Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Does Your Past Determine Your Future?

The question begs an answer from several schools of thought. The past has always been thought by psychologists as the foundations of the person that we are today. The past consists of our childhood, our most tender years when we absorb the most information and we use that data to shape our characters, our personalities and our identities. It is something we cannot escape - it is built into our D.N.A, the very building blocks of the human spirit. Freud himself said that in our minds, we are still very much the children we were so many years ago. Whatever aspect of our behaviour, how we behave in situations are all linked to what we were exposed to when we were growing up.

This is because of the power of the conscious and subconscious mind. The conscious mind acts as a filter, but when we are just children, its powers and cognitive functions are somewhat limited - its defenses are drawn in because the body understands that this is the time of learning, where our mental and emotional faculties receive instruction from the outside world and are shaped to build the foundations for our adult selves. This is the 'past' that the article is alluding to. When we are in that stage of our lives, every sensory experience and every instruction stays within us because they are imprinted into the subconscious mind as memory. This is where fears are built in.

For example, if an adult man has a fear of water, it is always traced back to the time when they are children - when a specific trauma happened either in a single accident or over time in which they associated with water. It is that much harder to instill the same kind of psychological fear when someone is an adult and the defenses of the conscious mind are at maximum. The body is past the stage of emotional and psychological learning and has decided what kind of person you are. This is the same for all fears; arachnophobia, vertigo and claustrophobia. The mind takes instruction very well. If we were regressed to have little or no ambition, or to have a fear of failure so tangible that it places hurdles in our life - then that is the person that we will be.

Our personalities, our attitudes, our behaviours - have all been set in the past. So how do you change it? No matter how powerful the past can be to shape you, it does not have the final say in shaping your life and your future. Science has stepped in and allowed us access to the subconscious mind - to turn around the years of regression, to put in positive messages and other sensory simulations that can reverse our past and change our futures for good. We are not the unbreakable silhouettes of our failures - even the hardest shapes and set minds can be changed - with a little help from science and positive affirmation. The past determines who you are - but what you do determines your future.

Click Here to get your Free 'Ultimate Success Unleashed' subliminal cds and achieve success faster. Greg Frost is a self improvement coach and has helped thousands of people worldwide to attain their dreams and goals.

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