Monday, August 31, 2009

Fighting Off Negative Thoughts - How Subliminals Can Make it Much Easier

Unfortunately, and although we would not like to admit it, negative thoughts are the main driving force behind the six billion somethings teeming the world right now. We already live in an environment of bad news, bad perceptions and an ecosystem of mistrust. We are driven to the wall by the promotion of bad habits, the perpetuation of bad examples and an attitude of complacency that overarches the world today as we know it. Whatever good there might have been in us is now decaying faster and faster in a capitalist world that divides the poor and rich in vulgar degrees - faster than the ozone finally leaving the outer tresses of the world as we know it. We are, as humans, losing control little by little of ourselves as we surrender and ingratiate ourselves into this zeitgeist - but I think it is time for a change. Our mind is plugged into a system that is virus prone and has shoddy programming - it is time to reset yourself. Fight off negative thoughts; learn how subliminals can make it much easier.

Our subconscious is the villain that runs amuck within our lives. The negative vibes in the world are absorbed into our cerebrum faster than a sponge in the sea and it builds what weakly passes for character nowadays. Why do you think there are more obese people in the world today than hundreds of years ago? Why do you think cigarette companies are laughing to the bank no matter what recession plagues our global economies? This is because that no tragedy can turn around addiction and addiction is wired into our nature - so much so that we view things as cool and as fad. This is subliminal technology at work - when a company that essentially sells a roll of leaves peppered with more toxic chemicals than in a nuclear waste plant - and we think it is cool; it's subliminal persuasion at work. Advertising is subliminal persuasion at work because the obvious and the unobvious in advertising campaigns are messages that latch on to your subconscious and take over the reigns of your life.

It is time to fight fire with fire. Your mind is programmed for an outlook that is holding you back. How many times have you heard yourself say that you will 'quit' next week or you need just a bit of time more to do that thing you always wanted. What are we afraid of? Fear - even irrational fear is a living breathing endemic that is gnawing away at us and we are powerless to overcome it. Self improvement must always start at the top and now we have subliminal technology to drive away negative thoughts and make us ask a simple question - why didn't I do this earlier?

Exactly. Why didn't you do this earlier? Why didn't you take action when you could? Why are you always putting yourself down and looking at the world in a bad light. It's time for a change and this is something subliminals can make it much easier.

Click Here to get your Free 'Ultimate Success Unleashed' subliminal cd and supercharge your success. Greg Frost is an authority in the subliminal industry for many years and has helped thousands of people worldwide to attain their dreams and goals.

Mind Reading Tricks - 3 Amazing Mind Reading Tricks You Can Easily Do to Impress People

Mind reading tricks are not solely for those gifted with ESP anymore. There are ways to get around that inborn gift clause thanks to the power of Science and observation!

But what purpose do mind reading tricks serve? Well, knowing what's on other people's mind can be pretty convenient when it comes to closing a deal or making a decision regarding a relationship. If you're interested to learn more, read on!

Mind Reading Tricks Number 1: Enlarged Pupils

Alright, so you don't have ESP. But you were born with eyes, remember? Use your powers of observation and focus on the pupils of the person you're talking to.

When their pupils enlarge, that means they are interested in what you have to say or in your personality. It's a positive thing so you can merrily continue doing what you were doing.

Mind Reading Tricks Number 2: How Close Can You Get

Mind reading tricks are most evident when two people know each other very well. It's like saying you're so close to that person you can even read their mind.

Well, the logic behind this concept is that you have been observing this person for a long time already. You know the mood swings, the attitude and the preferences of that person.

So when something is bothering your close friend or family member, you already have a pretty good idea of what's on their mind.

Mind Reading Tricks Number 3: Priming People

Another way to get around ESP and exercise mind reading tricks is through priming. When you prime people, you already have a basic idea of what they're going to do. You set them thinking of something related to the main question you want to pose to them later on.

For example, if you drill people on the importance of the environment and then ask them which candidate they're going to vote for, they would most likely go with the candidate who cares more about the environment. But you should already have predicted that.

Mind reading tricks can be very fun to apply. They can help you make all the right moves and even amaze the people around you.

Now you can easily amaze anyone with 11 secret mind reading tricks you can easily perform, and easily make people do anything you want using proven mind control techniques.

Free Inspirational Quotes - Help Yourself, Help Others Too

What could be more empowering, in terms of self-help, than to turn your thoughts towards someone else's troubles?

Instead of trying to help yourself, then, you try to help others. And in doing so - when you stop continually thinking of yourself, and all your woes - you not only help others, empower them, you also help and empower yourself too.

That's what I believe, anyway.

And the following free inspirational quotes seem to be back me up.

"He who teaches children learns more than they do"
-- German Proverb

I think that he (or she) who teaches any child or adult learns greatly in the process, for sure.

But it doesn't just have to be children that this teaching refers to. You could be teaching a colleague or a friend or even your partner - you could be sharing your wisdom or expertise with them, and learning more about your wisdom or expertise in the process.

And you might not be teaching them, but guiding them, or providing mentoring.

"Real education should educate us out of self into something far finer; into a selflessness which links us with all humanity."
-- Lady Nancy Astor

So it is real education what we should all be sharing, if at all possible. And then we really would be helping others, and helping ourselves too.

And, in case you think you don't have the necessary skills...

"Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do."
-- Dr. Benjamin Spock

The famous American pediatrician was speaking to new parents at the time, admittedly. Still, his message is an inspirational one, not simply aimed at that group of people. It has truth to us all, whatever we find ourselves doing in life.

Yes, it's true, we *do* all know more than we think we know. And that means we all have the ability to help, somehow, no matter who we are and what few skills we think we possess.

This is a truly life-affirming belief. And Leo F. Buscaglia describes this belief, thus:

"Don't spend your precious time asking 'Why isn't the world a better place?' It will only be time wasted. The question to ask is 'How can I make it better?' To that there is an answer."
-- Leo F. Buscaglia

Yes, you can make the world a better place by sharing your knowledge and skills with someone else. Or you can simply wonder how else you can make a difference. And you can make a difference - all that's required is belief that you can...

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does."
-- William James

Everyone reading this article has a unique combination of qualities. They will have faced and overcome many challenges individual to them. And these experiences will have given them a unique perspective on life - their perspective.

So, armed with that perspective, and a belief that they can make a difference if they but try, each reader will (hopefully) be inspired to help themselves by helping someone else, in a way only they can.

But it's not as simple as just reading an article. For anything worthwhile to be achieved, action is required. Action is what separates doers from dreamers.

And, of course, there is an inspirational quote for that, too:

"The act of taking the first step is what separates the winners from the losers."
-- Brian Tracy

And, if you take the first step here - if you decide to help others - then we will all be winners, you, me and the person you decide to help.

That is what I believe, anyway.

"With love and patience, nothing is impossible."

And that is what Daisaku Ikeda believes.

Thank you for reading.

Steve M Nash believes that you are your own self help guru. And that's why he created - to let you help yourself, and help others too. You can read more short inspirational quotations by subscribing to his newsletter, The Weekly Wonder -

Affirmations - Far More Than Just Positive Thinking

When someone mentions affirmations, the first thing that comes into your mind is positive thinking. The classic positive thinking affirmation was created by Dr. Emil Coue. "Everyday in every way, I get better and better. The idea behind this type of affirmation is to create new positive habits and thoughts. This works very well but, it is only half of the story. There is another type of affirmation and it is just as important as positive affirmations.

The problem is that the subconscious mind accepts any belief without question. For example, the old belief that you wish to replace is that wealthy people are greedy. You have heard this throughout your lifetime and it becomes set in stone in your subconscious. When you realize that you have this false belief, normally, you would create an affirmation that will give you a new belief. For example, you might start using an affirmation like: I am grateful that my wealth grows each and everyday for with great wealth I can do great good.

This is an excellent new belief for your subconscious but, it also creates a problem. Although the subconscious has accepted this new belief, it has also created a conflict in your mind. Although you have created a new positive belief, it has not eliminated the old negative belief that rich people are greedy. Both beliefs are existing side by side in your mind and the old belief still has it's self-limiting effects.

What I use to overcome the old negative thought pattern is what I call a reprogramming affirmation. The point of this is to convince the subconscious that the old self-limiting belief needs to be eliminated from the data bank. Reprogramming affirmations tend to be somewhat more complex than positive affirmations.

For example, my reprogramming affirmation might read something like: Many people say that the rich are greedy but this is a false belief. Rich people have an abundance mindset and readily give away large portions of their income because they know that their is a limitless supply of wealth. For example, Bill Gates out of the kindness of his heart has created numerous philanthropic organizations and given away millions of dollars of his personal worth to help the poverty stricken of the world. He is super rich but obviously not greedy.

The subconscious is not capable of judgment. It runs automatically in the background and helps us make it through the day. It is our conscious responsibility to control and correct any data that is held within it's data banks. Properly programmed, the subconscious will rapidly propel us toward limitless wealth and self-fulfillment. But, only when there are no conflicts within the data of this most powerful of digital computers.

Stan Pontiere has been an avowed self-help geek since high school-more than 40 years ago. For more information on self-fulfillment please visit: or my blog at:

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Numerology and The Number 11

Seeing the number 11 over and over in your daily
life can mean many things.

