Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Get That Gorgeous Guy - How to Be Confident and Stand Out

Do you exude confidence when you're around men? Do you know how to carry yourself well? Do you know how to stand out and get men to notice and take interest in you? Read on and find out how being confident can help you get that man you've been eyeing.

There's just something sexy about confident women. Guys go crazy over a lady who can handle herself well. Confidence is more than a matter of maintaining eye contact and making sure that you sound smart. These things will contribute to your overall personality, but there's more that you have to do to exude that total confidence that men are crazy about. Confidence has to be reflected on everything about you - every movement, every part of the body and in every word that comes out from your lips.

The thing about poise and self-confidence is that you can't fake them. You're going to have to develop them so they become part of your whole persona. And there is only one way for you to be confident. This is by overcoming your insecurities - your fear of rejection.

The lack of confidence among women is almost always rooted on this fear of being not good enough for a guy. It's that fear that you're going to say or act weird or inappropriate around the man that you've been crushing on is making your self confidence crumble. And when you're not confident enough, you tend to stay mute in front of that gorgeous man. What better way to turn him off than by acting like a statue, doing nothing but listen the whole time?

Men want to know about the women they interact with just as much as they love talking about themselves. You can't expect to survive the night with nods and grunts of affirmation. You're going to have to start building your confidence and talk to that guy before he finds you too cold or get the impression that you are uninterested.

Face your fear

So, how do you build confidence? First, you have to understand and accept that it's this fear of not being liked that is keeping you from the man that you're attracted to. Overcome this insecurity by adopting the belief that you're great as you are. Even when there's still a chance that you're going to blurt out something weird, know that being forced to put your foot in your mouth sometimes is part of life. Guys are more blunt. They can even be weirder most of the time, so cut yourself some slack.

Face your fear of rejection. Even the prettiest models and beauty queens are incapable of getting every guy hooked. Beauty is subjective, so just because one man didn't profess his undying love for your beauty doesn't necessarily mean that all men won't. Believe in yourself and that you're attractive in your own right. To be confident, you start by loving yourself and believing that yes, you're one great lady that any guy would want to date.

If you are looking for a system to make every man adore you, chase you, love you, and commit to you, click Unforgettable Woman Dating Advice. If you're ready for a highly effective method that's different from what every else is teaching, click 77 Secrets to Attract and Keep Him Now. You don't want to miss this!

This article is contributed by Tina Jones. Tina is part of the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women who want to understand male psychology, how to attract men, and find true love. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

Persistence Or Failure In Goals

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