Thursday, August 20, 2009

Self Hypnosis - Instructions for Self Hypnosis Techniques

In this article, we will first briefly describe hypnosis. Then go over the basic techniques to achieve self-hypnosis by noting certain instructions we need give our mind to bring up positive attitudes in ourselves.

The basic goal of hypnosis is to develop, harbor and sustain positive attitudes in ourselves so as we can actualize our potential. And believe it or not, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. Because you are either hypnotizing your own self or helping another to hypnotize himself.

How hypnosis works hypnosis has a lot to do with imagination. The technique is to instruct the mind through imagery in order to change its defeatist ways.

The instruction for hypnosis has three steps:

Relaxation trance induction

in the process of self hypnotism, first you relax your body and once you are completely relaxed and your body goes limp, what also happens is that your outer mind is not active any more. The inner mind is. And this is technically called 'trance'.

And once, your mind is quietened, you 'whisper' into it. Here, your imagination comes into play as you make hypnotic suggestions to your mind in order to see the much needed changes in yourself. Into positive attitudes. This process is called 'induction'. And the hypnotic suggestions are called 'scripts'.

Self hypnosis

so what do you whisper into (instruct) your inner mind to achieve the change in you? We will get into specific techniques for designing 'scripts' and instructing your mind now.

Self hypnosis techniques for instruction to your inner mind here we are going to see two major techniques



What we are aiming at is to reduce a particular problem in ourselves. And these techniques are suggestions to the inner mind when it is in a state of trance.

The reframing technique instructs the inner mind to gradually decrease the intensity of the said problem. You make your mind believe that the severity of the problem is gradually decreasing. Let's say you have a craving for sweets. Imagine the craving reduce to a minor affinity for sweets and then reduce it further to a passing interest in the stuff and further into 'hardly any interest at all in sweets'. You will see that your craving has disappeared.

This is because the inner mind cannot distinguish between reality and imagination. And that is how, imagination could be used to alter reality. That is where hypnotism declares that one could also change his past. For example, suppose you remember a time when your father scolded you very severely. You can alter this reality by imagining (in a state of trance) the same incident but change the severity of the scolding to only a mild reprimand, and then even to a positive affirmation (the desired behavior you would have expected from your father). And later, you would notice that your perception of that incident has changed dramatically and you no longer feel so terrible any longer when you recall that event.

The dissociation technique for instructing the inner mind tries to alter the state of mind entirely by asking you to imagine a place you would love to be in and which does not have the negative traits you are trying to escape. Let's say, faced with the problem of smoking, this method would try to imagine a beautiful place by the beach e.G. Where no one smokes and the atmosphere is filled with melodious music and a very relaxing ambiance where you simply do not feel the urge to smoke. This dissociation from the present reality and into a reality which is devoid of the debility, works wonders.

If you are looking to learn many more such life-changing techniques for self hypnotism online, click here. This is sure to change your life forever. You could also seamlessly learn how to control the behaviour of others in subtle ways, without them knowing. Learn More...

Billy Graham

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