Its possible you have prominent 11 in your
comprehensive natal and, or timing charts, which
would mean the number 11 is especially
important to you.

Its common for people to favor certain numbers, or for
certain numbers to mysteriously show up time and again
in their lives, without even realizing that the numbers are
of great magnitude (i.e., position and, or frequency) in
their comprehensive charts.

Or, perhaps it could be purely a subconscious attachment
to the number 11 for any number of reasons.

An article (see Column link on site) dated January 6th,
2006 posted on our web site features more information
about the phenomenon of seeing the same numbers over
and over (whether it is the number 11 or other numbers).

Our Numerology Decoder Software correctly calculates
Master Numbers, can tell you where in your basic charts
you have them and what they mean in those positions.

11 is a Master Number, as are all double digit numbers,
such as 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99. Master
Number is an appropriate term because the high side
of each Master Number represents rare and exceptional
energy originating from outside mundane reality, far
from the norm. But too often the low side of these
double digits manifests, and operating productively
under the energy is like trying to tame a wild horse,
especially when the person lacks the discipline and
general overall capacity to deal with lifes challenges
in the first place. Difficult personal timing as reflected
by the collective patterns of time cycles also symbolically
prohibits the constructive expression of Master Numbers.

11 is not an easy number, especially for material interests.
You want to avoid heavy speculation, for example, if you
have a lot of 11 energy in your comprehensive charts.
There is a huge potential for loss in high risk material
concerns, depending upon the rest of the patterns in the
natal and timing comprehensive charts.

Some of the more challenging traits associated with
the number 11 may include any of the following (other
considerations in the charts collectively either support
or mitigate the energy): Nervous energy, intense fear,
unpredictability, unrealistic outlook, lack of
discernment, religious dogma, fanaticism, insecurity,
hyper-sensitivity, controversial behavior, overly
receptive and vulnerable to the point of being an easy
target, self-deprecation, low self-worth, health issues,
stagnant energy, vacillation, excessive mutability or
changeability to the point of constantly riding the fence
and lacking true personal convictions, dual nature,
excessive idealism and unrealistic spiritual ideas
resulting in a cosmic fu-fu-based dogmatic outlook,
complex personality, untamed, wild inspiration,
emotional volatility, infamy, extreme behavior, or

On the high side (again, other aspects/patterns
collectively either corroborate, moderate, or cancel
out the qualities), those with heavy 11 may possess
illumination, unparalleled spiritual awareness (if they
are otherwise grounded, as symbolized by the rest of
the comprehensive charts energy), magnetism, vision,
prophetic talent, charm, grace, inventive inspiration,
and they may have regular revelations to help guide
them on their earthly path. They are often natural
channels and mediums, messengers for the Gods, and
they frequently end up well-known or famous
(frequently very famous). Artistic talent is common,
as are big ideas, high standards, strong interest in
metaphysics and holistic healing, humanitarianism,
and public service, often through their work (although
it may not appear directly as public service).

11 pertains to heightened awareness and those with
plenty of 11 tend to get regular shocking insight about
their life and other people. After growing into their talent,
its not shocking any longer, at least to them. While they
are often vulnerable, they see others as they are, beyond
the personas and facades. They must learn to trust their
insight and avoid going with the expected modes of
thought and behavior. Grounding disciplines, such as
meditation, exercise, or artistic pursuits serve them well.
Those who try to ignore and deny their piercing
illumination risk phobias, obsessions, and even

Those with a traditionalist point of view possessing
heavy 11 who expect life conditions that appeal to
society (out of a desire for approval) are prone to
embarrassing life situations. For example, a messy,
very public divorce, or a daughter who comes out of
the closet in a very public way in a part of the world
where expressing ones true sexual orientation is still
significantly frowned upon is typical.

Again, 11 isnt easy. Those with a potent 11 along with
heavy materialistic considerations in the comprehensive
charts, sadly, are often challenged with integrity issues.
Duplicity and deceit eventually gain them infamy.
Kenneth Lay (The former CEO of Enron was convicted
of 10 counts of securities fraud in one of the most
publicized corruption scandals in U.S. history; Enrons
bankruptcy was the biggest in U.S. history when it was
filed in late 2001.) and Manuel Noriega (The Panamanian
dictator was accused of taking payoffs from a Columbian
drug cartel; in the early 1990s he was convicted and
sentenced to 40 years in U.S. prison.) are two prime

Divine revelation is intimately tied to the number 11.
The two columns of the side-by-side number ones
comprising the 11 symbolize a channel from higher

Unfortunately those with plenty of 11 are too often
seen as empty-headed. This is partly because its not
easy being in two places at once under the 11 (easier
with other Master Numbers, such as 22 or 77). They
split their energy between the earth plane and other
dimensions, often-times preferring the latter. Its as if
in their most previous existences, they spent more time
in angelic form instead of in human form. Its natural
for them to psychically tap into the mysterious, unseen
levels of being while generating their phenomenal
visions. However, they suffer from not spending 100%
of their time rooted on the earth plane, and it detracts
from a solid feet on the ground existence.

Number 11 demands that one lives their light, no
matter how good or bad that light might seem to
society. To do otherwise makes their life more difficult
than necessary. A compassionate viewpoint and candid
way of life, living within their ideals, allows them to
effectively spread their vision, fulfilling their earthly

Some great examples of known individuals with heavy
11 energy (in various, prominent positions in the
comprehensive charts) include the following:

*Leonardo DiCaprio, American actor, lead in Titanic,
the biggest grossing film of all time.

*George Patton, American military commander of
WW1 forces. He Claimed he had lived previous lives
as, among others, a Greek soldier and a Roman

*Jackie Stewart, Scottish-American pro race car
driver; one of the most famous race car drivers of all

*Gene Wilder, American comedian and actor. Joined
the army in his 20s and spent two years in the
psychiatric hospital ward, which he later drew upon
for his role in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest.

Copyright 2007 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Scott Petullo and Stephen Petullo are identical twins and have been exploring metaphysics since the early 1980s. They are experts in the fields of prediction, personal fate, love life, and past life regression, and are natural psychics and mediums. Get their free report: 13 Spiritual and New Age Myths and 11 Questions to Ask before hiring Psychic. -

Self Help Books to Help Overcome the Little Things

Hey how's life going? I say this and I really mean it, how is your life going overall right now, at this point in time? Are you happy? Are you where you want to be in your career? Do you enjoy the time you spend with your friends and family? Over all are you satisfied with where you're at with your life as a whole? There are important questions that we need to ask ourselves. It's not a daily thing, but at some point we all think about questions like these. All of us enjoy reviewing our situations, and looking for ways to improve upon it. One way you can improve is to seek help. It's very easy to find, have you ever looked at the self help books section of your local book store? It's a wonderful resource just waiting to help you with any of your current troubles.

Now have you ever actually read any self help books? A personal friend of mine had one sitting in his living room the last time I was over. At first glance I saw it and began poking fun at him, but he claimed that it was self help books that helped him through a rough patch with his job and his relationship. I'll admit I always though self help books were just a money grab by the publishers, but after taking a closer look at it I quickly changed my opinion. I changed my view so much so that I just recently purchased a self help book for my brother. When I first gave it to him he thought I was some how making fun of him. When in reality I really wanted to help. He took the book read it , loved it and now recommends self help books to his friends. Since no one is perfect it's pretty safe to say that at some point in our lives we all require help in some way or another. Whether we find that help from a professional or a book the key is that it's better to get that help sooner then later.

So are you looking for some good self help books to solve little troubles in your life? There very easy to come by at your local book chain or store. Or even easier with the massive number of book retailers on the web you can find just about any title with a few keystrokes and clicks. So fire up your favorite search engine and get over to Amazon and browse their self help books, it's time to straighten your life out today, and you'll soon find yourself on the path you've always dreamed of.

If you'd like more information on Helping yourself check out our website at Help yourself healthy

Steps to a Positive Attitude - Self Help Tips

Habitually, life is a grind, don't you think? Ask your friends, "Why do you go to work everyday?" Nine out of ten of them will probably say, "Because everyone else does." How about that for inspiration? It's that painful attitude that we find ourselves subjected to every living day. Therefore, you could ask me, "What makes you think that I can break free from the bonds of conformity?" And I would answer, "Because you can. It's a choice; as your attitude is a choice and not a feeling."

So you wake up this morning still thinking about last night's argument you had with your spouse about the pile of debt you have collectively constructed. You swing your feet off the couch only to feel the cold remnants of the dog relieving his bladder in the middle of the night because you were too depressed to let him out. You ooze into the bathroom to rinse off and take the obligatory shower and there stands your counter-part. With the argument still lingering in the air you both choose to avoid the topic by not speaking at all.

How frustrating can this be since your son has the biggest game of the season tonight and your daughter's performance at her dance recital this evening will make or break her scholarship opportunity. You have a mountain of responsibility riding on a positive attitude today, but your ghastly experience of last night still lingers like a leach; slowly draining your life's energy one little suck at a time. How do you let go? How do you strap on a positive attitude?

Here is a short process that you can put to work right now to brighten you life...for at least a moment. You decide whether to change your life forever. It just takes a little courage.

