Friday, September 4, 2009

Free Me To Live - A Workbook That May Change Your Life

Let me ask you this:

Do you suffer with depression, guilt, shame or self -blame?

Do you cringe when you look in the mirror?

Do you find it difficult to forgive yourself for what you have done?

Do you feel that you are damaged goods?

Have you experienced an abortion? Were you ever abused? Raped? Did you suffer a serious violation of your self like incest or sexual molestation?

As the story goes, we get hurt deeply when choices we make or the choices someone else makes cause us to hurt (emotionally, physically or even spiritually.) Such hurts get internalized and "stuffed." The result is that the pain becomes a "hidden thing of shame." As long as something like the pain of abortion, rape, incest or abuse is hidden, it causes shame and guilt. The thing that is hidden has power to harm you. These hidden things of shame dominate our life.

This is why I call these kinds of hurts: LIFE DOMINATING PROBLEMS.

They do not go away with time. In fact, they often resurface with greater intensity later. That is the nature of post-traumatic stress.

You can not wash the feelings of guilt and shame away with soap. You can not escape the nightmares. Most commonly, people live with a scar of hidden shame that too often results in depression.

In fact, if you look just at one trigger issue that has impacted about 50 million women in the united states, the symptoms of abortion related aftermath read just like post traumatic stress. The most common expression of women of abortion is "I can't forgive myself." Those who have been violated by someone else tend to say, "I will not trust them ever again."

Untreated, these life dominating problems can cripple the person

You can not run away from your real self. You can not wish away the painful memories.

These life-dominating issues ultimately result in an emotional implosion.

Have you experienced one of these problems?

Are you are sick and tired of the pain?

Are you are ready to do what ever it takes to be free from all the guilt and shame and oppressive feelings that weigh you down.....then I want to share a secret that may change your life.

Here is the SECRET!


You do not have to hurt...Someone Cares!

There are many support groups waiting for you in almost every major city in the United States, Canada, and through out Europe.

But, if you can not attend one of those live support groups, chances are you can still find your hope in your time of great need.

Now, you can access a helpful email series combined with a 150 page web-based distance-learning course that can help you no matter where you live. The only requirement is that you have internet access.

Here is what you might expect:

1. You could gain access to 14 key object lessons that will help you to address your hurts positively with great results.

2. You could learn over about 45 days new facts about who you are, why you can be free and how you can be free from now on.

3. Participants report the experience described as "chains of bondage breaking."

4. You might discover how to break out of a self-imposed emotional prison.

5. You might experience new light flooding the darkness and the sludge within your heart of hearts.

6. It is likely you would feel loved like you have never been loved before by completing the course.

How much does it cost to take such a course?

Absolutely Nothing! It is free!

Let me invite you to visit to learn more about this powerful Christian recovery course.

It may just change your life for the better!

Ken Freeman

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