Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Mastering Your Beliefs - Empowering Yourself

Beliefs are thoughts that one thinks repeatedly. Strong beliefs are rooted deeply in the subconscious, we don't need to think about them consciously, and once we made our mind we never question them again.

Beliefs determine how we act and thus have huge impact over our lives .Once we believe in something our subconscious blocks any information that can contradict our believe. Lets do an experiment, focus on everything that is green in your surroundings, now close your eyes and try to remember everything that is red. What you will see once you open your eyes is that even if you remembered red things there are a lot more you didn't.

If you believe you're a loser you probably wont be trying to succeed after all you're a loser right? whats the point? But even if you try you probably won't succeed because your subconscious will block any evidence of success.

There are a few types of beliefs:

Generalizations - beliefs we make to simplify our lives. E.g When we open one door by turning the knob and then another we start to link between the cases and pretty soon we try to open every door the same way. It's very useful for doors but not for every facet of our lives.

General beliefs - we build them from events that happen to us or to people we know,for example your friend tells you that someone just robbed him and then you hear on the news that someone got killed. from those two separate events you can decide that people are bad and shouldn't be trusted.

Meaning beliefs - those are beliefs we make about meaning. E.g she looked at me and smiled this means she likes me.

Usually our beliefs come from our parents when we are kids.Our parents got their beliefs from their parents and so on. This means that we didn't check whether the things our parents taught us were true or not.

So my point is if whatever you believe in influences you why not chose to believe empowering believes. There are no bad or good believes only empowering and dis empowering believes.

Here is a way to change your believes. Make a list of your dis empowering believes (e.g money doesn't grow on trees) ,next to each one write an opposite empowering believe (e.g money comes from good ideas and making steps to implement them) ,then find events that can weaken the negative believe (e.g Bill gates had an idea he started from nothing and got rich) and write them down. then write all the ways in which the current believe is hurting you (e.g it's destroying my chances of being rich) try to feel the pain, this step is vital the next step is making a short affirmation about your desired believe something you can believe in (e.g every day I'm getting richer) and repeat it with passion and emotion so you can actually feel it, and finally start acting as if it's already true. pretty soon it will be.

Another great technique is the work by Byron Katie - choose a belief (e.g nobody loves me) and then ask yourself four simple questions:

1) Is it true?
2) Can you absolutely know that it's true?
3) How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought?
4) Who would you be without the thought?
and then turn it around in a few ways (e.g everybody loves my,I don't love everyone, I don't love myself) and finally find examples for each turned around statements.

There are three beliefs that will revolutionize you're thinking:

1) There is enough abundance. (money,jobs,hot women/men opportunities etc)
2) We are all one, (physically and emotionally). Meaning what you do for others you do for yourself and vice versa.
3) The past doesn't necessarily becomes the future.Meaning what happened in the past can stay there and you can create a new future for yourself.

Here is a great video that explains more about beliefs.

For more techniques and secrets to a happier and richer life take a look at spirituality and self help.

James Redfield

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