First, connect yourself with the discomfort that wrecked your attitude. Whatever created this mountain of debt must be recognized. You granted the power to create the situation that brought on this discomfort, so be proud! At some point, this situation you created served you well, didn't it? It just took a quick turn for the worse. So forgive yourself. Express your gratitude towards the ability to have created the mountain of debt to begin with. Express your gratitude towards the ability to pay the bills that support your purchases. Forgive yourself! Now, reclaim your power so that it can be used for a greater purpose. Reflecting on the current example: to support your children in a time when they need your positive attitude the most. Serving the greater purpose with a positive attitude is a choice.

Secondly,allow your reclaimed power to rush through you like you have just leaped into a cool, fresh-water spring in the middle of a hot summer day! Feel it. Really feel it. Then remember this feeling and revisit this place over and over and over again. Indulge in the wonderful feelings it conjures. Smother your children with a positive attitude when they need it most. Serving this greater purpose with a positive attitude is a choice. And be happy you made the choice.

Third, now that you have reclaimed your power, choose your attitude. While experiencing your heightened state of happiness, make the choice that will carry with you an uplifting, positive attitude throughout the rest of the day. And when you begin to feel the intrusion of discomfort, immediately revert back to step two and remember that you have reclaimed your power. Remember the rush of energy that consumed you and brought you to this happy, powerful moment. Smother your children with a positive attitude when they need it most. This is your greater purpose.

Lastly, practice, practice, practice. Once you become even moderately efficient at reclaiming your power, your positive attitude will become a clear choice. Doors will open that will lead to places and dreams that you had only imagined for you and those for which you feel deep affection.

Make the choice to spread the virus of "positive attitude" with everyone you encounter and try to encounter as many people as you possibly can everyday. This epidemic you create will spread faster than you can presently imagine. However, with practice, you will soon realize how commonplace choosing a positive attitude can be.

Be well and know that you are loved...

Published by J.C. Spearry whose goal is to introduced you to ideas that will transform your life, define your purpose, determine your motivation. Discover effective goal setting techniques that will inspire you, your congregation, your charitable organization or your sales staff so that you can take on the day with integrity and passion! Visit to gather more information!

Success is For Everybody

Success is available to everybody. Nobody was born successful.

Success is all a matter of what you want in life and how desperate you are to get it; you and you alone are responsible for your own achievements and success in life.

Success starts with an idea or dream of what you want to become or achieve. This idea or dream must be a desire or passion within you then you stand a good chance of achieving what you want and thereby being successful, other peoples ideas won't necessarily mean that you will be successful.

To be successful you must be motivated and be clear and specific in what it is that you want to achieve. There are certain steps that you need to follow, nothing will just happen and give you the desired results;

You must have a goal.

-You must put in writing what it is that you want (be specific).
-Write down when you want to achieve it (date).
-Write down how you want to achieve it (resources that's needed).
-What are you prepared to sacrifice to achieve your goal?
-Repetition (Read and re-read daily).
-Educate yourself.
-How are you going to share your success?

Now let's look at each of these points by themselves;

1.Formulate a goal.
Every idea or dream will stay just that unless it is put down as something definite that
you want to achieve. Unless you work on your idea or dream and put it down as a definite goal the chances of achieving it is very slim, because with the first obstacle a person encounters the chances of saying it is to hard, become very relevant or I've tried my best.

2.Put goal in Writing.
When it is in writing you will be able to see a month or year from now what it is that you
really wanted to achieve. Ensure that it is realistic and achievable. Very unlikely that any human being can stay under water like a fish for days on end without breathing apparatus. With a goal in writing one can regularly check and see if you are still on track and if it is perhaps necessary to put in more effort or work harder to achieve your goal. Unless it is in writing it will remain an idea or dream and can change as circumstances change.

3.When will the goal be achieved.
Unless a specific date is recorded it will remain as an unfulfilled dream. The date must be realistic and achievable. Ensure that the date allow time for unforeseen circumstances.

4.How the goal will be achieved.
What resources are needed? What assistance is required and where will it be obtained? If physical equipment is required like books, buy it from the outset as it will mean commitment.

5.What will be sacrificed?
If the goal involves studying, then parties and socials must come second to the studies. The goal must be more important than TV or other games. Don't neglect physical activities as a fit body means a fit mind. Don't ignore important people like loved ones or family. Don't push yourself to the point of a burnout.

Read your goal at least twice daily and then once aloud, convince your inner self that this is what you want, therefore read with the right emotion. By continually reading your goal you will stay focused. Reading the goal will immediately highlight if any diversions is sidetracking you.

7.Educate yourself.
It is necessary to read relevant information to keep you inspired. You might need some specific information. Books or manuals might be informative as to other people's achievements. Watch informative videos or screen shots. You might even need to join a library, depending on your goal.

8.Sharing success.
Who will you share your success with? Who will benefit from your success? How will you live with this success?

Belief in yourself, hard work and perseverance is some of the key elements of success.
Look at the achievements of any great name in history or just the achievements of any Olympics athlete.

Your success depends on yourself.

Dawie writes on motivational related topics.
You can learn more by visiting my blog, Essentials For Success

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Understanding Clairvoyant Psychic Readings

For centuries, clairvoyant psychic readings enjoyed a notoriety usually reserved for circus performers and snake-oil salesmen. Psychic clairvoyance was considered a sort of "underground" activity and indeed, many practitioners could easily be found teaming up with the other fringe elements of society. Psychic performers were a mainstay of circus troupes and often may still be found on the side of what could politely be referred to as the fraudulent arts.

But in the late 20th century, psychics began to enjoy something of a media renaissance, largely due to their extremely close connection to the New Age movement and its application of everyday mythologies and quick-fix spirituality to people's lives. As New Age literature grew along with its adherents, a merchandising boom came along, carrying with it many other promoters of "naturalistic" approaches to life -- in particular the leaders of the non-traditional naturalpathic and holistic medicinal school -- who rushed to claim their place in line for the growing business monolith.

But somewhere along the way to staggering success, as the 70s self-help movement gave way to the 80s self-help-novel movement and the full-on 90s New Age ecumenical-tent movement, people seemed to have forgotten both the original stories of human clairvoyance and today's all-important questions of certification and validity. This is partly understandable, since anything known as "New Age" usually includes a healthy mix of faith along with reason, and it's also true that people who visit clairvoyants must undergo a suspension of disbelief. But if you're going to make a visit yourself, just what should you expect going in? And who exactly are clairvoyant people?

Clairvoyance can be defined as a human ability to see beneath the surface -- of a person, a situation, an intention or anything not seen by the human eye or easily deduced by human logic. Originally from the French, it can be translated as "clear sight" and is often also referred to as a "second sight." Clairvoyants can also be said to be "precognitive" or to possess a "sixth sense." Definitions of clairvoyant powers vary greatly, and demonstrations are always inconclusive. So while you may or may not believe in psychic ability, it remains very important to know what psychic ability is not. You must keep an eye out for frauds, and remember that you won't have to travel far into the "psychic community" to find them. Psychic con-men are everywhere and even have a rich history, dating back to the ancient practices of the "travelling medicine man" in India, which exists to this day.

So with so many psychic hucksters out there in storefronts, on television, and at travelling exhibitions, there's a lot to choose from but there will likely be very little to interest you until you get a practitioner with whom you feel comfortable. So take your time, never be afraid to ask a lot of questions, and if you're very careful, you may very well find your own "clairvoyant prophet."

If you're looking for psychics in Minneapolis, visit It contains everything you need to know about Minneapolis psychics, including psychics near you, local spiritual resources, and upcoming new age events. Visit today for a free psychic phone reading.

Positive Attitude Maintenance - Self Help Tips

The thing that people must realise is that you won't suddenly decide to feel good and that's it. It is a process of bit by bit feeling a bit happier and a bit more positive every day. There may be days when you go into a bit of a relapse for a few days but don't loose your resolve.

You can improve your attitude and become happier by many means:

Saying your Affirmations
Facing your fears
Thinking more positive thoughts
Helping others
Being kinder to yourself
Stop procrastinating
Whatever works for you

But you have to keep up this activity on a daily basis, just like a piece of machinery your happiness and positive attitude need regular maintenance.

You might ask yourself, why is it that my unhappy, depressive, negative attitudes come so easily, why don't I need to maintain them.

The truth is that you are maintaining them through negative habits that you have taught yourself over many years, you just might not realise it.

There will be a point where you cross a threshold, if you have not crossed it already. Where you will wake up and realize that feeling good and positive is the norm and feeling bad and stressed is unusual.

It will then be easier to maintain your positive attitude and happy state, but you will still have to continue your maintenance program. So design your positive attitude maintenance program now.

Design some Affirmations that work for you
Start identifying negative messages you tell yourself and replace them with positive ones
Build your own support group of friends to support you in your quest to become more positive
Make lists of your abilities and the things you are grateful for in life
Help others to be more positive

And put it into action, using it and updating it on a regular basis, and now is as good a time to start as ever.

I am a husband, and father of one son who works as an engineer. I became involved in writing articles about self improvement and positive attitude as part of a process of developing a more positive attitude to life myself.

