When you think about your challenge, it should get your heart pumping - that's always my test. My wife calls it the bathroom test because every time she thinks about her upcoming Ironman race, her bowels start working and she has to run to the bathroom!

Secondly, have you developed a clear VISION of your success? Do you visualize your success day and night? Do you want it so badly that you would do anything to get it?

And finally, if you can do those two things - be bold about your goal and develop a clear vision of your success, then all that is left is simply to BEGIN IT. Take your very next step toward achieving your dream. Motivational Speaker.

About Greg Kolodziejzyk:

Greg Kolodziejzyk is a Motivational Speaker , and successful software entrepreneur who holds 2 Guinness world records for the most distance travelled by human power in one day on both land and on water. Greg has also completed over a dozen Ironman triathlons including qualifying for and competing at Ironman World Championships in Hawaii.

Greg's next project is something that has never been done before. He plans on crossing the Pacific ocean from Canada to Hawaii under his own power in a custom made, 24 foot long x 3 foot wide completely encapsulated pedal powered boat.

After 3 years of speaking to school kids about his various world records, adventures, accomplishing goals and the benefits of staying active and healthy, Greg is now passionately focused on spreading his message to a wider audience by building a keynote motivational speaking career.

Greg's motivational speech titled "Bold!" is an impactful commentary about the kind of attitude that it takes to accomplish a dream. Greg has lived his life by the words of German Poet Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe "What you can do, or dream you can do, begin it, for Boldness has genius, power and magic in it." Greg's spirit is contagious and his message is vital.

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