I am committed to making my thoughts freely available to anybody who takes interest in reading my articles in the hope that they can similarly make their attitude more positive.

For anybody who is interested in improving their attitude to life and would like to see more of my articles or simply wants some advice on how they can feel better about themselves please visit my website - I am interested in any feedback about whether my articles are providing a positive benefit.

Want to Know More About Guided Meditation? Read On!

One of the most significant devices in self help in order to accomplish inner calm and peace of mind is through meditating. In view of the hectic and stressful lifestyle of today, the increasing popularity of this activity is growing, day by day as more and more individuals discover about its marvelous advantages and benefits. And guided meditation is one of the most well known types of meditating being utilized by countless of people on a daily basis. In this article, we will talk about guided meditation and the technique or style of performing it. Guided meditation, in its most basic and simplest form is a form of meditating where the subject is guided on each and every process of his meditative practice.

Right from the initial step of sitting in a meditative position up to the last stage of completing and finishing the process, someone guides you along the way. Guided meditation instructions could be of several varieties and it depend on the methods being given and imparted by the teacher. Some of the very famous meditating methods applied in guided meditation are Vipassana-which includes contemplation on the breathing processes, dancing and prayer meditation, mantra recitation, visual imagination and mindfulness meditation, etc. The most effective and the best way of using guided meditation is trying to listen to the live instructions from a master.

However, if that is not at all possible, the second best option is recording all the written instructions of a meditating process in your own voice and then listen into it in your meditative practice. What truly takes place in a guided meditation is that an instructor or teacher provides some step-by-step coaching on what to do whilst on the process of meditating. Well, this is a very archaic way of giving meditative education and instructions to students. Yes, in those age-old times, this activity was trained or taught in groups or teams using this technique. But these days, many thanks to the progress of technology, we don't need to have the physical presence of the guru to lead us in meditative state.

By making use of pre-recorded DVDs or CDs, we could now listen to the guided instructions of a guru and then, voila-we could then perform our meditative practice. Nevertheless, without any of those professional CDs or DVDs or a guru or master, you could record in you very own voice the written tips of this type of meditation from a book and you can play them afterwards. Furthermore, if someone doesn't have the convenience of a DVD player or a voice recorder, a person could always ask his relatives and pals to speak verbally the written meditating order during the session.

In this way, we could make use and apply the benefits of the guided meditation even in the absence of any technical help. It also helps you reaping its benefits and advantages even though you're alone. If you have not yet tried this type of meditative practice yet, I suggest that you give it a try.

The author of this article Amy Twain is a Self Improvement Coach who has been successfully coaching and guiding clients for many years. Amy recently decided to go public and share her knowledge and experience through her website You can sign up for her free newsletter and join her coaching program.

Top Keynote Speakers and Event Speakers

There are many people who have the skills and understanding necessary to be effective when it comes to public speaking. However, not all speakers have what it takes to command an audience, making them effective keynote speakers. When choosing the right keynote speaker for your engagement, it is necessary to choose a speaker that can command your audience properly and can maintain their attention long enough to get their message out. Five of the most effective keynote speakers are Keith Harrell, Vince Poscente, Joseph Michelli, Ram Charan and Michael Treacy.

Keith Harrell -- Keith Harrell is a former marketing executive for the IBM Corporation, and has more than thirteen years of corporate experience as one of IBM's top training instructors. Keith Harrell travels all across the world in other to impact the lives of his clients on both a professional and personal level. Keith Harrell works as an author, a consultant, a trainer and a speaker, and is highly recognized for the enlightening and innovative presentations that he makes in order to share his ideas with other business owners.

Vince Poscente -- Vince Poscente has the mind set which is necessary in order to meet the demands of corporate culture, including the perfect balance of a passion for excellence, a dedication to the journey and a balance of mental toughness. Vince Poscente had what it took to turn himself into a Olympic skier from a recreational one in the span of only four years. Willing to try absolutely anything and everything once, he took part in his first Hi-Tek adventure race in July of 1998, then went on to the competition at Castaic Lake in October of that year. Against 259 teams, Vince's team emerged in 45th place.

Joseph Michelli -- Joseph Michelli is a speaker who is sought-after on an international level. He is also an organizational psychologist, and a business consultant. Joseph Michelli is known for urging people and businesses alike to achieve the extraordinary. Joseph Michelli is known for writing best-selling books about business principles, and he also hosts a radio program in Colorado. Joseph Michelli works to share his knowledge of business practices by delivering keynote presentations which work to develop productivity in the workplace.

Ram Charan -- Ram Charan co-authored a title called "Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done", and is an active advisor to CEOs who belong to fortune 100 companies, as well as emerging firms funded by venture capital. Ram Charan strives to convert visions into action and reality using his business techniques and ideas. Visit Rams new book Know-How The 8 skills that separate people who perform from those who dont.

Michael Treacy -- Michael Treacy is an expert on corporate strategies and the transformation of businesses who is widely known and recognized for giving companies what they need to help them achieve leadership in the market. Michael Treacy has been working to help improve businesses for more than 25 years and continues to be a strong presence in the business marketing industry. Michael Treacy takes on the greatest strategic challenges in order to transform businesses all over the world, and has plenty to say about business practices and what it really takes to get a business off the ground.

2007 RightNow Communications

Public Speakers

Dr. Joseph Michelli Video

Vince Poscente Video


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Friday, August 28, 2009

Is Guilt Feeding on Your Conscience, Affecting Your Subconscious Mind Negatively?

Guilt is one of the largest causes of stress in your life. Stop reading this article for a second and think about the people in your lives that often make you feel guilty.

Now did you really stop reading the article and think about the people in your life who make you feel guilty? Okay well if you did this get back to the guilty feelings so many of us have. Guilt goes all the way back to your childhood, your parents, teachers, friends and relatives have gotten to be pretty good at it over the years, often learning from the same group of people when they were children.

Guilt is definitely a big part of our society and can be found almost everywhere you turn. Have you ever turned the television on to notice a commercial about weight loss. A large majority of Americans are overweight and are targets for a guilt creating society.

I was reading a book on writing magazine articles, when they mentioned a fact that I never thought of, most women's magazines run articles on dieting in every issue. Guilt sells magazines.

Do you think weight loss, dieting or nutritional eating habits, sell magazines? If your answer is no, you should check the financial statements of these companies. They know what sells magazines and guilt or fear is one of their best friends. If you answered yes to the question, you won't have to suffer from the guilt of not knowing the answer.

Guilt seems to work on our subconscious mind in negative ways, often producing harmful thoughts that create stressful feelings in our lives. The longer these negative thoughts are held as truths, the harder it's going to be on our self esteem.

If you find yourself around people that make you feel guilty for something you do or don't do on a regular basis, I would suggest finding new people to hang around with. Gathering negative information from people you consider your friends can only create more damage to your conscience.

If you truly and sincerely do not like something about yourself, tell your friends in a nice way, that you would rather talk about your problems in a negative way. If they have constructive and helpful comments, you would love to hear them. Guilt causes stress and stress can lead to death. If you don't believe that, do some research on stress related illnesses.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, The Intuitive Way

Greg is currently working on a personal development library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion

Multicultural Connections - 3 Tips To Connect People To People With Any Cultural Group

As a personal brand strategy coach, I work with clients helping them unearth their authentic strengths, their unique promise of value and help them connect the dots for their prospects and clients of "the why" in "why do business with me." That authenticity is key to any relationship they are forming, business included. In fact, if you believe that all business is based on relationships. Then understand that the key to all relationships is the relationship you have with yourself.

"Know thyself" stated Shakespeare. And, he is so correct, because it is yourself you bring into every connection. This becomes even more evident in making connections with minority based businesses where even our communication is scrutinized for inclusion, awareness and biases.

"Creating community, awareness and inclusion is our focus" shared Odel Crawford, president of the Texas Association of African American Chambers of Commerce. "Our theme for this month's conference is GROWING BLACK OWNED BUSINESSES IN TEXAS. We realize that there are many issues associated with the development, enhancement and sustainability of minority owned businesses. Of course our focus is on African-American entrepreneurs, however we realize the importance of supporting all minority owned businesses as they are important part of a community's economy."

Mr. Crawford brings out three important points to connecting to any minority business or community and that is to "create community, awareness and inclusion". As a coach, I'm driven to make this into useful, do-able, action oriented activities, so let's go:

  • First is AWARENESS. Are you aware of the many communities within your community? Sometimes, diversity trainers will say that we focus too much on the differences. While that might be true, I believe that the differences are their already and to ignore them is not authentic. And don't we know that in connecting with people, that insincerity can be "read" quite quickly? How many cultures are in your community? Make a list and next to each culture identify if there is a group, organization, or association that represents that culture.
  • Second is INCLUSION. Time for some self discovery. Do you do anything that "excludes" or "includes" everyone in your connections? Self discovery can be challenging however, we are that common denominator in every business relationship we have so we're a critical factor. Diverse connections come in many packages and sometimes it is easy for us to assume that the outside or external differences are the only ones we should concern ourselves with. Remove questions like "what are you?" or "what's your nationality?" and rather use all the great networking questions that the many fine experts of this publication will teach you. Asking great questions, or yourself and others and then listening will provide all the "skills" you need to make great connections.

Spending time in self discovery will also help reveal any assumptions that you might have or make. Assumptions, as we all know, can be quite damaging to reputations and relationships. Rachel Stone, president, of the Midland Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and active member of the Texas Association of Mexican American Chambers of Commerce, shares the surprised reaction she gets and comments made when she meets them such as "Your last name is Stone? Are you married to an Anglo man? Or, wow, how did you get a last name like that?"

Abraham Maslow, the creator of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, found that in addition to the basics of food, water, shelter, air, people have a need to "belong and to be valued." Do you fulfill that need for people when you converse with them? Do you do and say things that make them feel that they "belong" or that they are "valued"?

Here's a quick revealing test to see if you do. Have you ever had someone who has to tell you the story in order to relay the facts to you? Have you ever tried to "cut them off" and give you "just the answer" or "the bottom line information"? If you have, you are guilty of making the person who values "detail and information" feel not valued. Truthfully, have you ever done that to anyone?

As in any networking situation, the goal is to learn more about the other person. The more you know the better the connection you can make. The deeper connection you make the more memorable and visible you become (for all the right reasons). The better the connection the more chance they have to sample your character and competence. The more chance they have to sample your character and competence then the faster trust is developed. Trust is foundational to all great relationships - including business relationships.

Dale Carnegie in his book "How To Win Friends and Influence People" speaks of the rules of engagement. One of the rules is, take a genuine interest in what they're interested in. One, cannot take a genuine interest in someone if they do not know what they're true interest is. It's amazing how often I hear people say, "I think this is what he wants. Or, I know that she wants this." Yet, they've 'not asked the person. They are speaking for this person. How do you feel when someone speaks "for you" and does not check in to see if that's really how you feel? Often the feeling is that of assumptions, being judgmental and even to the point of stereotyping.

So, let's get better at asking some good questions. When you ask great questions you get great answers! When do you ask these questions? When you're at a networking event or when you are meeting someone. Steer clear of asking these in "rapid fire" style or like a 20 point oil check. Do weave them into your coffee conversations. They will put more "meat" into your grip, grin and graze. Here are some to put in your connection bag:

  1. What organizations do you belong to? Or, enjoy spending time with?
  2. What drew you to those organizations? What drew you to this organization?
  3. What have you found to be your most successful times with this organization?
  4. What are some of the barriers that you've encountered as an organization?
  5. What do you enjoy about what you do?
  6. What are some of your favorite activities or events with the organizations you're involved in?
  7. How do you keep yourself connected with others between networking or social events?

The key to great questions is to be silent and listen to the answers.


  • Create COMMUNITY. Bring people together and give them opportunity to feel valued. One of the keys to creating community is to value the people that you are bringing together and that they value you. It is in this "valuing" that you create trust. Trust is a key component to any community and to any team.

Have you ever heard the comment opposites attract? We hear that often especially in the context of couples. And, while in personality style they may be opposites, a closer study reveals that they do share something in common - the same values. Look closely at people in long term relationships and you'll see that they share the same values.

Now, while that is true for marriages and long term relationships there are also some relationships where people do not share the same values but they do share something else in common. They have a shared activity that they enjoy or do together.

As you create community, it can be by discovering and sharing the same VALUES or by having a SHARED ACTIVITY (such as the African American Chambers of Commerce, or the Hispanic Chambers of Commerce) that brings you together.

As this great melting pot world becomes more like the great salad bowl world, you'll see that connecting with minority based networks is more about people relationships that in is about cultural relationships. And, whether their connection is values, generations, experiences or interests, the deepest connections are made people to people.

The true spirit of relationship performance management is to take high performing entrepreneurs and executives from frantic networking to profitable engagement that comes from shedding the limitations of old sales pitches and creating compelling connections. I invite you to discover your personal brand strengths and connect-ability readiness by taking this on-line quiz found at

If you'd like to learn more about succeeding at your personal brand, visit You'll learn everything you need to know from what is your personal brand, how to use what makes you best, and engage others in a way that compels others to speak positively on your behalf and influence their contact sphere to your benefit.

Maria Elena Duron, C.P.B.S., C.N.P. PCC, is Chief Buzz Agent, speaker and coach specializing in connecting high performing entrepreneurs and executives and using what makes them best so they can move from their frantic pursuit to success and balance now.

Goal Achieving - The Secret Behind the Secret

It's 2009!...Undoubtedly, a year of change for the nation and the world . . .

The question is: Will it be a year of change for YOU?...If so, what kind of change?

Some of us would like to think that in order for us to be happy, things around us have to get better first. And, while it certainly looks so on the surface, let's talk about our role in changing our world.

Have you ever taken a moment before you turn on the TV or Talk News to feel the change in your body's stress level before and after you turned on the news? If you have, I'd bet you felt more stressed after turning it on. The reason is this: We are all problem solvers by nature - and, sitting in our homes or anywhere else, we have no control over what happens Nationally or Globally, outside of writing an email or letter to our state representative or congress person. And even then, it is out of our control what they do beyond that. We've voiced our opinion, we must now move on. In reality, there are many things we cannot change -- like everybody else in the U.S. or the world -- to fit our vision of how things should be -- and, subconsciously, the frustration of that causes us stress.

The good news is (and this may sound too simple at first) we have the greatest impact on the nation and the world by focusing on what we do at home. Although it may not seem like much, it is and I'll explain why in a minute - In order to change the world, we must first change the things we do have control over, and the closest thing to us is ourselves.

Can we change the world by changing ourselves first?

Absolutely. Our thoughts, our behavior...that little impact we make - our little 'footprint' if you will - and the impact our little changes have in our own lives influence those around us and this -- in turn - we do change the world. By changing a thought, an attitude and behavior in yourself first, you'll see changes on a very small scale initially -- in you! Over time, you'll notice the change that your new behavior and attitudes have on someone else and then someone else, and so on.

How does that work? It works like this: Have you ever seen a ripple in a pond? If you haven't, then go ahead and throw a stone or pebble into a quiet, still tub or body of water and watch what happens. The reaction the water has to the stone or pebble tossed into it is called a "ripple effect." If we throw a small stone gently into the water, the water ripples gently. If it is a large body of water, you'll notice the ripples continue going out and out and out farther and farther and until eventually they get so large and so small you can't see them. Although you cannot see the ripples any longer, the impact is still there. That is basically how we impact the world. The water represents our world and the pebble represents the thought we throw into it. No matter how hard you try, you cannot start with the large ripples. We can only get the result of large ripples by first creating the small --

Just as ripples caused by a pebble being tossed in water can never be rescinded, the ripples we send out into our world can never be retracted...What ripples do you want to be sending out into the world today?

We've all heard the adage, "Change starts at home" and "Charity begins at home." Now you can see how it absolutely does. You may ask, "How can I begin change?"...The same way you eat an elephant, one bite at a time!"

Let me ask you a question: What do you want the world to look like at this time next year? Kinder? Happier? More understanding? More honest? Richer? More compassionate? Then ask yourself: What am I doing in my own life today to make my own life kinder, happier, more understanding, more honest, richer, and more compassionate?

You'll see as the thoughts and actions in your own life change, it 'ripples' in your family and friends, and as your family and friends are influenced by your example they may begin to change, and if they don't, you may decide to spend more time with people who are open to changing previous attitudes and behaviors in order to change your world. You want to spend more time with the kind of people that move you closer to your desired life, so that your life can evolve into everything you want it to be. As you begin to change yourself, by changing your thoughts and actions, you influence your environment, your home, your work, your community and so on. With continued progress in the direction of your desire, your 'ripples' get larger and larger until you literally see your world change.

Ask yourself: "What is it I want? And, what do I intend to do today to make positive changes in my life so that I begin to create the world I want?"

And, "What do I want" can be a difficult question to answer. Most of us think in terms of things we don't want. Ask yourself, if I don't want this...why? and, if I don't want that . . .why? Your answer will likely include or lead you to what you DO want. Hopefully, one of your intentions is to change this way of thinking about what you don't want into what you do want!

The power of the mind is amazing. You can literally create and have anything you want when you become a master at controlling your thoughts. Did you know we are the only animals on the planet that can do that? We have this amazing gift and yet somehow manage to go most of our lives without being aware of it.

Here's an example of how the power of your mind can change your life: Have you ever written down your goals at the beginning of the year, looked back at them at the end of the year and noticed that most if not all of them were accomplished without you even thinking about them again? And, of those that were not accomplished - had you been encouraged to see that steps had been made toward their accomplishment? Or, maybe you decided one day you wanted something and you got it so fast you were shocked? Or you thought about someone then the phone rang and it was them! This is a perfect example of the power of our mind - and of the power of our thoughts. So, when is a good time to test this power?

There is no time better than now!

Winter time is a perfect time to reflect on how things went last year and decide what you'd like to change in your life this year. This is a perfect time to think about, really think about, the kind of life you want and write down your desires and goals for this year on paper.

There are 347 or so days left in 2009. What are you going to be doing for the next 347 days to move you toward having the life you want? 347 days from now, do you want to have the same life as you have today or would you like a different life? What does that different life look like? Visualize it. Feel how it would feel to have gotten that accomplished. Now, write it down! Write down every detail of the picture of the desired life you would like to have 347 days from now.

Now imagine if you took one new step every day toward creating a piece of that picture! If you did one thing a day for your health, beginning with the way you think about it, at the end of the year you'd be healthier than you are today because you made 347 actions toward better health. If you did one thing a day toward improving relationships, your relationships would be 347 steps closer to being reciprocal, honest, trusting, loving, and all the other characteristics you want to see in your relationships. If you read a chapter a day, you would have read 347 chapters, which is more than 20 books by the end of the year! The list is endless. Will this have an impact on your life? Will your life be different next year if you take these steps? Of course it will!

But what happens if you do nothing because you don't believe you can, so you don't change your thoughts or begin to take steps (even tiny ones) today? That's right. Nothing.

It's not a coincidence. It's Law. Just as Sir Isaac Newton discovered the Law of Gravity by analyzing the forces at work when sitting under the apple tree, we can respect the fact that there might be other Laws at play here too. Laws that, just like gravity, we do not see and cannot touch, but they are here all the same. The movie, "The Secret" lays out pretty well the power of the Law of Attraction. But another one of those Laws is the Law of Reciprocation. It states that what you put out, you get back. Put out a little effort, get little return. Put out a lot of effort, get greater returns. Put out no effort, get no return. Put out positive efforts, get positive returns. Put out negative efforts, get negative returns. Give love, get love. That is the greatest lesson of all. If you would like more love from your family, give more love to them. Be kind. Be supportive. Encourage them to grow. Do all the things you would want someone who loved you to do for you if you were in their shoes. The Law of Reciprocation is the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Another way of saying it is: Give away what you want the most. Respect, love, appreciation...

Always remember there's one thing you can control and that is you. Only you control your thoughts and your actions today. You can make those thoughts and actions congruent with the kind of life you want and you can have it. You do not have control over other people. You may have influence, but you have no control. They have free will just like you. They will discover their power to when they become aware and begin to test it and trust they have it.

Make a decision about what you want and then act on it. Take at least one step each day - make a phone call, ask someone for information, set an appointment, or spend 20 minutes focusing on something you desire, asking yourself, "If I were to have that by December 31, 2009, what could I do today to move myself closer to it." I guarantee that if you did that and took action on whatever answer came to mind, by December 31, 1009 you could be happier, have less stress, be healthier, have more money and better relationships than you do now!

You can accomplish whatever you want, that is, if you do five things: DESIRE it, ASK for it, BELIEVE that you can have it and then follow that belief and ACT on it and, most importantly, stay FOCUSED on it!

My favorite book says, "God helps those who help themselves." We help ourselves by taking action toward the life we ask our higher source or God to provide. Don't expect your goal to fall into your lap if you aren't willing to take action toward it.

Good intentions are not actions. You've heard what they say, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." You must ACT. This philosophy is congruent with Newton's Law of Motion. Whether you think in terms of the scientific or philosophical, the message is the same: Put your desires into motion by taking steps toward them. In other words, an intention with action charges the intention and brings the intended result about.

Some people might get hung up on deciding on what their goals should be. If you haven't a lot of experience setting and achieving goals, the concept can be challenging. The worst thing is when people get stuck and therefore do nothing. I don't want that to be you!!

When I was 19, the concept of a long term goal was totally foreign to me. Now, it is crystal clear. When I was 19, I could set a goal for this week, this month and even this year, but had difficulty setting a goal for what I wanted 5 or 10 years down the road. When I was 22 years old however, the lightbulb came on, I decided I wanted to own my own business someday...Not knowing yet how to do that, I set out to gain the knowledge and experience I needed to increase my chances of success and set a date.

To envision a long term goal can seem illusive, yet to others it seems simple. Why is that? I'll tell you why. If we have difficulty envisioning long term goals it's because we have no practice getting good at accomplishing our short term goals! We need first to get good at accomplishing short term goals to graduate beyond the short term to the long term. All it takes is awareness, which you are getting now, and practice!

That reminds me of the guy who stopped a concert violinist in New York for directions. He said, "Excuse me. How do I get to Carnegie Hall?" The musician replied, "Practice!"

Long term goals can seem illusive if we haven't developed the ability to achieve short term goals through practice.

Understanding how to make and achieve long term goals without first understanding short and mid-term goals can be like trying to run before first knowing how to stand or even walk -- or trying to graduate High School without going through Elementary School. I suppose if I say it can't be done, someone will sure enough do it, but it is a tough row to hoe. Our mind doesn't work that way. It's hard to grasp concepts we have no foundation for. We learned to walk by practicing getting up. We practiced getting up and began standing. We got better at balancing and standing and began taking steps. Soon we began walking -- with practice. By practicing at achieving the smaller goals, we gain trust in the process, we get better at achieving them and soon we know how to set and achieve larger and larger ones.

As you practice this, you'll notice a funny thing about the mind. That is that as you start moving toward you're the picture of the life you want to create, that life starts moving toward you. It's almost as if the world realigns itself to bring into your focus the things you need to accomplish your goal. The truth is, it was always there, waiting for you to desire it and seek it out by taking action.

Have you noticed how after you buy a new car, suddenly you notice how many of that particular car is on the road? That is an example of awareness. Once you achieve something, even something as simple as a car, you gain a heightened awareness of it. You are aware of this car more intimately now because you own it. And perhaps even begin the action to buy a nicer car soon after by creating a new thought! That's how goals work.

Start small. Build trust and awareness in the process. Eventually, you will become an expert at grasping the smaller achievements and move toward creating the life you want in the long term.

If you're still not convinced this is how your life is designed to work, think about all the stuff in the world: electricity, cars, music, clothing, paper, furniture...all the stuff you can think of that you use and love every day. All that stuff began with a thought and a desire by someone, another human like you, to create it.

When Benjamin Franklin had the thought of putting the key on the string in the thunder storm and acted on it, electricity was discovered. All the elements to create electricity had always existed, but it took Ben to first have the thought, the desire and belief that it was possible and then to stay focused and take action on the thought to achieve it. He tried many things and each time, with practice and action, he became more aware of the solution. The same elements he used to discover electricity were certainly present before that moment, but it took Ben Franklin to have the thought and take action on it to bring it about. The elements to create electricity have been here all along -- even in the cave man days, but cave men had not evolved to the point they needed to produce electricity. They had more basic needs -- like a need for fire to cook food and a wheel to carry the day's catch. Those were their 'discoveries.' Virtually all the earlier creations and discoveries have been expanded over the years to create the 'things' we enjoy today - gas fireplaces, furnaces, automobiles...the list goes on. But everything, no matter what it is, that you need to create your dream is already here, waiting for you to discover it. You only have to have the thought and take action on it.

I don't want you to worry about how you are going to achieve your goal, just know that everything you need, you will have available to you as you gain the awareness to use it. I'm sure Ben Franklin had no idea how to create electricity, but he kept focusing on his thought, maintained his desire, stayed curious about it and after many tries, the 'how' was revealed that one rainy night.

Thought is where all things that created and all goals achieved begin.

Can the mind really do that? Yes! We have a couple of well-known references to prove it. My favorite book says, "Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world." It also says, "Ask and ye shall receive." There are no caveats. No small print. Just, "Ask, and you shall receive." This same book also assures us that we are created in the image of our creator. Doesn't this at least imply that we might also have an ability to create something? Yes. It does. Think about it -- if there was no basic truth to these quotes, why would they have survived 2000 years?

So decide what you want and Ask for it. And don't forget the important elements of Desire, Belief, Action and Focus.

Focus is important. Focus is your mind's GPS. Focus doesn't necessarily accelerate the time it takes to reach your goals. Because the time is what it is. At maximum focus the time it takes to accomplish something is much less than with partial or minimum focus. Your level of focused action determines how fast you reach your goal. There are laws at play here too. Just know that the better you are at focusing the faster you can achieve your goals. Make sure you stay focused so that your actions are taking the shortest route possible to take you where you want to go. If you find you're doing something that does not move you closer to your goal, stop and refocus. Here's why:

Imagine taking a 355 mile trip from San Diego to Phoenix. You set the GPS to find the shortest route. The trip takes 6 hours by car going the speed limit. You begin to drive according to the GPS instructions. If you continue to drive according to the GPS, you'll reach Phoenix in 6 hours. But if you ignore the GPS and instead take several exits along the way, or take the 'scenic route' though the Grand Canyon how long would it take? Or what if you reached Interstate 10 and decided to go North to Palm Springs for the Winter instead? It could take days, weeks or months instead of hours to reach your goal, depending on how many side trips you take and how long you ignore the GPS! Now, it is OK to change your goal, but if your goal is still to get to Phoenix, do you see how much longer it will take you to get there because you took all those detours? A GPS is to a road trip what focus is to achieving your goals. You'll get there faster if you stay focused. It will take longer, or perhaps never, if you don't.

As the Nike slogan goes, "Just Do It!"

Try it. Go ahead and dream. Dream about the life you would like to have 347 days from now. Write it down. Don't worry about the how. The how will come once to decide on what you want, fuel it with your desire and belief that you can have it, stay focused on it and begin taking steps toward it each day. Maintain focus on the life you want 347 days from now and you'll be surprised how your world changes!

Teresa Myers
Sales and Life Success Consultant

10 Common Characteristics Of Successful Business People From Your Strategic Thinking Business Coach

It seems that some business people always seem to be prosperous and successful and are able to easily attract clients and more revenue? While other business people seem to struggle constantly and despite their hard work and sincere efforts, they do not prosper and are not successful. Did you ever wonder about why this is true? Could it be an attitude or mindset? Your Strategic Thinking Business Coach recalls from several past books, seminars and workshops that the attitude or mindset one has toward his or her business plays a very critical role in the level of success in that business.

So how can we describe this mindset, which is an intangible thing? Perhaps, if we think about some positive characteristics we see in those we consider to be prosperous and successful, we can develop a mental picture of the attitude or mindset of successful people. Your Strategic Thinking Business Coach offers the following list of ten (10) characteristics that are common among successful business people.

Successful business people:

+ recognize and accept the value of their business and themselves

+ define and trust what they believe is their purpose in business and life

+ visualize and focus on positive outcomes in their business and their life

+ maintain a work and personal life balance

+ develop and maintain a support system of people with similar mindsets

+ maintain a level of self-confidence about their business and personal plans and actions

+ maintain a keen awareness of their vision, mission and goals for their business and their life

+ seek outside advice

+ recognize and admit their limitations

+ exhibit their passion in what they do in their business and personal lives

Your Strategic Thinking Business Coach encourages you to strive to acquire and demonstrate these characteristics in your business and personal lives. If you would like to learn more about how a strategic thinking business coach can facilitate and guide you in that endeavor, please contact Glenn Ebersole today through his website at or by email at

Glenn Ebersole, Jr. is a multi-faceted professional, who is recognized as a visionary, guide and facilitator in the fields of business coaching, marketing, public relations, management, strategic planning and engineering. Glenn is the Founder and Chief Executive of two Lancaster, PA based consulting practices: The Renaissance Group, a creative marketing, public relations, strategic planning and business development consulting firm and J. G. Ebersole Associates, an independent professional engineering, marketing, and management consulting firm. He is a Certified Facilitator and serves as a business coach and a strategic planning facilitator and consultant to a diverse list of clients. Glenn is also the author of a monthly newsletter, "Glenn's Guiding Lines - Thoughts From Your Strategic Thinking Business Coach" and has published more than 325 articles on business.

To find out more about the benefits & rewards of effectively working with a strategic thinking business coach, please contact Glenn Ebersole through his web site at or

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Importance Of Goal Setting

You get into personal development, and all it seems since the beginning, is that everyone tells you to set goal. We have heard about goal setting, once, twice, perhaps even hundreds of time! So, why do these motivators, life coaches, and self help books keep trying to get you to set goals?

You may have or may not have heard the term 'Without a vision people perish'. How true! Studies have found that more deaths occur after important public occasions. This is due, not because of an outbreak of violence! The deaths occur because of that vision. At least from looking at the facts, this is a belief I hold. Again it may or may not be true, however putting 1 and 1 together, you get 2. And this looks like the most likely cause of this phenomenon.

Another interesting research has found that more people have heart attacks on Mondays. More specifically Monday mornings! I don't need to say, the very likely cause is that people don't like the work they do! Here is why goal setting is so crucial in our lives.

I wonder how many of those people were so concerned about getting to work early to not have to have another long talk with the boss, that it ended on Monday morning! Goal setting can help us with such a simple thing has getting to work on time, however, goal setting is not just for time keeping.

Knowing how to effectively set goals is the key ingredient here. Effective goal setting allows you to transform your life, if you choose to. If you take a look around where you are, you will see what goal setting has done for man.

While many people go to work, can't wait for the paycheck, and spend life in front of a TV, goals do not mean much. And simply using goal setting strategies for getting to work in time is not doing goal setting its full justice. The house, the room, the building you are sitting in right now, is there because of a person's goal setting ability; and of course translating that into action.

The reason many personal development coaches stress the importance of setting goals is that of being mindful. We are born to the world and find a pretty much straight path through life. First learn, then earn, then get married, have kids and retire. Though we all generally follow the same pattern, life offers us much more to it.

If you really want to live life on your terms, goal setting is the first step. I have to stress the first step, as all too often, people will make the goal setting, and planning phase last from step one to step 10, and take no action!

Are you sick and tired of what you do for work? Are you working in a dead end job? Now we have passed the new millennium, and this millennium is showing us that, yes man and woman, and all can do what they want.

After all, if everyone does what they love, we would have a better world. Films such as the Secret, and several others are helping people see that vision. This may seem like a utopian view, and you may think to go back to work and function as you have. But, realize that people in the main are like ships without rudders, without a goal they don't have a destination, and no daydreaming is not goal setting.

Goal setting needs action, and now more and more people are awakening to the possibility that yes it is possible. I am excited at seeing a world where more people set goals and take action.

From goal setting to goal achievement, Kozan Huseyin has helped many people find there own success story. Learn the true success secrets to setting goals and seeing those goals materialize in reality!

How To Goal Set

Your Success Coach

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How to Permanently Release the Pain of Disappointment and Rejection From Your Past

Old hurts associated with memories of past disappointments have many negative consequences on a person's life. In short they severely constrict the potential of that individual ever achieving a state of joy and fulfillment.

When one experiences a disappointing or hurtful event, be it in one's relational, work or financial life, the memory of that event gets stored in that person's mind/body, i.e. their unconscious mind, along with the associated feelings of emotional pain. These memories, if you reflect on any of them, serve to continually deplete your Life Force Energy. What is the consequence of that to you?

Well for one it is killing you! After all when one's Life Force Energy is completely drained from their Physical Body are they not therefore technically dead?

While you are still alive however, and you have such memories inside you, they "are" killing you and this is associated with many of the following experiences:

Feeling unmotivated to be in life, weak, vulnerable, sad, anxious, depressed, ill, lacking self confidence, lacking self esteem, lacking self worth, unable to trust one's self or others, like hiding or running away from life and so on. All of this equates to you being in a depleted Life Force Energy state.

You see all of one's strength, confidence, self esteem, self worth, resilience, health, courage, happiness, joy, and love for life and so on are inherent qualities of your Life Force Energy. Hence if you are being depleted of it by negative disappointing memories that you carry inside you then you are in a compromised or handicapped state. How does it feel like to "live" (that's a joke) in such a state?

Nick Arrizza MD, a former Psychiatrist and Medical Doctor is an International Life, Executive, Organizational Tele-Coach, Author, Keynote Speaker, Trainer and Facilitator who lives in Toronto, Canada. He is also on Faculty at Akamai University in Hawaii. He is the CEO and Founder of Arrizza Performance Coaching Inc. and the developer of the powerful Mind Resonance Process (MRP).

A 1 hour free introductory MRP telephone consultation is available upon request by visiting my web site or emailing me at the address below. (You will be asked to cover your own long distance telephone charges)


Trust Matters Now More Than Ever

Given the state of the world political stage and the perception that highly important business people are often crooks, it's easy to make the assumption that simple things like integrity and ethics are nice to have but not essential to everyday life. Actually, nothing could be further from the truth - and truth still matters as much, if not more, than it ever has. In fact, it's crucial to building and maintaining trust which, in turn, is perhaps one of the most underrated business tools at our disposal.

Stephen Covey, son of the driving force behind the Habits of Highly Effective People books, is convinced that we are in the middle of a trust paradox. The lower our current levels of trust become, the more we see its importance. No where is this more apparent than in the business world where we can actually measure the results on both sides of the trust equation.

The old adage that says time is money perfectly applies when we look at our present situation vis--vis trust. We see how expensive and time consuming most business has become. Consider how much longer it takes to fly from one destination to another since we've lost trust in the ability of the airlines to protect us. Think too about how financial negotiations have gotten bogged down where we've become suspicious that the people we're bargaining with are untrustworthy.

Conversely, we see how things move ahead when the opposite is true. With trust the speed of doing business changes exponentially. For example, when someone well respected -- like Warren Buffet -- is in the room, the level of confidence rises dramatically, the process of negotiating a deal is streamlined and significantly less time is spent creating transparency and building a slew of safeguards to insure that no one is taking advantage of the other.

Furthermore, once we come to see how indispensable a business variable trust can be, we want it for ourselves as well for others. The important thing is to understand that being trustworthy is a learnable skill that requires the adoption of positive habits that can be practiced on a regular basis.

As Stephen Covey has pointed out, there are several key aspects to this process of garnering trust. In addition to being honest and ethical, we need to be competent, to show up when we say we will and do what we've promised to do. By combining strength of character with such competence we can begin to reap the benefits that come with being trustworthy.

Check out Raymond Aaron's Wealth Creator Source...access over 90 powerful interviews with business experts and thought leaders (like Stephen Covey) from across the globe...go to

Well-known international speaker Raymond Aaron is author of seven books and a New York Times bestselling author of "Chicken Soup for the Parents Soul" His latest book, hot off the press, is "Double Your Income Doing What You Love".

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Why Smart Goals Don't Work

Each year, I receive at least half a dozen identical articles touting the benefits of SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound. SMART goals are increasingly seen as the secret to personal and business success. Unfortunately, it's a pretty safe bet that most of these goals will go the way of the proverbial New Year's resolution. Why? Because none of these articles actually tell you how to make SMART goals work. In fact, most people who try the SMART approach for any but small and relatively easy goals frequently find themselves frustrated and disillusioned.

Well-constructed goals are extremely powerful tools for getting things done, increasing concentration and motivation. Successfully completing a well-constructed goal builds self-confidence. Unfortunately, creating a well-constructed SMART goal is not quite so simple as the average article makes it out to be.

To begin with, a specific goal is only useful if it's something you can control. Although this may seem obvious, the fact is that far too many people set goals that appear to be under their control, but really are not. For example, consider the athlete who sets the goal of winning an upcoming tournament: it's specific, it's measurable, it has a time of completion associated with it. Is it achievable and realistic? Depending on the athlete's level of skill, very possibly. However, the athlete has no control over the difficulty of the competition. He may simply be outplayed by a more skilled opponent.

Furthermore, although the goal is measurable, in that the athlete will know whether or not he accomplishes it, the measurement is not particularly useful. At no time will he know how close he is to accomplishing the goal, where he needs to focus his energies, or what else needs to be accomplished. The athlete is far better served by setting the goal of exercising certain key skills in the competition, skills that have a high probability of leading to a victory. Not only will he gain the self-confidence boost of accomplishing his goal, he may just win the tournament.

Another problem is that a goal is simply too big. If a goal takes years to accomplish, it can be extremely difficult to maintain motivation. Big, ambitious goals are wonderful, but they need to be carefully structured. It is vital to break them down into subgoals that can be accomplished in a much shorter period of time. The perception of progress is critical to maintaining motivation, whether for an individual or a team.

Having too many goals is another common problem. Well constructed goals are great, but if you have too many of them at once, they become a distraction. Many people can focus on three to five unrelated goals without a problem, but not ten or twenty. Keeping in mind that each goal might generate numerous subgoals along the way, it's easy to see how having more than a few key goals can easily balloon out of control.

Is the goal something you really care about? Many people have goals that they don't really care about. Perhaps they've been told it's something they ought to do or they believe they should do, but they don't really care about the outcome. If you don't care whether or not you accomplish a goal, it's hard to find the motivation to do it.

Used properly, SMART goals can be a very powerful and effective tool. Well-constructed goals can increase motivation, improve focus, and build self-confidence. Used improperly, they can decrease motivation, and destroy self-confidence. If you're using SMART goals, here are some questions to ask yourself:

Do I control the outcome?

Can I measure progress in a meaningful way?

Is my goal too big? Can I break it up?

Do I have too many goals? Is there enough time in the day/week/month to work on each one?

Do I really care about my goal? Is this something I genuinely want to accomplish?

Good luck!

Stephen Balzac is the president of 7 Steps Ahead (, a consulting firm based in Stow, MA. He can be contacted at 978-298-5189 or

The Plain Truth about Easter

Like dumb sheep to the slaughter, most of mankind continues to blindly follow pagan traditions, rather than obey God's clear commands (Mark 7:7). Has it ever occurred to those stuffing their faces with Easter ham that Jesus would puke at the thought? Neither Jesus or Peter, James or John ever ate forbidden foods. They wouldn't feel too comfortable at plenty of people's dinner tables.

Even the early Gentile converts to Jewish Christianity respected the biblical dietary laws (Acts 15:20), understanding that not all foods are sanctioned by the Creator in the Holy Scriptures (I Timothy 4:5).

When John the Baptist recognized Jesus as our Passover sacrifice, he declared: "Behold the Lamb of God" (John 1:29). He didn't say, "Here comes the Easter Bunny!" Again, like the Easter ham, the Easter rabbit is also rejected in the Bible as an abomination (Leviticus 11:6-7).

The very name of Easter exposes itself as a heathen festival, although it's cloaked as "Christian." Easter/Ishtar/Astarte is the Babylonian spring goddess our British-Israelite forefathers foolishly worshipped. Hence the fertility symbols of rabbits and eggs.

God isn't fooled by such baptized paganism, such whitewashed heathen customs (Deuteronomy 12:30). He commands us to commemorate Jesus' death every Passover and recognize His atoning work of redemption as our resurrected High Priest in Heaven, unleavening our lives of sin (I Corinthians 5:7-8).

The early Church followed Jesus' Jewish example for several hundred years until Gentile opposition (from false converts) threatened them with a death sentence if they didn't bow before Easter observances (the Quarto-Deciman controversy)!

A growing number now know, understand and believe the biblical account that we're to observe Passover and that Jesus was resurrected before sunrise Sunday, "when it was yet dark" (John 10:1). Others prefer to reject this light of understanding to remain in their traditional darkness and die in their sins (John 3:19)-- it's that serious! Because if our nations don't repent of such idolatry and immorality we'll soon suffer national destruction, defeat and deportation! That's why this article of faith is part of our plea to diehard Catholics and Protestants to repent.

Thankfully, every generation has those chosen few who are willing to reject holidays for holy days and "earnestly contend for the faith once delivered" (Jude 3). Hopefully, this plain truth about Easter will cause you to question your beliefs and provide some "kosher" food for thought!

David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall.

Energy and Life Work Effectiveness - What Are the Factors That Matter?

In a recent survey with working woman from all over the world I wanted tofind outhowtheyare able tomaintaina healthy levelofemotional, physical and spiritual energywhile living and working in an environmentof constant exposure toever increasing demandsfor speedand an ever increasing flow and exchange ofinformation?

The results are varied,interesting and speak for themselves.

Question 1: At what age did you experience the highest level of effectiveness both in life and work?

35 to 40

Question 2: At what age did you for the first time become aware of a lack of energy?

20 to 30

Question 3: Describe how do you recharge your energies?


2ndExercises in form of walking, swimming

3rdRelaxation, music, retreat

4thReading inspirational books, positive thinking

5thFamily and friends

Question 4: Think of the last time you felt your energy being drained. In which areas did it happen? What was the trigger?



Colleagues/friends 52%


Question 5: In which area do you possess a higher energy capacity?

Mental 73%

Physical 26.1%

Question 6: At what age did you start to practice self-care on a regular basis?

Between the age of 30 to 35

Question 7: How much time do you currently spend onwhat type of self-care/exercises, etc. on a regular basis?

Average time for self-care per day: 1-2 hours

Highest score:Walking

2ndSwimming, biking, yoga, meditation


4thPositive affirmations, reading, planning, alone time

Question 8: Imagine that at the age of 45 you have already sufficient savings for a comfortable retirement. Would you prefer to -

A) continue working full time in the same job until the retirement age of (for example) 65, or

B) work at a reduced rate in your current career and spend more quality time with your loved ones now, or

C) re-fire and change careers and do what you had always been dreaming of doing on a full-time basis, or

D) re-fire and change career and work on a part-time basis

The answers were:

A) Work full-time until retirement age 0%

B) Work at reduced rate in current job 17.4%

C) Re-fire full-time in dream career21.7%

D) Re-fire part-time in dream career 60.9%

Question 9: In which are(s) of your lifewould you love to achieve a higher degree of joy and satisfaction right now?

Highest score:Relationships

2nd Self


4th Leisure


90% of the participants selectedthree and more areas where they wish to benefit from a higher degree of joy and satisfaction!

It is also clear that there is no magic formula that works for all. You need to define and create - for yourself and nobody else - your personalformulafora well-balanced life. You are the master of your life, and it's all up to you.

Let'slook atthe three basicfactors that influenceour emotional, physical and spiritual well-being:

The Emotional factor - only the wholesome approach works

Emotional harmony is an essential element in health. Mind and body are connected, and what affects one part will eventually affect the other. Your health practices (exercises, adequate sleep, the nutrition you take), positive and negative emotions - all these influence your energy levels and your life work effectiveness.

The physical factor - make your well-being prioritynumber ONEin your life

Well-being and good health are totally personal to everyone. You will want to create a personalized self-care program that serves your needs and fits into your lifestyle. Once you have successfully integrated self-care in your daily routine, you will soon experience lower stress, higher energy and increased effectiveness in all areas of your life.

The spiritual factor - keep living in balance, purpose and joy

What resonates with your heart and inspires your soul? Focus on what works for you. You are a unique and special person and you deserve to live your best life! What leisure activity do you enjoy? Remember, in the game of life, emotional and physical health is wealth, and lifeis about thriving and not just surviving.

Thank you for reading this article. If you have any questions you are welcome to contact me.

About the Author, Ursula Goh, Life and Career Change Coach:


Providing professional coaching with a holistic approach that centers around you as a unique individual and as a whole person with your life in context, I will help you rediscover that central connection with who you really are.

I have helped my clients learn to expand their vision, take the action that resonates with their heart and create meaningful changes in life and career, so they could spend more time doing the things they are passionate about, and live and work with greater purpose, joy, and fulfillment.

Based in Switzerland, I offer one-on-one coaching to clients across the globe. Languages - English and German. For further details and to get started with a complementary introductory coaching session please visit or contact me at